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IMPACT Wrestling Discussion July 5th *Spoilers*


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What an absolutely rubbish selection of flip floppers to bring in to try and liven up the x-division. You'd think with their pull they could cherry pick the best or at least some at the top end, but apart from Kenny King last night who I was mildly impressed with, the rest of just looked like they have no place in a real promotion - yet 4 of them are going to get a match on PPV.


Enjoyed that Hardy/Storm match, and the 2 segments with Roode.


I'll watch the PPV, but the main event is all that interests me this time.

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I've not seen it yet, but if this Kenny King guy really is the man to take over from Aries, it's best that they don't blow their load with him at Destination X - don't have him win the championship match, have one of the lamer, more established heels, like Zema Ion, win it by nefarious means, and then have him chase the belt, old country way. There's a lot more mileage in that; if King is as strong a character and wrestler as believed, then it'll do more for him to have him start by going uphill, instead of going straight in as champ - he'll get more of a story for the fans to enjoy.


Actually, you know who wouldn't have been too bad as a heel? Tony Neese. Completely bland vanilla midget as a face, but as a heel, he can be given more to do, and with his strength and physical fitness making him one of the more "heavy" X-Divisioners, any face going up against him can get underdog sympathy.


EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, they don't even need Neese - just stick the belt on Kid Kash instead. He's already a heel, he's "heavy", he's established, he's a solid hand, and he's been X-champ before, so it's not too far a leap of the imagination. I hope he's the last man in the match.

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The closing moments of Impact were brilliant, Austin Aries deserves the title and looked elated to hold the championship up high. This week's show was good but nothing has really stuck in my mind match wise. However, Kenny King was clearly the best newcomer to TNA that they have signed up for this tournament, the guy seemed a much more polished competitor all round compared to the other guys and I'm looking forward to what he has to offer.


Its hard to argue that Hardy shouldn't be the number one babyface heading into the Bound for Glory Championship match. The crowd love Storm but the match this week was an opportunity for the fans to choose who they support more and in Storm's case its pretty hard to compete with a unique character with the history and wide spread popularity of Jeff Hardy. I admire TNA's efforts for the Roode-Storm feud to go the full year with the obvious finale being at Bound for Glory but with Aries spring boarding up the card and fans making their voices heard it would be easy to go on a whim and not stick to the guns. Tricky scenario really, slow burning logical builds are what TNA have lacked during recent years but ignoring what's under your nose can be damaging.

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What an absolutely rubbish selection of flip floppers to bring in to try and liven up the x-division. You'd think with their pull they could cherry pick the best or at least some at the top end, but apart from Kenny King last night who I was mildly impressed with, the rest of just looked like they have no place in a real promotion - yet 4 of them are going to get a match on PPV.


Enjoyed that Hardy/Storm match, and the 2 segments with Roode.


I'll watch the PPV, but the main event is all that interests me this time.


That Flip vs Darsow match is easily a contender for worst match of the year, neither of them looked like they knew what they were doing out there, just pitiful.

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