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The Dragon Gate thread


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Be prepared for a bit of namecalling if you admit to liking Dragon Gate...

Whyfor? Is it seen as "unmanly" or something?
Well, yes. The belief that wrestlers should be manly is sort of the whole point of RIM, as demonstrated by Kenny here.
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Be prepared for a bit of namecalling if you admit to liking Dragon Gate...

Whyfor? Is it seen as "unmanly" or something?
Well, yes. The belief that wrestlers should be manly is sort of the whole point of RIM, as demonstrated by Kenny here.
Yes, although he's just joking, yes? Right? Tell me he's joking?But seriously, I don't understand how anyone could consider DG completely unmanly - all those face-offs they do, growling at each other like typical Japanese pugilists, comes across as brimming with testosterone.Ah, another question: does Daniel Mishima do the Lou Thesz backdrop, or only when he's Mishima Raimu?
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Yes, although he's just joking, yes? Right? Tell me he's joking?

Yes, but only to an extent. However, Kenny also raves about HUSTLE, so I usually just ignore him. ;)

But seriously, I don't understand how anyone could consider DG completely unmanly - all those face-offs they do, growling at each other like typical Japanese pugilists, comes across as brimming with testosterone.

There is that, and that's a big part of why I'm watching - but there's also the Pos HEARTS dance...I loved the original Do FIXER dance - it was full of agression and impact, almost like a haka. The Magnum-only dance was OK, because although it was a bit gay it didn't make the rest of the stable look unmanly - just Magu, who's portrayed as a bit of a pussy at the best of times. But the Pos HEARTS dance takes the cleanest-cut babyface unit in the company and makes them look like girls. Plus, Shiisa can't dance for toffee.

Ah, another question: does Daniel Mishima do the Lou Thesz backdrop, or only when he's Mishima Raimu?

Both, but they've change the naming on this one - the Lou Thesz is now a leg-trap back suplex hold, not just a plain one.
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But the Pos HEARTS dance takes the cleanest-cut babyface unit in the company and makes them look like girls. Plus, Shiisa can't dance for toffee.

I remember on Infinity #11, when CIMA debuted BloodGene, the whole kerfuffle concerning CIMA's vision of having no team member with a mask, and Shiisa refusing to take it off. CIMA came back with the response that everyone already knew he was a poof (Japanese: "okama"), and that he shouldn't worry about being seen as one in this day and age, because poofs are seen as "oishii" (Japanese: "tasty" - modern slang for "wicked" or "safe"). He then gave him an ultimatum: either take off his mask and take his rightful place as BloodGene's resident poof, or leave.Very funny stuff, but it also ties in with his POS. Hearts schtick.
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Oh god, there's a Pos. Hearts dance. :(As for JFFC he is still very much in the DG DVD biz. In fact, after packing up X2 they're the only promotion he stocks.

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Oh god, there's a Pos. Hearts dance. :(As for JFFC he is still very much in the DG DVD biz. In fact, after packing up X2 they're the only promotion he stocks.

I went on his site, but ran into a wall of words and code - it might just be my computer, though.
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Oh god, there's a Pos. Hearts dance. :(

And it's the gayest thing I've seen aaaaall year. Gayer than Mushiking Terry's gay-ass manager. That gay. :(CIMA may think Shiisa's a poof, but who's the one with the jewellery line? Although I wish I'd never heard the word 'okama'. I'm guaranteed to get it mixed up with 'okagesama' now. 'Are you well?' 'You're a poof!' Fantastic. :(
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Oh god, there's a Pos. Hearts dance. :(

And it's the gayest thing I've seen aaaaall year. Gayer than Mushiking Terry's gay-ass manager. That gay. :(CIMA may think Shiisa's a poof, but who's the one with the jewellery line? Although I wish I'd never heard the word 'okama'. I'm guaranteed to get it mixed up with 'okagesama' now. 'Are you well?' 'You're a poof!' Fantastic. :(
Indeed.But not to worry - during that particular segment, Shiisa came back with the retort that CIMA's more a poof than he is, because he and Don Fujii are always together.
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Oh god, there's a Pos. Hearts dance. :(As for JFFC he is still very much in the DG DVD biz. In fact, after packing up X2 they're the only promotion he stocks.

I went on his site, but ran into a wall of words and code - it might just be my computer, though.
My hosting company pulled the plug on my space a month before they said they were which has left me scrambling for space. Getting some sorted out tonight sometime and DGR will be back up and running. But yes, I still sell DG DVDs and thats aboot it.
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I keep meaning to buy Dragon Gate stuff but always forget about it when i do have cash.I really enjoyed the 2004 comp i got off JFFC. Anyone who has been reading this thread out of intrest yet hasnt seen any Dragon Gate should buy this DVD for a great taster of the promotion.

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Moj's reaction to Johnson losing his mask is priceless.

Hey, I've seen no Dragon Gate for about the same amount of time as Stew, so cut me some fucking slack. About dancing - Magnum TOKYO's dance he does now isn't anywhere near as good as the one he did before becoming Mr Egoist. The music's growing on me, but I miss the awesome fluidity of 2002 :(Anyway, I enjoyed the Florida Brothers so very much that I've now got some DG show on it's way to me. The 03/07/05 PPV show thing with Tenryu for some reason, maybe to punch various ikumen in the face. I hope I've got that word right - I remember something about SUWA's reason for going to NOAH was that he hated pretty boy wrestlers so very much that he had to get out of Toryumon... and then he turned up at NOAH, who's junior division is ruled by KENTA and Marufuji. Point is - ikumen = metrosexuals, just about, yes?Anyway, QUESTIONS, to whoever can answer them. And yes, I've been to DGUSA, but I need clarifications on things.CIMA is now Magnitude Kishiwada. What the fuck? How am I meant to fit that into the new Fire Pro?Pos. Hearts - "The name is derived from the 2 words POSSIBLE and HEART." I'm happy about that, because I thought it was going to be an AIDS reference. See, because they're androgynous young men who might have dangerous sex with each other.SUPER X?And finally, is Super Shisa as awesome as he was a few years back, with the headstands and countery?
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I dont watch Dragon Gate, but I have been watching the Differ Cup, which this Shisa guy was in. In the two matches that Ive seen of him so far, I thought he was pretty crap. That move he does, where he does a foward roll, then spins over the top rope sloooowly, then does a head scissors, is a god awful move which looks shit. Nakajima, Kotaro, and co all outclassed him.

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