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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Just a wee question.Has anybody ever used the Demolition~ double-tag-team finishing move since Demolition crashed in 1991? or did the move die when they split up? I've never seen it done since then. It looked more painful than the LOD finishing move too. I think it was called the "Demolition Decapatation".

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Just a wee question.Has anybody ever used the Demolition~ double-tag-team finishing move since Demolition crashed in 1991? or did the move die when they split up? I've never seen it done since then. It looked more painful than the LOD finishing move too. I think it was called the "Demolition Decapatation".

I have seen many a tag match use the same move, but with a leg drop instead of an elbow. Head Cheese used this variation as their finisher. But have not seen anyone use the Demolition version in a long time.
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Just a wee question.Has anybody ever used the Demolition~ double-tag-team finishing move since Demolition crashed in 1991? or did the move die when they split up? I've never seen it done since then. It looked more painful than the LOD finishing move too. I think it was called the "Demolition Decapatation".

I have seen many a tag match use the same move, but with a leg drop instead of an elbow. Head Cheese used this variation as their finisher. But have not seen anyone use the Demolition version in a long time.
I think perenial ROH jobbers Dunn and Marcos used the traditional Demolition version.
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Does anybody know if Bret Hart ever faced The Rock? or Rocky Maivia?I must see this match if it happened.

I know of one time on Raw was either a week or two after Wrestlemania 13 for the Intercontinental title back in the Rocky Maivia days. The match ended when Bret put Rocky in the ring post figure-four, that caused Austin, LOD and Owen and Bulldog to run in for the DQ. They probably faced each other on various house shows, but this is the only tv match I recall.
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- Which wrestler encouraged the fans to chant 'you suck' over Kurt Angle's music? I know it was sometime before Royal Rumble 2002.- Generally, how much of a match is planned beforehand?- When we see celebrities in attendance at wrestling events, have they gone out of their and bought tickets as any other fan would have? I was always under the impression that they did until recently re-watching a 1999 episode of Raw, featuring Ben Stiller...

Edited by Van_Dammer
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- Which wrestler encouraged the fans to chant 'you suck' over Kurt Angle's music? I know it was sometime before Royal Rumble 2002.

I have a feeling it was Edge and/or Christian, though I may be wrong. It might also have been Jericho.

- Generally, how much of a match is planned beforehand?

Depends on the wrestler, depends on the match and the circumstances. Indy dancers seem to plan out every spot, and most of the big Japanese main event matches are carefully plotted. A good amount of TV matches are fairly tightly scripted too, as they have time restraints. But house show matches, matches between older workers who know each other well (and/or know the game well) and matches between guys in different locker rooms (so tragically rare these days) tend to be more improvised. In most cases, as far as I can tell, every match will have a basic opening and a finish planned - the rest just depends on what the match is about and who's in it.

- When we see celebrities in attendance at wrestling events, have they gone out of their and bought tickets as any other fan would have? I was always under the impression that they did until recently re-watching and 1999 episode of Raw, featuring Ben Stiller...

I think it just depends. In most cases I suspect that the celeb calls ahead and says "I want to come to a TV taping" and the company says "that would be great! Can we interview you/show your face?" and the celeb says "sure!" and the company says "great! We'll give you and your kids the best seats in the house! And free popcorn!"
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- When we see celebrities in attendance at wrestling events, have they gone out of their and bought tickets as any other fan would have? I was always under the impression that they did until recently re-watching and 1999 episode of Raw, featuring Ben Stiller...

I think it just depends. In most cases I suspect that the celeb calls ahead and says "I want to come to a TV taping" and the company says "that would be great! Can we interview you/show your face?" and the celeb says "sure!" and the company says "great! We'll give you and your kids the best seats in the house! And free popcorn!"
Well, let's not forget about Nick Diamond ("Screech" from Saved By The Bell) at Wrestlemania 16. He had a terrible seat! :D Anyway, thanks for answering those, Kenny McBride. :thumbsup: Edited by Van_Dammer
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- When we see celebrities in attendance at wrestling events, have they gone out of their and bought tickets as any other fan would have? I was always under the impression that they did until recently re-watching and 1999 episode of Raw, featuring Ben Stiller...

I think it just depends. In most cases I suspect that the celeb calls ahead and says "I want to come to a TV taping" and the company says "that would be great! Can we interview you/show your face?" and the celeb says "sure!" and the company says "great! We'll give you and your kids the best seats in the house! And free popcorn!"
Well, let's not forget about Nick Diamond ("Screech" from Saved By The Bell) at Wrestlemania 16. He had a terrible seat! :D
I think you mean Dustin Diamond. Nick Diamond is the presenter of Celebrity Deathmatch.Both, however, are way inferior to Dominik Diamond, though much thinner than Anne Diamond.
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I think you mean Dustin Diamond. Nick Diamond is the presenter of Celebrity Deathmatch.

My mistake. :blush:

howcome Cena doesn't do the throwback anymore, and can anyone remember the last time he did it??

I think it's because of the way in which WWE are booking him right now. There's a lot of moves in his arsenal that he doesn't get a chance to exhibit unless working longer matches, such those against Angle and Jericho.As for The Throwback in particular, I think it could be due to the nature of the move. WWE have pretty much banned anything that could cause neck damage. Edited by Van_Dammer
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- Which wrestler encouraged the fans to chant 'you suck' over Kurt Angle's music? I know it was sometime before Royal Rumble 2002.

Nobody ever told the fans to chant it, they came up with it themselves. I can't remember the date in particular but on an episode of RAW or Smackdown one week as Angle was walking out of the ring and up the ramp the hot as hell crowd (I really wish I could remember where it was to give them credit but it was probably one of the hot spots like Chicago, Canada or New York) just started singing it in time to his music.I remember it because Angle looked absolutely chuffed with what he was hearing when it started off and even muttered a thank you before heading to the back. No joke, it sticks out in my mind specifically because Angle said 'thank you,' probably knowing how it was about to become such a huge part of his heel character.Edge was the guy who tried to change it to, "You're Bald," after beating Angle in 2002 and shaving his head. It was shit. It didn't catch on. Edge looked silly. Edited by ELsupremo
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