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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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TNA is really good now. Good to see they are putting people in feuds with wrestlers they will have good matches with, instead of when they'd put Matt Morgan against Mr. Anderson and shit like that. Good to see a shakeup in TNA.



Robbie E defends his Television Title against Matt Morgan.

Eric Bischoff comes out to do commentary alongside Jeremy Borash.

Robbie E loses via disqualification after outside interference from Robbie T but still retains his championship.

That sounds amazing! Whats Bischoff doing on Xplosion! Bischoff and Borash sound like a dream team on the announce desk. Both well groomed young chaps.

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March 8th Spoilers


3/8 TNA Impact:


*Impact opens with Eric Bischoff, Gunner and Ric Flair coming out for a promo, pushing Garett Bischoff and a mystery partner vs. Gunner and a mystery partner. Kurt Angle and says he will team with Gunner tonight because Garett doesn't respect his father and he will make him tap tonight.


*Eric Young & ODB defeated Gail Kim and Madison Rayne to win the Knockout Tag Team Titles after Madison accidentally nailed Kim. Young proposed to ODB after and she apparently accepted.


*Zema Ion defeated TNA X-Division champion Austin Aries by DQ.


*Bully Ray demanded a TNA title shot and Sting gave it to him.


*Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode has no winner when James Storm hit the ring to chase off Ray. Storm then turned his attention to Roode, superkicking him and laying him out.


*Crimson and Matt Morgan defeated Robbie E and Robbie T to earn a TNA Tag title shot. They had dissension.


*AJ Styles cut a promo talking about the company's tenth anniversary. Chris Daniels and Kazarian came out and ripped on Styles. Ken Anderson returned to tease he would team with Styles, I guess, at the next PPV.


*Eric Bischoff came out and told the fans to come back tomorrow to see Garett Bischoff get destroyed. That was it.


Why the main event didnt happen


Jeff Hardy is believed to be suffering from food poisoning. The plan is to tape all of his segments tomorrow when he's feeling better.


Eric Young and ODB as knockout tag champs :D


and they've found anderson something to do. other reports definatly say that aj brought him out to be his partner against Daniels and Kaz

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Jeff Hardy is believed to be suffering from food poisoning. The plan is to tape all of his segments tomorrow when he's feeling better.



Uh oh. Jeff Hardy "random illness" alert. Er, yeah, really tired, er I got food poisoning, er.

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Whenever Tenay says "Monsters Of The Night" it makes me want to reach into the screen and rip his face off. It's like your Dad saying "doodical" in front of your mates when you're a teenager.

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March 8th


- Main Event for March 8th: Jeff Hardy & Garrett def. Gunner & Kurt Angle. Hardy hit the Swanton on Angle for the win.


March 15th



James Storm challenges Bully Ray but Ray says that he has another opponent for Storm. Gunner comes out and gets into it with the Cowboy. Match followed later.


- Crimson def. Samoa Joe


- A Double cuts a promo celebrating the longest X-Divsion title reign in history. Zema Ion confronts him and there was somewhat champagne involved or whatever...


- Mr. Anderson def. Daniels with the Mic Check. Daniels was busted open during the match.


- Gail Kim def. Mickie James


- Beat the clock challenge (5 minutes): Kurt Angle vs. Garett

* Angle dominated him throughout the match but didn't succeed.


- James Storm def. Gunner


- contract signing for Victory Road between Sting and Roode closed the show. Roode cut a promo while Sting just listened to him. Sting then became mad again, destroyed the furniture, layed out Roode and put the facepaint on Roode and himself.


- Xplosion: Kazarian def. Eric Young

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The latest Impact is cracking. They have a six man tag team match which did a lot for everyone involved. It was Roode, Bully Ray and Aries vs Joe, Magnus and Storm. It was great all came out looking great. I've done a complete U-turn on Samoa Joe. Him and Magnus are the best team in the business. They look awesome. Samoa Joe looks better than I've seen him since about 2008.


A really, really good wrestling show. Check it out.

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I still hate Joe. He's still fat, out of shape fat, and with all the bigger boys in TNA nowadays he looks short. His promo style hasn't improved or evolved EVER, and he's slower and sloppier in the ring than in his prime. Worst of all, though, is that his character just doesn't suit him any more. He acts like a dangerous force, but has lost to absolutely everybody and doesn't look tough any more.


This IS the most entertaining he's been in years, but that's not saying much.

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I still hate Joe. He's still fat, out of shape fat, and with all the bigger boys in TNA nowadays he looks short. His promo style hasn't improved or evolved EVER....


Yeah it has. Just before Hogan arrived and he was having another triple threat match with AJ and Daniels he started developing this really cocky, smug attitude. There was a particular promo he cut on Crimson about him being his bitch which was particularly good and he acts well in the confrontational backstage segments.

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