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big mickey

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"Purple is made entirely of red."


"No, purple is made up of a combination of red and blue, though the proportions vary depending on the shade."


"Why are you saying purple is made entirely of blue?"

Who cares what makes purple, I just don't want Ribena all over my carpet

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EDIT: Earlier initial Police statment on the 26 yr old.



Police statement:


09 August 2011


Incident Date

Monday 8 August 2011


Incident Location

Warrington Road, Croydon, junction with Dupass Hill.



At approximately 21:15hrs on Monday 8 August police were called to reports of a 26-year old man found with gun shot wounds in Warrington Road, Croydon junction with Dupass Hill. The man was inside a car when police found him.


He was taken to a south London hospital where he remains in a serious condition.


Two other people, believed to be in their late twenties, were also at the scene. They were arrested fon suspicion of handling stolen goods and taken to a south London police station.


Detectives from Trident are investigating.

Edited by Jas
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Stanford Scott - from The Guardian


It's usual practice when someone is killed that their personal details are not made public until the next of kin has been informed. Mark Duggan's family saw in headlines that he had been killed as a result of a "terrifying shoot-out". Why such a difference in treatment? I was one of those who went to Tottenham police station on Saturday, with members of his family, to get an official acknowledgement that Mark had been killed. No official confirmation had been given to the family. As a community we were outraged they were being treated with such disregard by both the Met and the IPCC.


Why, 10 years after the Macpherson inquiry reported on institutional racism in the Met, should it still occur? We are from Tottenham: we have seen Cynthia Jarrett, Joy Gardner and Roger Sylvester killed by the police and do not expect finite answers from an investigation that has barely begun. All we really wanted was an explanation of what was going on. We needed to hear directly from the police. We waited for hours outside the station for a senior officer to speak with the family, in a demonstration led by young women. A woman-only delegation went into the station, as we wanted to ensure that this did not become confrontational. It was when the young women, many with children, decided to call it a day that the atmosphere changed, and guys in the crowd started to voice and then act out their frustrations.


I am appalled, dismayed and horrified by the level of destruction that took place. I wouldn't defend the indefensible; however I would like to provide an insight into the mindset of someone willing to burn down their own neighbourhood as I believe that on this point, little has changed since the disturbances on Broadwater Farm 26 years ago.


To behave in this manner young people have to believe they have no stake in the neighbourhood, and consequently no stake in wider society. This belief is compounded when it becomes a reality over generations, as it has done for some. If the riots at the weekend and the disturbances around London today have come as a surprise to the police and that wider society, the warning signs have long been there for those of us who engage with black youths.


First, looting comes from the belief that if you cannot get equality and cannot expect justice, then you better make sure that you "get paid". "It's all about the money!" is the motto of too many young black men, who have given up all hope of attainment in a white man's world. This is an absolute belief for those looting at the weekend

Edited by Whiskey1
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No a poor upbringing doesn't explain it all away. But add that to all the other factors I've previously mentioned explains why some of the people from these areas have rioted. The same way they rioted in the 80's.

Perhaps people could start discussing other reasons a bit more then, since that shitty upbringing that society has inflicted on them seems to have been thrown out more than any of the others thus far.


Every course of action is a gamble at the moment. Right now we don't know if this will last 2 days or 2 weeks....sending all our resources in heavy handidly now, only to see them get a public pasting might not be the best course of action...do you go 'all in' on your 3rd hand? If you do you need to be pretty certain you're gonna win.

Hanging around doing nothing and gradually convincing more and more people (both looters and real people) that the police are ineffective and toothless might not be the best course of action, either. If you're waiting two weeks to do something, you need to be pretty certain there'll still be something to salvage then.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Perhaps people could start discussing other reasons a bit more then, since that shitty upbringing that society has inflicted on them seems to have been thrown out more than any of the others thus far.



Hanging around doing nothing and gradually convincing more and more people (both looters and real people) that the police are ineffective and toothless might not be the best course of action, either. If you're waiting two weeks to do something, you need to be pretty certain there'll still be something to salvage then.


People have been discussing these things?? Read back through the pages, social mobility, disenfranchised youth, lack of any prospects, relationships with police & the community etc have all been mentioned?


I didn't say 'wait 2 weeks to do something'...I said that if you going in full force now only to take a public pasting due to sheer numbers will prove that the police can't stop anything & then you're looking at a real free for all.

Edited by Dead Mike
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Does anyone find it a bit suspect that virtually every photo of looters & rioters features black folk? Are there no whites rioting?


It's not suspect really as most of the looters & rioters are black.

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People have been discussing these things?? Read back through the pages, social mobility, disenfranchised youth, lack of any prospects, relationships with police & the community etc have all been mentioned?

The first three of those things are just the same "product of their environment" reason under another name. What's the difference between the social mobility issue and lack of any prospects? It's just semantics.


And see, the thing is, not many people have denied that there are contributing factors. Everybody readily accepts their existence. And apparently, the people who keep stressing the contributing factors don't think they excuse the behaviour. So aren't we all on the same page there?


I didn't say 'wait 2 weeks to do something'...I said that if you go in full force now only to take a public pasting due to sheer numbers will prove that the police can't stop anything & then you're looking at a real free for all.

So how long is safe to wait to do something? You seem set on the "act now" being a much bigger gamble than waiting around, but an old bloke on a train once said you have to pick the right time for holding as well as folding (I'm paraphrasing).

Edited by King Pitcos
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And see, the thing is, not many people have denied that there are contributing factors. Everybody readily accepts their existence. And apparently, the people who keep stressing the contributing factors don't think they excuse the behaviour. So aren't we all on the same page there?
I think we are. Were just different in our area of priority.
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