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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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It makes you wonder, just what is taking up Danny's time to not be able to answer his phone or emails to essential business such as his venue and star attraction's agents.


My guess would be finding a lawyer who would actually get involved with him AND not be a complete shitarse. Tough combination so you can understand why it's taking so long.

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He probably thought about answering the phone as he rolled over on the floor, smelling of grog, eyes half shut, cold chip stuck to his cheek, then he thought, 'I can't be arsed, it might be that John Armstrong from Red Reels Wrestling again talking about Strawberries' and slumped over again.

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He probably thought about answering the phone as he rolled over on the floor, smelling of grog, eyes half shut, cold chip stuck to his cheek, then he thought, 'I can't be arsed, it might be that John Armstrong from Red Reels Wrestling again talking about Strawberries' and slumped over again.


I think I will be nominating this as post of the month!

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i had a little chat with Rodd on Fludders status and he told me to run back to ukff.........so have a read if you like


Didn't think that he would have time to post on facebook as he has not had time to send out DVD's , tell fans the August and CZW show's are cancelled or answer the thousands of e-mails ;)

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it a big thread now but this was contact with Rodd before he ran off





Steven Fludder

Just got a friend request from Adam Bowler! Added him and he messaged me 'who is slagging me off' I replied with 'everybody' and he replied with 'you a lier and a wanker, I have talent for my show'


What a fucking mad guy! Gotta go his show to see it fall apart lmao


5 hours ago via Facebook Mobile

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He has decided, as many in the business do, that the UKFF is just full of miserable cunts who just want to run stuff down. Ok, I'll get back to that point, but even if that were the case, fine, he doesn't need to comment on anything here, in fact it would be more professional not to. However, there is a portion of his customers on here so their concerns should not be ignored. All he has to do is pick up the phone to the venue, tear them a new arsehole for telling people the show is cancelled when it isn't and insist that they put something on their site to confirm that it is going ahead.


The venue beat him to it. he still hasnt responded to their events manager trying to contact him to see if its going ahead. The dome are all prepped and ready to re-advertise it but he still hasnt got back to them


Yet he's still selling tickets and taking money......................................................

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The venue beat him to it. he still hasnt responded to their events manager trying to contact him to see if its going ahead. The dome are all prepped and ready to re-advertise it but he still hasnt got back to them


Yet he's still selling tickets and taking money......................................................

My point exactly. If all is going ahead as planned then it's a really simple thing to sort out. The fact that he isn't is cause for concern because he's either intentionally conning people or he's even fucking shitter than people think!.


So here's my thinking, if come 9am Monday morning Danny Rodd is still checking out the sand and the venue still think it's off and have had no contact from him, and yet he's still advertising the show then I think it's time to start contacting people who might be able to do something about this.


If someone else is already pushing this then I'll leave them too it, if not, for some reason this guys attitude has pissed me off (and he doesn't owe me anything!) so I'm more than happy to contact Shawn/Shawn's people to tell them whats going on, trading standards and the local press in Doncaster. Thoughts?


EDIT: I have a question though, where are they advertising this and taking the money? A quick visit to their website does have Shawn on the homepage, but the events section has very few details and I couldn't see any ticket information.

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