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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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But last year was a totally different situation. Matches often get bumped to pre-show and in that case it likely was due to timing, but they're not gonna do that to their World title match, that's just stupid. I honestly can not believe this was anything other than the plan. Or something such as Bryan slipped in the show the night before and couldn't wrestle so they figured this was their best way out, but I'm going with this being what they wanted. I also agree with those that think this tells a good story and makes both men look good.


Agree with all of this.


As soon as it happened, I was disappointed, but realised pretty quickly that 1) it was probably the best thing that could have happened to either man and 2) we're going to get that match down the line anyways. So why care?


Daniel Bryan is also probably even more over now with the smark section of the audience than he would have been if he made Sheamus tap in a 20 minute "classic". I'm actually struggling to see how this could have come across any better.

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I thought the show was fucking brilliant and pretty much perfectly booked all the way through.


And the Bryan/Shaemus match was spot on. Don't worry ROH indy fapper nerds, you'll get your 20-30 minute match next month. This is Wrestlemania baby and it's supposed to be all about the big spectacle. Both Shaemus and Bryan will come out of this stronger.


This is nothing to do with stop watches or timing matches.


Firstly, I paid good money to see wrestlemania (normally i just download it) and the first match of the night and argueably the 4th biggest match on the card is booked to lasts 18 seconds. I would have liked to see a lot more given the build into it.


Secondly, it was a wasted opportunity to highlight 2 of the best characters they have to a bunch of people that have not seen them before. Loads of people watch mania having not watched WWE for a while, this year especially with the Rocks involvement. The fact is if you didn't know Sheamus or Bryan and their characters and back story you wouldn't understand why the first match on Wrestlemania only went 18 seconds.


I had a friend round who hadn't watched WWE for a couple of years, I spent the entire ring entrances explaining who they were, bigging them up and telling him how Sheamus was pushed throughout last year and won the rumble and how Bryan has all the tools but is the cowardly "lucky" champion who won the cheap way and how this could be a great match. His response when they finished was to laugh say "well WWE obviously don't care that much about them".


I think it was the right thing to do, but just at the wrong time and at the wrong place.

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It wasn't the 4th biggest match on the card though. In the weeks leading up to it there was pretty much zero build for it, much more effort was spent on promoting the Teddy vs. Ace match and the Kane vs Orton match.

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It wasn't the 4th biggest match on the card though. In the weeks leading up to it there was pretty much zero build for it, much more effort was spent on promoting the Teddy vs. Ace match and the Kane vs Orton match.


To the casual who hadn't watched the TV show and just bought wrestlemania on the strength of Rock being there, the World Heavyweight Championship match would be higher up the pecking order than the multiman tag.

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it was a wasted opportunity to highlight 2 of the best characters they have to a bunch of people that have not seen them before.



I think it was the right thing to do, but just at the wrong time and at the wrong place.


It highlighted both of their characters and how they have been pushed perfectly. They had no real issue going in and there was no need or reason for them to have a long, serious match, at all. I honestly think doing so here would have done little for either of them. They absolutely nailed it in my eyes and it was the best option under the circumstances. Doing this match at any other time would have still upset people. Doing this with the Rumble winner and World Title match at this time and place at this WrestleMania is just about the only time and place you could have ever done that. It worked, totally. The complaints are tedious.

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So if you didn't like the 18 second world title match you're an ROH fapper? If it were a straight squash it would've been less annoying as it would've put Seamus over massively. The distraction element to it made both men look weak coming out of the match.

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Secondly, it was a wasted opportunity to highlight 2 of the best characters they have to a bunch of people that have not seen them before.

Sheamus doesn't have a character, fella. no=-one knows what the fuck he's about. We don't even know what his motivation is for being a babyface these days rather than a heel. The only character aspect he has is that he'll kick some arse and that was portrayed beautifully.


Daniel Bryan is a smarmy, arrogant shit who thinks he can take his time and kiss his girlfriend after the bell has rung. He got what was coming too him.


As LaGoosh and many others have pointed out, this was a poorly promoted match and there was barely any disagreement between them. Sheamus wanted the belt, that's all we knew.

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It highlighted both of their characters and how they have been pushed perfectly.


For the people that watched the TV show regularly I agree, that is why i said it was the right thing to do, however a large portion of the audience for Wrestlemania wouldn't know the ins and outs of the characters and their back story. There was no video package leading into it to bring anyone up to speed.


If you didn't know who they were, you were introduced to 2 wrestlers. A face challenger and a (albiet popular) heel champion who holds the 2nd biggest title in WWE. The face blindsides the heel and gets a win in 18 seconds in the first match.


Imagine you are a casual who didn't know who these 2 guys were and its quite bewildering.

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So if you didn't like the 18 second world title match you're an ROH fapper?


In the eyes of the righteous on here, apparently so. I've been accused of being a "ROHbot" for my stance on this, even though I haven't seen a Ring of Honor show since 2007.


I've seen the finish in this match and the subsequent fuel it adds to the scenario being described as "perfect" more than once. If there is such an outcry about it, then it obviously wasn't perfect. Especially when you consider that on TV the following night, a new challenger returning from injury has basically cock-blocked Bryan from the title and he didn't get any dialogue on the show.


It's pretty sad that you're not allowed to like Daniel Bryan anymore without people inferring that you have some IWC chip on your shoulder.

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What happened in the match, entrances and everything else included highlighted their respective traits and told a perfectly acceptable story to a casual fan that they could have got and understood in those brief moments.


A casual fan wouldn't have cared less about the match being longer because of who is involved.

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Especially when you consider that on TV the following night, a new challenger returning from injury has basically cock-blocked Bryan from the title and he didn't get any dialogue on the show.


I'd imagine that Daniel Bryan will have something to say about that on Smackdown on Friday though.

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I've seen the finish in this match and the subsequent fuel it adds to the scenario being described as "perfect" more than once. If there is such an outcry about it, then it obviously wasn't perfect. Especially when you consider that on TV the following night, a new challenger returning from injury has basically cock-blocked Bryan from the title and he didn't get any dialogue on the show


Think about how Daniel Bryan won the title. His claims on how he'd handle his MITB cash-in originally. Think why Daniel Bryan didn't have dialogue in his appearance and why the new GM would be giving that new challenger an opportunity. All of it actually makes perfectly logical sense in context.

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A casual fan wouldn't have cared less about the match being longer because of who is involved.


But they could have cared more about the two guys after the match, if they were given the opportunity to get to know their characters throughout the match.


Again, they did. How the match played out painted their characters in perfect light. That match did a better job of doing that job then the Show vs Rhodes or Kane vs Orton matches did, with more time to do so.

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