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Where is MARTIN STONE these days?


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One of the biggest British wrestlers from the 2000s is undoubtetly Martin Stone. He made shockwaves throughout Great Britain with winning dozens of Championships.

He also became a big star in Gerrmany @ wXw and even competed in countries such as Holland, Beglium, Danmark and ofcourse the USA.


He wrestled his last match in Januari 2011.



Wasn't he the 1PW and FWA Champion?

Didn't he sign a WWE developmental deal?


What happened to "The Guvnor"!?

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Funny you say that i was speaking to someone abot this topic on saturday , apparently he is NOT wrestling in the UK , i've not heard anyone say he's abroad so i'd say he's had Knee surgery (which i heard he had in april) and is recovering at home ? I'd say he will go to the WWE Oct/Nov

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I thought he signed for WWE about 18 months ago. Or was that an Alex Shane angle to set up something involving an expo and DVDs?


Until we see him in Florida, it's looking likely it's probably this after he recovers from his surgery.

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Funny this thread should pop up I actually saw him hobbling around Tesco doing his shopping. He seemed really limited so I would guess the surgery is fresh, he was wearing a knee brace and on crutches. Anyway I hope he comes back soon it just doesnt seem right going to an IPW:UK show and him not being on the card and if he is one of those guys on the british scene that absolutely deserves to make it on a more global scale.

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