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The Daily Shithouse

Keith Houchen

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Just been to my local chippy (sadly not remarkable enough to make the chippy thread on here). A guy who was probably a painter and decorator, as he stunk of paint, followed me in after driving into his parking space full speed. I always say hello to the staff as I see them regularly, but first words out of his mouth are "Right, I'm fucking starving! What am I having?!". Luckily no kids in, but not the best first impression.


Orders his food, then starts changing his mind as the guy is serving everything up. Seems like he's high on coke because he's way too loud and talking way too quickly.


Gets given his wrapped up order and is about to walk out, but turns back and goes "Got any forks?!". The server holds out a polystyrene tray with some little  wooden forks with two  rounded prongs.


"You ain't got plastic ones?! You ain't got bigger than them?!" The server goes quiet on him, so he snatches one out and stomps off.


Soon as he's out of earshot I go "What a wanker!". The staff agreed and the shithouse move was revealed, because the server actually had another tray full of bigger, better, plastic forks, but they hold those in reserve for people who have got manners, while the dickheads get the ones so crappy you may as well use your fingers.

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