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Am I the only person that thinks Noam Dar is gash?


Wouldn't go that far but I'm not a big fan. I have seen the odd impressive flash (clips against AJ mostly) but I don't believe that he delivers every time. His 'Liam Gallagher stance' and narcissistic stuff doesn't feel too natural and it feels like he has scrambled to find something that looks a bit cool to try and make his presence a little more edgy. Last Friday at PCW for instance, he milked the shit out of his outside the ring antics when he isn't the huge personality that can be resting on his laurels, instead I expect to see a really solid impressive outing from the guy that has recently found a reputation as one of the UK's hottest rising stars.

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I personally think that Zack Sabre Jr is overated but I realise I will be in the minority there, stems from me only having seen him a handful of times this year I suppose and not being that impressed when I have. Give Dar a chance, he has boat loads of ability and I am very much looking forward to seeing him lock horns with Jo Mo in December!

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Am I the only person that thinks Noam Dar is gash?


I like him and always enjoy seeing him but I do see him as "Zack lite" but just a bit more camp.


Still knocks 10 shades of shit off most people mind and is a joy to watch.

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Am I the only person that thinks Noam Dar is gash?


I like him and always enjoy seeing him but I do see him as "Zack lite" but just a bit more camp.


Still knocks 10 shades of shit off most people mind and is a joy to watch.



I took my wife to a local show recently and she (whose never been to a live event before) thought that Dar was the worst on the card. I asked her why and she simply said, he had no character, just a stuck up twat, but not the kind of twat you wanna watch wrestle, the kind of twat you'd rather just leave the venue with no pay.....which if rumours are true wouldn't be the first time that's happened either....


I Despise him, and imo AJ Styles could make anyone look good!


He's everything that is wrong with BritWres

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For what its worth, whilst I don't think Noam Dar is the best around , he has some skill behind him and has a great look, which to be fair is a million times better than a lot of "britwres" guys , and that includes the shit-arse's and some bigger names also.


I do see him as a bit of a "Zack lite", but he is a decent talent, or else he wouldn't get booked like he does.


As for this:


I took my wife to a local show recently and she (whose never been to a live event before) thought that Dar was the worst on the card. I asked her why and she simply said, he had no character, just a stuck up twat, but not the kind of twat you wanna watch wrestle, the kind of twat you'd rather just leave the venue with no pay..


I'd like to think this is similar to most wives/girlfriends. As an example my misses actually hated Chris Jericho during his heel run. All she ever said was "Look at his face, hes not even good, he just looks like a twat. etc etc". Upon his return and recent face turn, she loved him......She just fell into the allusion of his heel work.


Either way, Dar does milk everything he does, but he is decent.

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So basically whats being said is he has to have more of a character about him rather than some Oasis thing. Guess talent doesn't matter much, i saw him for the 1st/2nd time on Sunday at Progress and i was impressed with him. Ok he doesn't have much of a character about him but he's young, i'm sure he can develop that in time

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We're talking about a lad who is 19 years old. Dar regularly gets international bookings in Germany and is so highly regarded that he's booked in good positions by a number of the higher regarded promotions in Britain. As a 17 year old he was booked in a dark match at the DG:UK shows and he fucking ran far with the ball. He is THAT good at such a young age. Give him 3 or 4 years and watch him fly!

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So basically whats being said is he has to have more of a character about him rather than some Oasis thing. Guess talent doesn't matter much, i saw him for the 1st/2nd time on Sunday at Progress and i was impressed with him. Ok he doesn't have much of a character about him but he's young, i'm sure he can develop that in time


Nah, I think its more a case of him milking a persona that doesn't really have legs yet. Maybe with a bit more time on the mic and that he could establish that he isn't just a guy in a mod jacket who fixes his hair after delivering a clothesline. Compared to a guy like Mastiff who can shout out anything during a match and elicit a response because he has already pulled the crowd into the match with his offence, Dar isn't there yet.

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