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big mickey

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Saw on Twitter someone saying that Tesco Deysbrook had been on standby in case they had to close early today. I'm sure that's standard for all supermarkets in the affected cities (and probably every city in the country), but was still odd to see someone saying that. It's only round the corner.

That's just five minutes away from me and I mentioned a few pages back that if I had to put money on it going off anywhere, Norris Green/Croxteth would be high on the list. I'm from West Derby originally and it's really nosedived in recent years. There have been rumours that there was trouble in Canny Farm but nothing's been reported.


EDIT: Going off over the water now:



Edited by Frankie Crisp
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Really not sure what to make of that to be honest.


Had a heated discussion with a bloke at work today. He started really going off on one about how they are scum, started effing and blinding which is unusual of him. Then he shouted "They need to send them back home". I had to stop him right there and remind him that from what I've seen, these are British people rioting and that it was a bit of a xenophobic thing to say. He said "British? Look at their faces". Was little point wasting my time further with someone of that opinion.


Well sadly it was always going to attract the skinhead element. Just another result of the police being so toothless about the whole thing. It's absurd though as i bet for every black lad from Tottenham doing it there is a white one from Cheshunt.

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Black culture as in NWA influenced, West Coast East Coast Gangsta Bollocks, if anyone disagrees with my point of view then fair enough, as far as I can tell if people act like a certain group of black people then it's fair to say they're following they're culture, my nephew is black and he doesn't talk like half of these white lads off the telly, so like I said, I'm not blaming all black people but you'd have to be daft to say this culture doesn't exist, although to be fair black culture may have been the wrong term, let's say "Gangsta's who just happen to be black culture"


I'd just say "Gangsta" culture and avoid the needless inflamatory racial inference entirely, if I were you mate. That culture may have had its genesis among black communities in America, but if we really must make the "black culture" distinction to begin with I'd suggest its pretty unfair to focus on the 'guns and ho's' aspect, rather than, you know jazz, rock 'n' roll, blues, swing, reggae, R&B...


Maybe its just the large Carribbean population in the midlands, but Bob Marley is far more representitive of "black culture" in this counry than Dr. Dre in my experience.

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That's just five minutes away from me and I mentioned a few pages back that if I had to put money on it going off anywhere, Norris Green/Croxteth would be high on the list. I'm from West Derby originally and it's really nosedived in recent years. There have been rumours that there was trouble in Canny Farm but nothing's been reported.


EDIT: Going off over the water now:




West Derby nosediving? I can't say I've noticed it changing that much there in recent years. The Liverpool update page on Facebook was rattling off various places earlier today and my brother was getting hyped up about it, I figured he needed to calm down. Old Swan was listed though, which wouldn't surprise me to be honest...I've walked through there a few times at night and had to almost run past large groups, mainly through paranoia of not getting past otherwise. I'm trying to keep up with what's going on in Liverpool since I'm in Leeds at the moment and it's a bit strange being away while everyone I know is at home watching this happen.


Anyway, there's fuck all to riot about and smash up in Norris Green.


Leeds has been very quiet, even with the Leeds/Bradford match tonight. There was a peace rally in Chapeltown earlier today which went off without a hitch, which is great to see. With that and the Enfield defenders, it's comforting to see there's still some good in the country. Still loads of idiots on Twitter claiming half of Leeds is on fire though.

Edited by LariatTom
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West Derby nosediving? I can't say I've noticed it changing that much there in recent years. The Liverpool update page on Facebook was rattling off various places earlier today and my brother was getting hyped up about it, I figured he needed to calm down. Old Swan was listed though, which wouldn't surprise me to be honest...I've walked through there a few times at night and had to almost run past large groups, mainly through paranoia of not getting past otherwise. I'm trying to keep up with what's going on in Liverpool since I'm in Leeds at the moment and it's a bit strange being away while everyone I know is at home watching this happen.


Anyway, there's fuck all to riot about and smash up in Norris Green. I won't worry about that.


Leeds has been very quiet, even with the Leeds/Bradford match tonight. There was a peace rally in Chapeltown earlier today which went off without a hitch, which is great to see. Still loads of idiots on Twitter claiming half of the city is on fire though.

I think I'm showing my age there Tom. By recent years I mean since I lived there, going on 25 years ago. Love the place to bits, but the closure of the Princess and the decline of the barracks seems to have sparked the Norris Green scrotes encroaching on West Derby. I still drink around there and the Village isn't anywhere near as friendly as it used to be, but I may be forming that opinion wearing rose-tinted spectacles. You're right about Norris Green; they can just carry on driving themselves in to the ground, providing they don't take the handful of decent people around there with them.


Just spoke to my cousin who gave me the heads up last night; there are brick throwing games going on down Smithdown Road now. It's been closed off by the sounds of it.

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That one's from the Vancouver riots in June.



Damnit. The internet lied to me!


It's honestly depressing that people think this is a good thing to do.


Edit: The looting and burning, obviously. I fully support anyone trying to put a stop to the cunts.

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