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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Yeah, I agree. If you're going to bring him back why have his return on a house show? Doesn't make any sense. That being said, there was a camera man there who taped the whole thing so perhaps they might air it on Impact and somehow tie it into the story?


Anyways, I kinda knew he was back with TNA the moment Morgan posted that "I don't care about making an impact, I want to start a waR" graphic a month ago. That graphic totally looked like a TNA-produced graphic so he's been back with the company for at least a month now (if he ever was truly gone to begin with). I could see him being part of the biker gang which I'll be fine with it as long as he's not the leader.

Edited by pgi86
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Cena is going PINK!




For Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Starting at Tonight's PPV.



Think this is a great idea - apparently it'll only be 'til October at which point I'd expect to see a brand new shirt out, but it's still a great way to raise awareness and as Cena said himself, his brother is battling brain cancer so it has a personal note. Good show.

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Impact to remain live for the rest of the year with a few exceptions


- Universal Studios has released the Impact Wrestling schedule for the rest of the year, which reveals that the show will remain live. There are certain episodes that will not be live in November and December due to the holidays and will instead be taped in the middle of the month.


Below are the live airings:


* September 20th

* September 27th

* October 4th

* October 11th

* October 18th

* October 25th

* November 1st

* November 8th

* November 29th

* December 6th


The tapings will be held on the following dates:


* Monday, November 12th

* Tuesday, November 13th

* Monday, December 10th

* Tuesday, December 11th

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