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If wrestling was real, what is the biggest shock result of all time?

Devon Malcolm

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Savio looked a scrappy fucker in the Brawl 4 All. He handled himself alright as I recall .


Did Maven ever actually beat the Undertaker? He eliminated him from the Royal Rumble but he never beat him in a singles match did he?


On topic, I remember being very shocked when Kurt Angle won the 6 man Hell In A Cell at Armageddon 2000. I know he was the champion, gold medalist and that but he was still pretty new in 2000 and he was in with the likes of Austin, Rock, Undertaker and Triple H. Armageddon was on Channel 4 and I was planning to watch it after school. Some twat told me Angle won and I genuinely thought he was joking.


Didn't Spike Dudley beat Bam Bam Bigelow in ECW?

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Savio looked a scrappy fucker in the Brawl 4 All. He handled himself alright as I recall .


Did Maven ever actually beat the Undertaker? He eliminated him from the Royal Rumble but he never beat him in a singles match did he?


On topic, I remember being very shocked when Kurt Angle won the 6 man Hell In A Cell at Armageddon 2000. I know he was the champion, gold medalist and that but he was still pretty new in 2000 and he was in with the likes of Austin, Rock, Undertaker and Triple H. Armageddon was on Channel 4 and I was planning to watch it after school. Some twat told me Angle won and I genuinely thought he was joking.


Didn't Spike Dudley beat Bam Bam Bigelow in ECW?


Spike did a giant killer gimmick in ECW. I'm sure Bam Bam was one of the victims. Erik Watts was one, poor fucker got crucified in the ECW arena.


Maven pinned Undertaker to win the Hardcore Title. Al Snow got involved and The Rock got involved in the finish too. It was done more to build the Taker/Rock match at No Way Out 2002 which branched off into Taker/Flair.

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Kayfabe - Yoko was World champ and Vega was an unknown.


Real - Yoko is from fucking Somoa, who fancies their chances against a Somoan???

Kayfabe - Yokozuna was losing regularly and Savio was best friends with Razor Ramon (10 times the star Yokozuna was).


Real - Plenty of people fancy their chances against Samoans. Especially ones who have trouble walking for more than 3 minutes. Savio Vega would have picked him off when the inevitable asthma attack happened.


Surley if wrestling was real, they would not WORK a match. No need for Yoko to get tired. Just get him on his back for 3 seconds. No biggie. Yoko champ.

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