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So somebody's made an AI that generates fake news stories in the style of a specified writer and publication of your choice.


Do your worst.


Why the Ultimate Warrior was the ideal role model
June 6, 2019 - David Bixenspan
Last night, on the Ultimate Warrior’s 74th birthday, there was a hint of the unexpected as WWE sent out tweets mourning what they called “the passing of one of the all-time greatest wrestlers”.

The news was shocking for those who have followed his life and career, but it’s no surprise, for Ultimate Warrior’s epic run was the model for all WWE have done since.

May we never see the likes of these warriors again! — The WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) June 6, 2018

Even in his battle with a back operation, the Warrior’s defiance and individuality kept everyone involved going back for more. There was no way the Warrior was gonna let another inch of a wall roll by!

While the Ultimate Warrior did some terrible things, he also embodied the very best of who the WWE Universe were. They were all fans, and they liked to watch heroes, and they loved to celebrate. The Ultimate Warrior embodied the good, bad, and ugly of what made WWE fans good, bad, and ugly.

In 1995, Warrior gave a speech at the ESPN Summer Slam pay-per-view that still sticks in the brain of the most die-hard WWE fans. He admitted that he used to hate wrestling, but he quickly changed his mind by watching it at the local U-Haul, then he could not get enough. His warring with the WWF featured no nicer, no meaner, and no worse, and he had every reason to love it. The speeches had a life of their own, leaving fans and critics debating whether they were for real or part of a script.

Despite all the criticism that constantly arose after the 1996 departure of the Ultimate Warrior, the veteran of 25 years of wrestling was a true hero. He had no problem taking in criticism, discussing any character he would play to further his art form, and exploring any possibility that presented itself. In his right mind, we knew he would never be the same after 1996, but the Warrior was still a true fan of wrestling.

In 1996, Warrior referred to the WWF as the WWE and he became an active enemy of the very company that had made him, and he did not hesitate to be right. He would be counted out from the moment on in 1996 when he couldn’t show up for a WrestleMania event. From that moment, the Warrior held a grudge against all things WWF and WWE for their shoddy treatment of his friend and ex-business partner, Lex Luger. In one of his most chilling speeches, the Ultimate Warrior cited the worse traitors of the early WWE era were the McMahon brothers, and the Martini Moustache.

Aside from running a rigorous workout regimen, he threw himself into all that was new in the wrestling industry, making his superstar debut at WrestleMania VI in Dallas, Texas. If there was one area that Warrior fought for, it was the hardcore culture that he believed in. Always willing to make a new show, he helped create the Hardy Boyz and All Heart Foundation in the mid-90s, and Warrior was available for any program that he was asked to do. No matter how hard Warrior fought in the ring, he always showed his heart to the world, and you never saw an U-Haul parked by the Hall of Fame as long as the Ultimate Warrior was still alive.

“It is so very right,” said Warrior after his WWE return. “I would never have to do anything else to give out more messages of my artistry and to get me closer to God.”

Unfortunately, Warrior suffered a heart attack in 2010 at age 54. At the time, he said that “I am ready to go now, my time has come.” A grinder in the ring and a master of self-promotion, Warrior was never happy and he never will be. The Ultimate Warrior was not finished yet, and he never will be.


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Kenny Omega vs Will Ospreay was a *** match
June 6, 2019 - Dave Meltzer
Once again I watched Kenny Omega vs Will Ospreay at The Tokyo Dome, two legendary wrestlers who always impress.

In this match though it was different, to be blunt.

This was almost like watching two guys who are at the end of their prime.

With the lights out before the match, Omega came out with his usual new hair and patriotic colors and Ospreay entered the ring with a white suit.

It looked like a sort of retro Americana theme in the first two minutes with a lot of looking at a camera in a way that implies that they are bitter rivals even though I suspect that the end result is not that.

The match started well but then started to grow tedious and like most fans, I was used to seeing OGK stars with great moves.

Both men still looked good but it was obvious that both of them are entering the twilight of their careers. I could have picked around 10 things I thought the two could have done differently but that would be like picking a library copy of War and Peace from the library. This match made no sense.

The third period was the same but Omega did pull out a huge athletic move before Ospreay landed a huge springboard. The only thing different was that Ospreay was carrying the height game a bit more than he had been previously.

The final moments saw Ospreay reversing Omega’s lariat into a crossbody but Omega landed a big elbow into an enziguri when he was facing the ropes. Both men then rolled away at the same time with one thing clear; they couldn’t keep hitting the same moves.

Omega ended up pulling out an ornate handgun before shooting it to himself. I’m not quite sure what this would have done to help Ospreay but maybe it would have been funny if he survived.

Omega prevailed and it wasn’t very entertaining at all, but it was also a huge relief to see that Omega pulled out a win. We have to appreciate that he worked two near falls and a superkick to keep the crowd entertained.

After all, we’re all going to be covering Omega at WWE. It was great for Omega’s inner circle to see him cut a clean check on Ospreay who has been so dominant for years. We can’t ignore the fact that Ospreay has been battling various mental health issues over the past year. It was great to see him in top-notch shape for his last match.

I honestly did not care that much for this match. I think it was a good set up for an Omega vs. Eddie Edwards feud with Japan being their backyard, but that is not going to be a creative direction for the rematch.

There was no heat and I honestly wouldn’t like to see that move replicated. I expected it to be more like a vintage Ospreay win over Hangman Page but that didn’t happen. That’s OK as far as two Japanese talents going against each other, but you don’t come out with angry red hair and not expect this match to blow up.

I also was not surprised that the crowd seemed to be on Omega’s side and cheered Ospreay more than the rest of the crowd. That is because the crowd is split between Omega and Ospreay and I think it’s easy to understand why they are split.

Many of Ospreay’s fans are under age 35 and that is a demographic that Omega has been able to leverage into sell tickets. No matter who wins the match at The Tokyo Dome, it is a sign of progress in pro wrestling with a two-time world champion headed to WWE, and I understand that.

But at the same time there has to be some caution that we are currently in a transition period in pro wrestling, and I just wish the two had had a more entertaining match.


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Windows 10 is full of viruses
June 6, 2019 - John Lister
Windows has always been full of good apps. But since 2011 it has also offered a huge amount of malware to download.

The Mozilla Foundation’s 2015 Malware Barometer Study shows that almost 20% of malware programs exist to infect your computer. Having a bad experience with a malicious program on Windows? It’s not just a bad day: An ecosystem of more than 10 million Web addresses have been built around the malware.

By modern standards, Windows has never been as safe as Windows 98.

In 2010, only 4% of all Web addresses written in English contained malware; by 2015, it had more than doubled to 9%. According to Mozilla, this is the “greatest increase in malware in the history of the Internet.”

Despite all this, the concept of Windows as a “defender” is hard to accept. Part of the reason for that is that Windows provides nothing whatsoever to defend against. It is not a browser, security package, or operating system. Windows is the platform on which malware is developed and distributed, and it is an open platform for all sorts of technological malfeasance.

So, there is no antivirus or malware protection built into Windows, at least not on a basic level. For that reason, security researchers typically don’t consider it worthy of research on a regular basis. But if you are malware-detecting or malware-detecting software developer, Windows is essential. It has limited development on it, which leaves us with limited defenses.

Windows as high-def defragging

It’s no surprise that malware, spyware, ransomware, and other malicious software are most prevalent on Windows. It’s been practically accepted for the past seven years or so that the most effective defensive measure is high-def defragging. Even Windows NT and Windows 2000 have scanners, but only to provide some protections for how to perform the defragging.

There are, however, two main areas where malware is prevalent. Security software companies usually look at one or the other: either tools for detections or deployment, or for advice on exploitation or how to recover in a hostile environment.

Both of those areas are huge, and only very basic protection is actually available from a piece of software that only deals with detection.

Countering malware distributed over the web: Check Point Software Technologies

Defragging does affect the machine’s machine performance, but often not significantly. If you have a common PC, you will find that most of the more serious malware attacks are focused on exploiting bugs in older Windows versions, first released way back in 2001. With each subsequent release, Windows has made many of those versions less vulnerable.

On the other hand, not all of the latest updates are patch tested or ready for release. Some programs don’t even know what was added, they just build the program in the wild and then check it for bugs as part of the update process. If the patch for a new option that should have been there is still missing, there is a serious risk that a tool with zero experience in patch testing may detect that nothing is fixed and fail to diagnose the machine for a potential attack.

In the final analysis, there are plenty of valuable protections offered by Windows that it actually makes sense to use. If you are running unsupported or vulnerable versions of Windows, check to see if you are protected by a security product that takes advantage of the upgrades. If you can’t run a security program that is regularly updated, scan your system for existing infected software or scan from memory.

Over the next few weeks, Infopackets will look at the best online security tools available. Last week, antivirus software was examined.

[Infopackets is a regular series that will look at individual patches, alternative security resources, and the best research available, including use and results.]

Originally published on Infopackets.



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WrestleMania 36 confirmed for Wembley Stadium
June 6, 2019 - Patrick Lennon
WWE WrestleMania event planner Michael Cole revealed to me, over a drink, that WWE and the UK would have their big comeback this year.

Oh, I don’t know where his sources came from, but they are rarely right. But he was adamant it’s going to be good – and a sign of things to come.

The World’s Largest Arena, as they call it, is set to welcome WWE stars in perhaps their biggest ever UK event.

Not even the last ever one, this will be the real deal.

Relegated NXT Superstars will be lining up for some serious upsets, while superstars from the Triple-A circuit will join us at the brand new Wembley Stadium.

And why Wembley Stadium? Who knows – we’ll probably never know – but both Maryse and The Miz have a bit of history there.

“Not only will the Triple-A circuit be joining us, but so will WWE superstars, some of whom are not that familiar with English football stadiums.” Michael Cole

They stayed until the bitter end there, for a spell of perhaps too much of a quick fix by WWE’s standards – simply because of the timing.

But both have their fans here in Britain – Maryse here, The Miz here.

Now that WWE are back, they will have another opportunity to boost their British audience – and their support, according to WrestleMania boss Cole.


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Chris Benoit - Remember the wrestler
June 25, 2007 - Chris Irvine
From time to time we’ll feature a member of the 150 Club by looking back at a person who has helped shape the way that we understand wrestling as an art form. Today it’s the story of Chris Benoit, the former wrestlers bad boy of the squared circle and one of the great performers in the business.
Benoit played the part of a scorned man on television wrestling, winning several TEN championships in a looooong career as the international cage diva Harley Race. As far as material victories go, there wasn’t much of that, Benoit only won a couple of gold belts and ended up losing more than he won, but there was a lot of heartbreak along the way and the former wrestler lived for a long time as a broken man and an oft-used underdog in the ring.
As a professional wrestler, Benoit didn’t fare as well as his mentor Road Warrior Animal, a former Canadian brawler whose signature haircut signaled that anything could happen when he entered the ring. Of course Benoit would lose his opponents, but he lost a lot more pain during his career. He never walked away from the ring without suffering some type of injury, but by the time he lost to King Haku in 2002 he was in good shape. It wasn’t until Benoit lost the Rumble Match later that year that he lost his final belt.
That loss was seen as a clear indication that Benoit was ready to retire from the ring and that’s when his career seemed to start its slow decline. Benoit wasn’t ready to retire, he simply wasn’t giving it all he had, but he didn’t perform in very good condition in the second half of his career and by the time he turned his shoulder for good and walked away from the squared circle it looked like he’d lost his hunger for wrestling.
That determination was most evident during his post-Wrestlemania retirement tour with Benoit hanging out with some of the best promo artists in the business such as Booker T and Konnan, two true culture stars who had transcended their stardom and spent their last years as part of the WWE elite. Benoit took a lot of heat from some fans for his time on the road. When he showed up in “The Dungeon” he was still winning matches, but he wasn’t performing at the level that fans had come to know and love about him. He was living off of people’s hope and expectation, and they didn’t care if he was getting beat over the head every night. At that point, Benoit had disappeared from the scene and ended up marrying his longtime manager Terri Schiavo.
Two years after the retirement tour Benoit returned to the ring one last time, this time with a new match against the now former WWE champion Edge. Benoit wasn’t losing, he was just losing to an opponent that could not take as much punishment as most of the other men he was facing were facing.
Benoit got back to being “one of the guys” in the ring one last time on the June 4 episode of Raw, and with the help of the hardcore tag team, Deathmatch Inc. he put away Edge by pinfall to bring back the Black Hood or Chris Benoit.


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I'm giggling away here.

Why All Elite Wrestling will change the wrestling industry
June 6, 2019 - Scott Keith
As the WWE prepares to make a bold move to expand their roster by forming a new independent wrestling promotion called All Elite Wrestling, the possibility is that one of their top stars could leave the WWE. The move — to create a rival, entirely independent league — would essentially create the “AAA strike force” of New Japan Pro Wrestling, and provide the perfect way for them to build toward the rumored Rousey/Stephanie McMahon match in 2019 or 2020.
The New Japan Impact Wrestling Deathmatch on WWE Network Sunday night was a big one: New Japan swept all six matches with Kenny Omega winning three out of four. The move was a massive push for Omega, who leads one of the best rivalries in professional wrestling this year.
“It was immense, monumental,” said the New Japan Wrestling founder and chairman, Naomichi Marufuji. “I don’t think there has ever been such a monumental feud in independent wrestling,” when speaking to The Daily Beast.
In the five years of New Japan Impact Wrestling, they’ve worked with both the WWE and the nWo. The last time they faced the group was five years ago, in the production company’s offices and M1 copertions. The nWo eliminated New Japan in the first round of the promotion’s live playoffs.
The group left, but in 2017 the New Japan Impact Wrestling women’s division appeared on SmackDown Live, where they embraced the nWo’s hero, The Undertaker.
“The nWo needed a new name, so I called the whole company North American Action Sports. It was kind of a cheesy but comical thing. The joke was on us,” Marufuji said.
The fact that the group stood their ground and refused to have New Japan Impact Wrestling give them the gimmick back showed the WWE’s stance on allowing their smaller competitors into the business and that they see no competition, period.
“We were kind of laughed at, mostly because of our enormous size and that they couldn’t even hide,” Marufuji said. “The name play seemed odd. We had to come out with something different, but for one thing, it was their worst nightmare that they would get punked.”
Since then, the promotion has been on a roll, and now it has a new name: New Japan Pro Wrestling. The company’s stable of champions now includes several WWE stars. NJPW stands for the New Japan Pro Wrestling League, where they produce a variety of events each year, from Wrestle Kingdom to Las Vegas Bombshell to England Beatdown.
“As we were growing, it didn’t seem that the corporate interests wanted to keep us in the league. We were getting no help,” Marufuji said. “I remember a couple of scenarios that never happened, such as I tried to establish them a rival. The WWE would be willing to send people, but the company didn’t want to invest in another promotion.
They had a television deal with New Japan — we’re not mutually exclusive — but WWE has a different vision for what we should be. They kind of delegated us to a role where it looked like we weren’t doing something they wanted. We saw what we were doing as a company as a threat to them.”
Since no better alternatives existed, NJPW decided to strike out on their own.
“The idea was to take a group of wrestlers and really take care of them,” Marufuji said. “They didn’t necessarily have the timing and money to keep going, especially when you think of what the guys have been through over the years and say ‘we can’t just let this go on forever.’ We have to be more proactive in what we are doing. We are definitely not known for a completely fresh and innovative product, and we don’t want to become known for that. But what we are doing is different from any company out there.”
The company will be held to a stricter budget that will likely have to hold them to a higher standard, and there will have to be something to drive more people to pay to watch. Marufuji doesn’t see it any different than WWE, but he believes their brand of competition will create different types of competition. “What happened in 2018 is this got national attention, it got people to care. It’s one thing to care about the Undertaker coming back for a pay-per-view. It’s another thing to go out and make a wrestling pay-per-view that goes all the way to China,” Marufuji said.

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AEW goes bankrupt, JR's BBQ sauce recalled in food safety scare, Remembering my childhood puppy
June 6, 2019 - Jim Ross
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It wasn’t the most fun week for us.

The WWE has filed for bankruptcy, the Trump Administration’s marijuana usage is getting more controversy, and autocrat Vladimir Putin has showed that autocracy will always win.

In addition, Pro Wrestling Rumors reported that Ring of Honor’s TV ratings have plunged 35% since they elected to go free-to-air with their Wrestle Kingdom 12 PPV event, and SmackDown Live has also seen ratings decline 34% since leaving its long-time home on the USA Network for Hulu.

The good news is that Lawsuit of the Century between the WWE and States of Texas and South Carolina is not going to be settled any time soon, and WWE can continue to run its business in the meantime.

From what I’ve read about the issues with our country’s health care system, I think I may have to go to the emergency room more often. Although the smartest thing I’ve ever heard was “Care is free, but I’m tired of being free.”

Vladimir Putin has ordered that the Russian Federation will recall the first 660 tons of the 75 tons of garlic due to an accident that occurred after every kilogram was imported. Ninety tons is equivalent to about 3,500 pounds of cloves of garlic, so this is a pretty big deal.

It’s a good reminder that whenever you use a food processor, use the raw garlic that came with the container. You can get about 65 percent more garlic if you follow this rule.

Many dogs will learn and adapt to being healthy eventually, but think about how pleased their owners were when they signed up for a pet ownership club. Then when they are begging to go home because they are sick and crying, all they have to do is lick your hand, which is a small, natural and natural way to keep from passing infection to your dog.

I have never had to remove one of my mink coat pieces from a teenager. But I have had one-half of a mink made by Lincroft the Lazy Linc in California — a unique label I believe is not available for sale in the U.S. But I’ll bet that the American Apparel’s website will have a box of one of these ones soon.

For those interested in food safety, Bayer announced this week that it is recalling millions of bottles of natural peanut butter sauce. The product is part of the Round Table Of Canada. The company assures us that there is no danger of harm to consumers but remind us to not touch the product with our bare hands as it could spread infection if ingested.

I know there are concerns over this as my parents got sick from an antibiotic called pentadine and we ended up getting a chicken and pork liver paste from Montreal my Mom was supposed to make for dinner. But the homemade meals I can still recall — which did indeed involve liver, egg and liver gravy over a fondue plate (yes, a fondue for adults!) — it was pretty much a case of, “Gimme Mom, her homemade food is better.”

This brings me to the point that rather than buying something that is called “nose to tail,” why not buy what I’ll call “leg to tail.” I went to good food stores and bought all parts of the animal. It makes the cuts of meat (yes, back pork ribs) more tender, avoids any bacteria or salmonella and cuts the bony pieces out for me.

How about this recipe — not for me personally, but for the rest of my family, or friends of friends. Apply this method, if you’re into cutting up.



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