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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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First off let me say, this was the most i've enjoyed mania in years! I have made a conscious effort to follow the product more rather than just cynically reading reviews of the tv show and ppvs and just take it for what it is. I have been focussing on the positives and ignoring any negatives, and I have to say, it works.. you can enjoy what WWE offer.




The Sheamus v Bryan match... i felt pissed at it, to the point where i didnt really enjoy the next two matches.


This is not UFC where you get legit early knockouts, this is a show that they expected me to pay for. This was one of the matches I was most looking forward to , so they sell me a match between these two and i don't get it (for the second year on the trot i might add). That is why i felt ripped off.


Yes they did it to Honky and Backland, but Honky V Warrior didn't have months of build and was not even advertised, and Backland was done on a house show. For me you shouldn't do that kind of thing to your second biggest title on the biggest stage you have.


In my mind it didn't benefit anyone, it devalued the 9 month push of Sheamus as it didnt make him look strong. He just blindsided someone and got a quick pin. Bryan looked like a cock, (i know he's played the coward, but that's not what this came across as). As many people that cheered when it happened, there were probably just as many that had watched the build into this match (from sheamus's push and rumble win to this point) that were thinking WTF? It also devalues the title (even more) and devalues the rumble winner status. As many others have said these guys would have been capable of putting on a belter, but we got this instead.


I appreciate that this story may continue however that's not what I pay for wrestlemania for. As we know there are thousands of people that just buy wrestlemania and maybe have no idea who Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are. This was a big opportunity to introduce them to a larger audience but instead they do this. It just seemed really stupid.


Luckily I felt the rest of the show was well worth the fee and pretty much everything else exceeded my expectation. I was quite happy the multiman tag got as long as it did because I really did expect that it was gonna be given 2 mins. As someone else said, the crowd sounded awesome. Normally even in the big indoor stadium the crowd noise disappears however this sounded fantastic. When was the last time you heard a pop for an opening bell like we did in the Cena v Rock match?


One thing I did notice and I am not sure if we will be seeing more of this now, was the dialogue in the matches..... there was dialogue to tell the story in the Taker V HHH match and clear dialogue in the Jericho V Punk match. The "how is your father" spiel would normally be done over the mic so everyone can hear it, but now they are getting the cameras right in the faces of the wrestlers so people can see what they are saying.

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I actually loved the ending to the Cena/Rock match. Cena betrayed himself by trying to take the piss out of The Rock. In that moment, Cena showed more arrogance and disdain for his opponent than he has in years, and it backfired hugely. He 'embraced the hate' if you want to use that bullshit parlance. He simply CANNOT come out tonight all smiles. He doesn't need to turn, but he needs to be crestfallen, angry and resolute.

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One thing I did notice and I am not sure if we will be seeing more of this now, was the dialogue in the matches..... there was dialogue to tell the story in the Taker V HHH match and clear dialogue in the Jericho V Punk match. The "how is your father" spiel would normally be done over the mic so everyone can hear it, but now they are getting the cameras right in the faces of the wrestlers so people can see what they are saying.

I hope they don't start pushing this more. The odd, significant line in a big match can really add something, like Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero, Triple H vs. The Undertaker from Mania 27 and Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair. The overuse of dialogue, as in last night, looks too contrived (not just the scripting, but how the camera and audio work always captures it) and it too bluntly puts across the story that the match itself is meant to be telling.

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Im sorry are you guys high?

this years Wrestlemania was terrible.


the two matches that had potential to steal the show were punk and Jericho and Sheamus and Dan Bryan.

that was a travesty having Bryan go out like he did there.

especially when you factor in the pop he got on his entrance.

you could ave shaved a few mins and about 10 chair shots off the Taker / HHH match and totally cut Brodus clay and given them a 5- 10 min match.


the rest of the card was sub standard, decent for raw but not PPV quality, especially not mania.

Taker and HHH was alright, but pointless. i figured shawn was there for a reason....he wasnt, i thought hhh saying "i know what i have to do to beat you" was some master plan.....there wasnt.


for me punk n y2j stole the show.


and rock and Cena was a snore fest.

they did nothing of any note at all except stiffing each other.

Rock winning makes no sence except to build a rematch....but lets face it, Cena (the guy who will stay in the company) now will never live down he lost to Rock at mania after all that build up. they could fight for the next 12 months and cena win every time but it wont mean dick cos he lost at mania where it counted.....and no im not a cena fan boy. i hate him, but he needed the win more


Jesus H fucking Christ.

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Do not understand the outcome of the rock cena match at all. Makes no sense to have Rock go over their biggest name who is full time.

Can only imagine that this was the contracted finish by Johnson in order to put this thing together.

Cena looks so weak now, be interesting to see where they go now... Was convinced we would seel a heel turn at mania ala Austin at mania 17, so think they dropped the ball there.

Not sure what a heel turn reaction would get at the moment. It would almost be a face turn, as would likely be met with cheers.

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Great Show for me


: Sheamus vs Bryan was a shame but I can see the future upside I just wouldnt of have it go on first maybe Show vs Rhodes instead.


: Big Show vs Cody Rhodes was decent enough given the size difference


: 12 man tag lasted longer than last years multi tag which was a start, I wouldve prefered Eve turning (again) on Ryder to make him lose not after it



She did, she got in the ring and distracted Ryder long enough for Miz to hit the SCF.

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I really enjoyed Wrestlemania last night one of the best thats been for years i thought and a huge improvment on last year, heres how i rated it

Wrestlemania 28

Sheamus vs Bryan - N/R

Kane vs Orton - ***1/4

Big Show vs Cody Rhodes - *1/2

Diva Tag - *1/2

Hell in a Cell, Undertaker vs HHH - *****

Team Teddy vs Team Johnny - ***

WWE Title CM Punk vs Chris Jericho - ****1/4

The Rock vs John Cena - ****1/4

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Heres something to make you all feel better about yourselves. Taken from the comments page to Undertaker Vs Triple H on WWE.com.


Zubii King

"HBK causes The game for loss his Career match against The Taker"

It was really "The End Of An Era" but I have some different thoughts from other!

I think HBK causes The Game For lost his Career match against The Taker. You all think that I am wrong but if you fairly examine it then you will see that HBK stopped many many times The Game when he wants to beat The Taker. HBK also get the Sludge Hamber from The game hands when He was going to hit hamber on The Taker Head. In short that in the whole match HBK stops many times The game but never ever Stop The Taker because he can't do that. That's why I think that it's unfair and HBK cause The game for loose.

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Im a bit indifferent to it, it felt to me a bit like a Wrestlemania by the numbers, all the ingredients were there, I just feel like ive had this broth one too many times now. My overwhelming feeling after watching Taker and HHH steal the show and Rocky standing on the top rope victorious was that they just cant go on like this for much longer. Ive no problem with the opener, I dont buy that it is the perfect scenario for Bryans story but I dont think its the worst idea in the world. The multi man was awful and nobody came out of it with anything more than they had before, I get the argument for trying to cram everyone on the card for their payday, I just wish they wouldnt do it. Orton - Kane and Rhodes - Show were decent enough but the build ups and feel of the matches were nothing special. As said, Taker and HHH was outstanding, a brutal hard hitting journey that incredibly HBK added to immeasurably. Punk - Jericho was enjoyable and didnt go on too long, I havent enjoyed Jericho for a long time so I was never going to enjoy this. I enjoyed the main event, I just didnt feel it was that special, they were looking for that iconic, camera shaking moment where both men look out into the crowd before the match ala Hogan-Rock but it just wasnt at that level, the match was decent enough though and I dont have a problem with Rocky going over. I guess im trying to say that I enjoyed it, I just wish theyd change things up a little bit, wheres the bold booking of previous years and who has come out of this PPV with more than they had before? Certainly nobody that will be wrestling at Extreme Rules and Money In The Bank.

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Do not understand the outcome of the rock cena match at all. Makes no sense to have Rock go over their biggest name who is full time.

Can only imagine that this was the contracted finish by Johnson in order to put this thing together.

Cena looks so weak now, be interesting to see where they go now... Was convinced we would seel a heel turn at mania ala Austin at mania 17, so think they dropped the ball there.

Not sure what a heel turn reaction would get at the moment. It would almost be a face turn, as would likely be met with cheers.

Cena looks weak? The guy has been dominating the company for the last few years, to the point where fans have turned on the whole Super Cena routine.


If anything his defeat last night should give him the opportunity to add another layer to his character. He lost the biggest match of his career - a match he told us last week he couldn't lose - and he lost it clean. We've seen now that John Cena isn't infallable and hopefully he's on RAW tonight looking to address his greatest failure.

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