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big mickey

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Good news its calmed down hope for your sake your wrong about tomorrow.

Me to mate. my daughters autistic and was waken up by all the noise and very scared still awake now shes only 5. I am ashamed of whats happened tonight in my country and over the last few days'

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Getting bad here, got a close mate whos doing a night shift - thank fuck he's alright, police station has been set on fire, also on the Beeb.


Where in the Midlands you from mate?


glad it's calming down for you rohpete. Like others have said I wouldn't blame anyone for using whatever force neccessary to defend themselves and their family. I'd do the same.

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Where in the Midlands you from mate?


glad it's calming down for you rohpete. Like others have said I wouldn't blame anyone for using whatever force neccessary to defend themselves and their family. I'd do the same.


Ta mate

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Where in the Midlands you from mate?


glad it's calming down for you rohpete. Like others have said I wouldn't blame anyone for using whatever force neccessary to defend themselves and their family. I'd do the same.


From Kings Norton but had a Facetime conversation with a mate who works on security in the Bull Ring and who is stopping with family in Handsworth where its terrible.


http://yfrog.com/gyrg4kaj - Holyhead police station on fire.

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2 hours sleep, my street seems to have avoided any kind of damage. From the sounds of it Ealing looks like a bomb site, just wish they'd taken out the train station so I could have had the day off.


Craziest night I've seen in a long while, hopefully they have got it out of their system now and it calms down. I'd imagine there'll be a fair bit of vigilante justice dished out in the next week or so if the people involved fail to keep it to themselves.

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Not that it is important in the grand scheme of things but this could totally fuck up the start of the Premeirship season on Saturday.

It has already postponed the West Ham and Charlton games this evening. I wouldn't be too surprised if the England game was next.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Because it's fun for them. Over analyze it all you like but that's the answer.

If it's that much fun why haven't they done this before in recent years? Are areas of high unemployment suffering from a sudden lack of TV's and trainers all of a sudden?


Kids dont give a shit about Police because they literally cant do anything without hard evidence.

What a fucking shame, eh?


Very hypocritical from you, if that happened and the Police were called up on it youd be leading the Thread on here criticising it. Atleast dont change the colour on your flag now.

I wasn't being serious.

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Because it's fun for them. Over analyze it all you like but that's the answer.


If it was as simple as that it would be happening every night, wouldn't it? People need to realise that there's always a cause. Some on here are going on like this isn't important but of course it is, it's the key point! You need to get to the root of the problem. There's a total lack of understanding and connection between the police, government and media and these people that are rioting. They just live in completely different worlds. This grand idea of just grassing on the people involved, do they not realise that some of the people would rather die than speak to the police?

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It appears that a few youth meetings are being planned in the London area, where topics of discussion in a Haringey meeting will include;


a community and trade union enquiry into Mark Duggan
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It's scary to see people show such a flagrant disregard for the consequences of their actions. Theresa May is on TV talking about getting people to court to show the rest the consequences. People know what will happen, they just don't care.


I'm not just talking about criminal charges either. They don't care if they are seen and lose their jobs, they don't care about other people's homes and businesses. Setting fire to local businesses employing local people isn't protest, it's absolute lunacy.


I'm sure some of it is built on the frustration of people who don't see that they have a future but it's also built on greed. The people looting shops aren't desperate people, they're greedy people who see something for free. What they are doing is ensuring that the majority of the country will have no sympathy for those who are genuinely desperate.


I don't have any sympathy for them. I lose any respect or feeling for you the second you trample on others to "better" yourself. This is a country of opportunity. Everyone has the opportunity to be something. Everyone has access to education. Everyone gets a foot on the ladder. Sure, we all come from different backgrounds and have different upbringings but we all put our foot on the same ladder. You don't have to follow the same path as everyone around you. People in this country are incredibly lucky. Even the poorest people in society have things a damn sight better than the poorest in the rest of the world. I'm sickened by what's going on. If things are bad then change them. Don't destroy your own community and hurt the people in the same boat as you.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Hopefully they can organise themselves into a decent, more appropriate protest. Unless the authorities use recent events as an excuse to clamp down on them, of course.

Of course they'll clamp down on them because they cannot be trusted. Idiots will scream about it but they've brought it on themselves. It's irrelevant anyway, they're not protesting, they've no interest in protesting.

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