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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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To this day, if somebody says 'Favourite piece of music from any movie ever?', I'd say this:

Bishops Countdown

I've never noticed it before, but there's bits of the Krull soundtrack worked into that.


The Director's Cut was a dream come true when it was released, as I'd read the novel not long before and was all "I wish these scenes were in the film", and then all of a sudden, they were!

I was only 15/16 when it came out, so had to take a change of clothes in my school bag and put on my best deep voice to buy the video. Considering I didn't look 18 until I was about 22, I'm still surprised I managed to buy it without getting ID'd.

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To this day, if somebody says 'Favourite piece of music from any movie ever?', I'd say this:

Bishops Countdown

I've never noticed it before, but there's bits of the Krull soundtrack worked into that.


The Director's Cut was a dream come true when it was released, as I'd read the novel not long before and was all "I wish these scenes were in the film", and then all of a sudden, they were!

I was only 15/16 when it came out, so had to take a change of clothes in my school bag and put on my best deep voice to buy the video. Considering I didn't look 18 until I was about 22, I'm still surprised I managed to buy it without getting ID'd.


Man of my own heart. Seriously, my da got me the Alan Dean Foster book for my 10th birthday and I still have that same copy.

Some people tend to find Alien 3 a misjudged masterpiece, but every time I watch it, I feel robbed of Hicks and it just doesn't fit for me. It's overly grim and I can see what Fox were going for with the change of pace and the tragedy of Ripley's life, but it's a fucking dreadful sequel. As a standalone, it might be good - my youngfella loves Alien 3 so it obviously has something - but I just never took to it.

Tried watching it last night, and turned it off.

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I love Alien 3. You're right that it's not a great sequel and that it's really grim. But I think it's a great film despite its faults. There's also something wonderful about seeing Brian Glover in a Hollywood film calling people "simple bastards".

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The film makes me sad, D-Mal. I know why. It's because I really miss Hicks, and I feel punishingly hole gaped when I watch it :(

Have you seen the extended cut, or whatever it's called? And if so, it any good?

Jake (the wee lad) absolutely loves it and it's his favourite of the series. He's his own dude when it comes to flicks, I'll give him that.

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Have you seen the extended cut, or whatever it's called? And if so, it any good?

If you don't like the regular version, then the extended cut probably won't do much for you either.


There's no great differences in story, no great revelations, it's mostly just scenes being extended, alternate versions of scenes, and the outcome and tone of the film is largely the same.


I don't mind Alien3 at all. Back in the nineties I viewed it as the wrong type of film for its audience. We wanted the frantic paced actionfest that was Aliens, and they were giving us the claustrophobic hunter thing of Alien. Nice idea if Aliens didn't exist, and wasn't responsible for a large proportion of the people that were going to see it.


Nowadays I think it's a minor miracle the film's as good as it is. Almost all of Fincher's input to the DVD extras was taken out, but there is a clip of him on set, taking a phone call from some suit at the studio informing him that they've just decided to change the script again, and the scene he's about to shoot is no longer needed. They wouldn't have tried that shit with Ridley.

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They put the full version of the Alien 3 documentary on the blu-ray anthology a couple of years ago. Really good it is too and you get a fincher on set outburst. They got henrikson and Dance to record new dialogue for it as well due to the dodgy soundtrack on the special edition

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Wasn't sure where to post this but for anyone that's watched a film in Imax 3D, how good is it? Compared to say just general 3D at the cinema.


I want to go and see Gravity but the nearest Imax is in Southampton, so ticket price plus ferry cost is gonna be at least

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There are few films that are worth the extra expense of IMAX 3D, but Gravity is one of them. Saw it last night and the vastness of space and the effect of the whole thing is definitely enhanced by the bigger screen and the extra dimension. Bloody good film, too. If you're going to see it, you may as well go all the way and get the full experience


Edit: but it depends on how much you want to see it, really... It is quite a bit of money...

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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