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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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I dunno, Rock just sucks.

He really, really does. I hoped he was going to do a U-turn on the crowd, the pandering twat.

would think of that shitcunt doing bad karaoke and fucking up his lines last night.


Cena wasn't great either, but he was miles above half-hour timewaste Kung Pao Dwayne. And mocking Dwayne's boob job was fun.

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tbh I thought they were both as bad as each other, and they didn't even interact with each other. Come on!


I do however, like White boy Rapper Cena, and his old music (which I like a bit better) was a nice touch. Still looking forward to the match like, but I just want more than what we've got.


Am I the only one that liked ther Jericho Punk stuff, say its desperate, but at least its interesting, and it makes Jericho a right cunt and now I've got a reason to cheer for Punk to kick his ass come the grandest stage of them all.


Big Johnny vs Teddy Long team match is gonna be fun, nice to see build up. And If Truth and Kingston are gonna be on team Long, then what will Primo, Epico and most importantly Rosa be doing :(


Oh and Zack Ryder continues to make himself look like a complete berk. Or WWE make him look like that. The Eve stuff just isnt interesting. AND what are the Divas gonna do at Wrestlemania? I'm vaguely interested cause its becoming a storyline that they have no storyline.


I'm not too worried about The Miz, i'm sure he'll end up doing something good at 'mania, I'm more worried about Dolph having nothing.

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Opinions seems to be divided but I really enjoyed both segments, it was good to see a throwback Cena.


Plus Rocky, whether you felt he was pandering or not, had the audience in the palm of his hand throughout. There is not another superstar on the roster who could have been given that amount of time in the ring and kept the audience interested. (Arguably Cena could but that would involve a lot of 'Cena Sucks' I'd imagine). I really enjoyed it and his stuff was actually getting laughs.Also it wasn't a million miles removed from the old Rock concerts except that he wasn't making fun of the town.


Really enjoyed most of Raw, lots of stuff moving forward. The Punk / Jericho stuff probably should have happened a couple of weeks ago if they were gonna do it though. Just played on Jericho beating Punk in the tag match because he had gotten in his head. Hopefully it will lead to interesting stuff though.


Good Raw.

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The old school Cena rap segment was good.


The Rock segment was excellent and he had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand.


However there was one person on Raw who has the potential to be the next top babyface of the WWE and that person is Brodus Clay.


Brodus has all the skills necessary to make it to the top but at some point down the line they will need to drop the

Funkasaurus gimmick.



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They'll not change the Rock's act as long as he's getting big reactions. The people dont seem to mind. The Rock is looking less special as the weeks go on though. I was watching Raw, and you dont get that feeling its a special occassion we should savour like when he first returned. He's part of the furniture again now. Last year when they had that face off on the go home show, there was a huge number of late buys for the show. So the last Raw before Mania is the big one. As long as they dont completely fuck it up until them, they'll be alright.


I hope they have something in mind for the go home show though. Its getting a big boring now.

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The Rock concert was alright, but sadly never lived up to the first two. The ending was flat, with The Rock stumbling all over the place. I didn't mind The Rock licking a bit of Cleveland arse; the crowd were a bit silent in the beginning but he had them by the end.


Cena was worse than Rock I thought. His rap gimmick is dated, makes him look even more like a goof and after weeks of him no selling The Rock's insults and "Rising above the hate" he stooped to The Rock's level. Awful.


The highlight of the show was David Otunga's advert.


Oh, also I thought CM Punk was pretty good when Jericho was trying to get heat. Their feud needs something like this, also adds another layer to the Punk character.

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I enjoyed Raw and the build for the Mania matches but most of them are in need of just a little bit of ooomph in the last couple of weeks to get over the build-up finishing line to really get me hyped personally. Some are starting to become a bit repetitive or are just in need of that little bit more intensity.


Cena's rap was very good, liked the throwback to the gimmick and the content was funny and not too silly, he delivered it well too. The Rock concert was funny too and the crowd lapped it up for the most part but there were a couple of problems for me. Firstly, I couldn't buy into it. What The Rock was saying was funny but it was like he was reading out a funny song he found and laughing along with it, rather than him believing it or indeed writing it. To compare it to the other Rock concerts, I could buy in them and think he really meant what he was saying but here he was just similing through it and obviously regurgitating somebody else's handywork. The second problem I had was that it was a bit flat at the end with the slightly messed up We Will Rock You and I was hoping for some physicality between him and Cena, who had interrupted the concert as the others were.


Having said all that I enjoyed it at a basic level and they got some good comedy in at each other, but this is one of those feuds that needs something a bit different for the last two weeks, is Rock on the two remaining Raws? I assume so but just thought i'd check.


Really enjoying the TeamLong/Team Ace feud, crowd are into it and it's starting to feel like an important match rather than a "get everyone else on the card" match. I'm still expecting it to be a 3 minute match though :laugh:. I didn't dislike the Punk/Jericho stuff, i'm all for some making it personal story padding to a feud and something a bit different, but I was just fine with it as the "wrestling" feud. We'll see how they finish it off in the next couple of weeks.


Undertaker was a bit off again and Michaels' opening logic was a bit silly, "You must be the one that's been saying stuff for the last 2 years because I haven't heard anything in the last two weeks you weren't here" but in the end it was another good promo that again got over the finality of the match and also Michaels being a wild card that could ruin that finality element of it, I like that. Again though this is one of those that could perhaps do with something different, not neccessarily physicality but just not another double header promo from them, I don't think the first Michaels/HHH promo has been topped and I think they've got all their points over by now.


Looking forward to seeing what the last two weeks bring, particularly from Cena/Rock.

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I think Rock's off next week and back the week after, isn't he?


They'll not change the Rock's act as long as he's getting big reactions. The people dont seem to mind. The Rock is looking less special as the weeks go on though. I was watching Raw, and you dont get that feeling its a special occassion we should savour like when he first returned.

You would get that feeling seeing him in the flesh for the first time in ten years though, which is why he can be as shite as he wants and the fans in attendance each week will still react. I can't see last night having done much for WrestleMania though, I agree they need to pull something special out on the last Raw before it.

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They'll not change the Rock's act as long as he's getting big reactions. The people dont seem to mind. The Rock is looking less special as the weeks go on though. I was watching Raw, and you dont get that feeling its a special occassion we should savour like when he first returned.

You would get that feeling seeing him in the flesh for the first time in ten years though, which is why he can be as shite as he wants and the fans in attendance each week will still react. I can't see last night having done much for WrestleMania though, I agree they need to pull something special out on the last Raw before it.

Someone had the idea of Vince introducing them and it leading to a big pull-apart brawl and I think next week would be perfect for something similar.


Have JR or someone interview Cena in the ring and get him talking about how he needs to prove he's the best and how this one match is everything to him. Rock then comes out, says that he has to win but it's also deeply personal. JR tries to interject as they go nose to nose but they both push him down. Punches fly and the whole locker room empties to seperate them. Raw goes off the air with Cena and Rock wanting to kill each other, but being held back by 10 guys each.


The next week have Rock in the ring and Cena interrupt him on the tron. As tron Cena says 'You can't see me' the real Cena appears behind Rock and nails him with an AA.


Or something similar.

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I thought the rock concert was so funny! ... its the first time in years that i've genuinely laughed at jokes in the WWE ... i've put his concerts down the last 2 weeks as they've been poor but this week not only did he beat cena's rap (2-1 to cena if we're keeping count) but he showed why he's revered as one of the best of all time and possibly the greatest mic worker of all time .. felt like such a 9 yr old again watching the rock concert... Now although i've said cena's rap was beaten this week that's not to say it wasn't good because it was very good but after 8 years of being this Never back down white meat babyface it didn't feel as right as it should of done..

HBK/Taker segment was awesome and it's interesting as the story line is clearly going down the path that only HHH said that he was a failure and a loser yet takers the guy who ended his career who's he gonna help win if anybody! plus as a massive hbk fan it's just great to see him on TV and he should be on more often.

I don't get the brodus clay love?? some fat guy with 3 moves squashing no bodies in 30 seconds, i don't know UKFF gone crazy

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Brodus being back was a nice surprise. The black gear is disappointing though.


The big question is, why does it have a silhouette of three johnnies on it!?


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Enjoyed RAW on the whole. Liked Old School Cena, the line about surgery on his pecs. Is this true? The Jericho/Punk story began with the vignettes in December where I spent ages trying to work out what they were about. This has now been flipped to a storyline of your dad was a drunk and your weak, it's in the genes. (Jerichos found the one way to get to him). So weak. Maybe they realized t would be a bit stupid to have them fighting over the best in the world moniker, no where near the main event. This could of been huge, shame still i expect a good match. Yeah the Rock sickeningly pandered to the crowd but I still kind of enjoyed it. Still at this point kind of sad to see Rock not able to compete on a level playing field. Last week he ran around Boston doing vignettes on Bostonians before going out in front of the live crowd. While Cena in his hometown cut an empty arena promo. And this week, Cena gets a five minute rap and Rock gets 20mins, "It's very nice to hear Rocky, Rocky, But lets hear Cleveland, Cleveland,"he was reduced to giving out the your mum insults and no confrontation. Doesn't make wrestling sense to me?



Why bring Brodus Clay back now? Will he be at Wrestlemania? They took him off TV because they weren't happy with his ringwork. I saw no difference, he did so little and no talking. Right? Feel like by taking him off they've killed his momentum, just seemed a bit humdrum last night.

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