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Now euroshop has closed

Scott Hall

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In the last few years Euroshop has been pretty poor quality. Things like the white CM Punk shirt had the black trim missing and other shirts were Grey rather than black as they were on TV and from wweshop so towards the end most people started getting it from wweshop.com anyway.

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Didn't realise Euroshop finished up, haven't used it in a while though as I don't wear too many wrestling shirts anymore and I get my DVDs from Silvervision, CEX or a supermarket or HMV if they are on offer in there.


The only shirts I have bought in the last two or three years were the Nexus (the original, Punk led and limited edition Punk led ones) ones and Punk ones (the Aftershock Fist, Best in the World and In Punk We Trust ones). The last one I got from Euroshop was the original Nexus one and the rest I got from Extreme Wrestling Shirts, which is a quality website but it takes about three weeks as they're coming from America, usually got the new shirts delivered from there weeks before they even appeared on Euroshop though and never had any problems with them.

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Obv main wweshop.com but is there anywhere else?


Why did euroshop even close? Always thought it was pretty good.


WWE made the call to shut down all international stores and run all channels through wweshop.com by increasing shipping locations and tbh it was a good move as euroshop was pretty poor for both merch and prices


As for where to buy stuff besides the official outlet, there's Ebay, wrestlingmerchandise.co.uk, wrestlingworld.co.uk, wrestlingshop.com (formerly a-merch), various outlets for dvds/blu rays and toy outlets for figures/belts/rings if you are into collecting them

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Mark Sloan needs to become the man to take over Euroshop and do it better. He's the best merch man for wrestling in the UK.

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