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1 minute ago, ColinBollocks said:

HAHAHA! "Dana White has confirmed next Conor wants to fight... erm... Khabib Nugameditoticvogjdfov!" Nice try, gents. Joey Diaz did a better job.

Wants the fight to be in Russia as well!

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A much better performance from Conor than last night. The baldie twat line was hilarious. Floyd was the worst he's been though. He's always been absolutely shit, with no wit, nothing interesting to say, no material, with about 70% of his speech being him shouting "YEAH!" but this was beyond a joke. It went on for about ten years. How he ever became a star is beyond me. He's the worst ever.

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This presser was surplus to requirements though.

And ITV ruined the start of it for me with the censoring. Had no idea what Conor was saying for the first 5 minutes. Those ITV commentators were shite.

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I watched it online so wasn't aware ITV were censoring it, but the ITV guys commentating on it were fucking atrocious throughout. It felt like your dickhead uncles were standing behind you, constantly chatting shit, trying to impress you with their knowledge of MMA. Fuck off, lads.

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If this tour has done anything, it's made me want to see Conor win even more. All the boxing and Showtime guys come across as horrible, sleazy fucks. You know things are bad when Dana White is one of the most likeable guys on the stage. 

Can you imagine Dana's shit eating grin if his guy somehow manages to beat Showtime's guy on Showtime pay per view? He'll be the pinkest, happiest, biggest-headed man on the planet.

Live reports are that Floyd's promo is still going on. He's just said, "Yeah!" for the seven millionth time. They still haven't given him his bag.

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Do you know what the problem is now? I've just realised...

The circus & fun is over. Next stop - McGregor getting beaten in 12 rounds of boring boxing where he is outclassed and will probably gas badly after 7 or 8 rounds. And we'll all feel deflated. The "what if?" we were hoping for won't happen, and that'll be that. We've had our fun.

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The 24/7 specials, if they do them, will be way better than these press conferences. Every now and then I still go back and watch the Ricky Hatton ones, such is my nostalgia for how awesome they were at getting me so invested in the fight.

The fun (hopefully) continues.

Also, Universal have just announced they're release a documentary on Conor, so I assume that'll come out around the the same time as the fight.

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1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

Fucking hell, Herb, that post is as deflating as Geoff Shreeves telling his kids on Christmas morning that Santa isn't real, and they're adopted.

I know - sorry. I just got this comedown feeling after that last presser & the reality set in.


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