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Raw Discussion and spoilers for July 2nd 2012


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It was alright. Nothing seemed to happen really. You could predict what was doing to happen for the most part. The end segment summed this angle up. Bryan and Punk (and the belt) aren't the stars. AJ is. This angle isn't doing anything for anyone but AJ. Have standards fallen to the level where people think a woman outshining your two top wrestlers is a good thing? This angle should be an midcard attraction, not ending Raw.


Good to see DDP, but he's a comfortable third to Vader and Sid. He didn't do anything. I've got my fingers crossed that X-Pac and the Outlaws will be around in the coming weeks. They have to do be. They played a video of them I suppose, so thats a good start.

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It was alright. Nothing seemed to happen really. You could predict what was doing to happen for the most part. The end segment summed this angle up. Bryan and Punk (and the belt) aren't the stars. AJ is. This angle isn't doing anything for anyone but AJ. Have standards fallen to the level where people think a woman outshining your two top wrestlers is a good thing? This angle should be an midcard attraction, not ending Raw.


Good to see DDP, but he's a comfortable third to Vader and Sid. He didn't do anything.


The thing is Punk & Bryan don't need AJ to put them over, they put AJ over. When this storyline is all said and done AJ will disapear back to midcard Punk & Bryan will still be in main event without any damage to their credibility

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The thing is Punk & Bryan don't need AJ to put them over, they put AJ over. When this storyline is all said and done AJ will disapear back to midcard Punk & Bryan will still be in main event without any damage to their credibility

Like Vickie Guerrero, Michael Cole and Johnny Ace did? I don't see it myself. Just looks like another TV character outshining the lads who are on the road all week doing the hard work to me. I'm not a big fan of CM Punk, but he doesn't deserve to be put in an angle where he's and afterthought to a woman.


Also, if you want to get AJ over, could they not have used someone other than the WWE Champion and Daniel Bryan (the best wrestler in the company) to do so?

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Hang on a minute, hasnt AJ brought the Punk/Bryan rivalry into the RAW spotlight? They were on last last night, involved with the show for most of the night and it seems to be the focal point going into the PPV, something Punk hasnt enjoyed in his whole time as champion. It seems to me AJ is getting the boys over and they are returning the favour.

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Yeah, had fuck all to do with teaming with John Cena or anything. AJ was the reason why they all went on last.


Anyway, its not Punk and Bryan all over the show. AJ is seem talking to people throughout the night, having a match and then interfering in the main event. Its designed to showcase her, nobody else.

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But they are featured far more prominently now than when they were feuding before Over the Limit surely? That has to be a positive thing for both men, even when they are sharing/giving alot of the limelight to AJ, who deserves it through being fantastic.

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Jericho vs Punk was one of the main features of Raw every week. They didn't have to play background noise to a woman. If that's your standards fair enough. But to me, AJ isn't the one on the road every night, AJ isn't the one selling those CM Punk and "Yes" t-shirts and she isn't the one doing the hard work for 20 minutes on the PPV. AJ is nothing more than a special attraction like Vickie Guerrero or Michael Cole. I suppose you have to try something to make CM Punk and Daniel Bryan more interesting to the average viewer, but thats a sad state of affairs when they have to play second fiddle to AJ.

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I haven't watched RAW for a few weeks now apart from seeing the segments with Sid and Vader on YouTube. Yesterday whilst the girlfriend was getting ready I decided to watch last weeks RAW it was the segment involving Kane/AJ which was just really embarrassing to watch. Which made me fuck off last weeks episode off.


So I watched this weeks this morning, when I say watch I mean skipped through it on YouTube. It was just abit meh.. It just feels that every show is just far too similar in the format and way it is presented.



- I really liked the chemistry between Jericho/Bryan if a worthy tag division existed today I would love to see the two holding the belts.

- DDP looked really fucking skinny. Brilliant Diamond Cutter and brilliant pop.

- Del Rio I really enjoy this guys performance on the shows but there is little which make him significant.

- Heath Slater was good again and is really underrated.

- Tyson Kidd getting a victory on RAW was great to see.

- Good crowd aswell



- I didn't enjoy the opening segment. I thought the Big Show heel turn was good at first but its gone down the shitter already..

- AJ I really don't see the rave for her, I wouldn't mind if she was bang tidy but she looks like a skinny teenager.

- Random 8 Man tag. Just seemed abit pointless where slot #2 of RAW involves the SD roster in some tag match. Primetime Players looked alright.

- How Ziggler is being used, how can anyone think Ziggler will pin Sheamus, or Vickie would pink AJ?

- Again I liked Tensai at first but hes just really shit. The crowd were pretty good for the show but Tensai made them silent.

- Teddy Long he is just horrendous. I was great seeing Big Johnny and Double C humiliate the man.


Last year we had the Punk Pipebomb Angle, Triple H stepping in power, 'The Hall of Pain' and a great series of matches with Orton/Christian. In 2010 we had Bret Hart floating about and The Nexus running shit.


This year we seem to have nothing apart from some runt off NXT season 3. 1000th Episode of RAW will be good obviously but when they go back to how they are it will show how shit the shows are.

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The thing about the Punk/AJ/Bryan feud is it's the first headlining storyline since Wrestlemania that hasn't featured John Cena in any capacity. It's the same when people talk about Punk failing as champion; before Wrestlemania he was playing second fiddle to The Rock vs John Cena. After Wrestlemania it was Lauranitis Vs Cena taking the spotlight. Now is when Punk and Bryan find themselves as the main selling point of a PPV. It just so happens the story has grown to encompass AJ as a deciding factor.


Back to Raw, while it didn't really add anything to MITB, I quite enjoyed it. Wondering if RAW 1000 will start a major must-see (for the first 3 weeks anyway) story such as The Nexus or Triple H running the show.

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The AJ thing is part of a story. The story hasn't reached its conclusion yet. If Punk and Bryan come out of it looking worse, then maybe it weren't the best of ideas, but it's not concluded yet. And I'm more interested in seeing Punk vs. Bryan in the main event with that as a hook than just Punk vs. Bryan which I've seen plenty of times now.


I thought the episode was good anyway in that it wasn't dull (apart from Big Show vs. Kane). Not as good as Impact, but better than they've been doing lately.

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It's hard to watch Raw at the moment without thinking that its just going through the motions, there is no real centrepiece of the show like when Rock and Lesnar were around. Everything was enjoyable enough but there doesn't seem to be a highlight to the show, to be fair though its making the 1000th episode seem like a must see as Lesnar has already been advertised and the build up to Summerslam will begin.


I'm looking forward to Rey coming back and being put to some decent use and Raw is lacking the peak at the middle of the show when Orton usually comes out. This week Punk did Orton's spinning body slam off the ropes move (does that have a name?) and I thought I'd love to see a feud between the two but with the face-heel roles reversed, now that would be a worthwhile feud without bringing in the part-timers.


Probably not a great sign when the show makes you think about who is not on the screen more than the guys who are.

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I've got my fingers crossed that X-Pac and the Outlaws will be around in the coming weeks. They have to do be. They played a video of them I suppose, so thats a good start.

I wouldn't read too much into that. The video of DX invading WCW has been played more times on Raw than John Cena's entrance music.

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