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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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I thought the same when I heard the shows, the shite that he was coming out with is unreal!


Agreed - the guy thought he was a wrestling god or something. I never saw him as anything more than a jobber with terrible gear and a generic goatee & haircut - captain generic, in the era before the Randy Orton cookie cutters. Even in ECW he would just take beatings & bleed a lot.



Halfway through the Shamrock episode, and it's very good so far!

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JR's Ross Report is so difficult to listen to. But I guess in comparison, Austin's is amazing, but only because I listen to them one after another. Austin literally has me laughing out loud on the train sometimes, especially when he did the Q&A a little while ago.

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JR is a horrible host. He answered his own questions a lot of the time with Angle (I could only bare part one). Austin is by far the best in the podcast game for my money. I will listen to his shows whom ever the guest is and he's the only one who's opening segments I enjoy, where's he's just spouting day-to-day crap. Cabana and Jericho are joint second but it really does come down to who the guest is as to whether or not I'll listen. Jericho is complete FF material for that 20-30 minutes before his guest comes in though.


The reason I ask about JR's guest tomorrow is purely because I've heard that it's Sting. If it is then I'll put myself through the Ross Report one more time. 

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It's a shame JR's is so hard to listen to. He really isn't cut out for the podcast game at this stage in his career/life. Jericho is even worse, he's like listening to an uncool Bart Simpson on Red Bull and almost ruined the episode with Heyman and Edge on (which takes some doing). Going back to JR's (because it's easier to keep typing than move my cursor on this phone), with him being so knowledgable and having spent so much time behind the scenes in the business, his podcasts could have been golden.


Austin's podcasts are usually one of the best things about wrestling outside Mania season.

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I'm about half way through JR's podcast with AJ Styles and I don't think AJ has been allowed to get more than one or two sentences out before JR interrupts him and starts going on one of his rambling monologues about what's wrong with the business today.....repeatedly!


I have been a big fan of Jim Ross since his NWA days and beyond but his podcast 'interviewing' style is beginning to grate on me....repeatedly!


Compare that to the moving Ken Shamrock stuff on Steve Austin's show this week. I've been critical of SCSA for interrupting in the past but on this one he just let Shamrock tell his story for the most part. Really good listen.

Def agree. The conversation with jr and aj styles was about 80% jr talking. Learnt nothing about aj styles.

Stone cold is genuinely a breath of fresh air with his podcast interviews - 2 people just having a chat . Great stuff!

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The Ken Shamrock interview is good, but he's another guy who lives in his own little world, like Dreamer. On the first podcast he claims he's still within the top 10% of all modern MMA fighters and he would put himself in the top 5% of all pro wrestlers. Crack head.

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To be fair, didn't he say he was in the top 10% of MMA fighters and top 5 for pro wrestlers in terms of his conditioning. I don't think he meant that he would still be one of the best overall if he was still competing; just that if you were ranking them all soley on their conditioning. 

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Of course he thinks that. His whole life has been about believing in himself and overcoming odds. He's a guy who had his neck fused before he became a mixed martial artist or pro wrestler. To do what he did in MMA and pro wrestling with his C1 to C5 fused is unreal. He's not trying to make anyone think he's right, its his opinion that he thinks he can. And if you lived his life, I can totally get him believing in himself to that degree. He never can across as Piper/Hogan level shit talking to me. He comes across like a guy who has fought so many battles since he was 5 that nobody is going to tell him he's wrong.

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Yeah, what Ian said. Also he didnt really say it in a cocky or arrogant way either. And fuck it, maybe is is that well conditioned? I've listening to the interview, but haven't seen Shamrock in over a decade, so I don't know what kind of shape he looks to be in, but for all I know, from a conditioning point of view, maybe he would still be in that top bracket. 

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I'm listening to/battling through this now and It's so frustrating that Sting has chosen to be on JR's podcast. JR really uses this platform to chat about himself and voice his views. I hate to say it because what with what's going on right now, this should be a must listen but part one at least is really throw away material. Hopefully this is the start of Sting doing the podcast rounds cos Austin or Jericho would get a much better interview from it

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As I've said before, JR is pedalling the same tired views over...and over....and over.


Nobody sells.....nobody's a heel....TNA have no creative direction....ROH workers need to slow down....<repeat to fade>


NB: by repeating my views of JR's views being repeated I'm aware of the irony of me doing what I'm criticising him for. :-)

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JR in the one with Sting is his "me, me, me" worst!


When talking about when Robocop got involved with WCW. Sting was the one lumbered to work with this horrible idea yet JR takes over and says people always ask just how he coped commentating on such a thing..


He severely needs to tone this down.  Steve Austin definitely does the best podcast.

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