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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Jan 5th results


*Opening Promo with Sting & Jeff Hardy. Sting compares his history of demons to Hardy's. They are eventually interrupted by Bobby Roode, Bully Ray, and Kurt Angle. Roode complains about Sting showing favoritism by giving Hardy a title shot despite his screwups. They are then interrupted by James Storm and Abyss, who talk about their respective Genesis matches with Angle and Bully Ray. Sting announces the main event of Hardy, Storm, and Abyss vs Roode, Ray, and Angle.


*Zema Ion & Jesse Sorensen def. Austin Aries & Kid Kash when Sorensen pinned Aries after his roll the dice finisher


*Gail Kim & Madison Rayne def. Mickie James & Traci Brooks


*Gunner vs Rob Van Dam went to a no contest. Afterwards, they brawled around ringside with Gunner getting the upper hand. Gunner went to piledrive RVD on the concrete but agents were able to break it up this time.


*Samoa Joe & Magnus def. AJ Styles & Kazarian to win the Wildcard Tag Team Tournament when Magnus pinned AJ following a distraction from Christopher Daniels. Joe & Magnus face Crimson & Morgan at Genesis for the titles.


*Bobby Roode, Bully Ray, & Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy, Abyss, & James Storm went to a no contest. Afterwards, Roode and Angle locked Hardy & Storm in their submission holds while Ray used a chain to hang Abyss from the apron.


additional match for December 29th


-Zema Ion defeated Anthony Nese in a Contract on a Pole Match in their Best of 3 Series. Zema will now face Austin Aries at Genesis for the X Division Title.
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Why is Karen still running the Knockout's division? I mean, it's fun but seeing as Bischoff and Jarrett have no power, Sting should have fired her by now.

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Immortal has kind of turned into "Generic Heel Faction" from what i've seen recently. Some of the members have gone altogther or turned face. They should just get rid of it.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you there, Bowyo T, my friend. Immortal has an incredibly strong group of superstars at the moment, now seeming to include the World Champion himself. It wouldn't be TNA without a massive stable dominating the show, you'd have to be stupid to disband them now!

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Immortal has kind of turned into "Generic Heel Faction" from what i've seen recently. Some of the members have gone altogther or turned face. They should just get rid of it.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you there, Bowyo T, my friend. Immortal has an incredibly strong group of superstars at the moment, now seeming to include the World Champion himself. It wouldn't be TNA without a massive stable dominating the show, you'd have to be stupid to disband them now!


I would be nice to have a top guy turn heel without joining Immortal though, especially one that was so against them not too long ago.

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Immortal has kind of turned into "Generic Heel Faction" from what i've seen recently. Some of the members have gone altogther or turned face. They should just get rid of it.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you there, Bowyo T, my friend. Immortal has an incredibly strong group of superstars at the moment, now seeming to include the World Champion himself. It wouldn't be TNA without a massive stable dominating the show, you'd have to be stupid to disband them now!


I would be nice to have a top guy turn heel without joining Immortal though, especially one that was so against them not too long ago.

Thats the sort of thing i ment really.


So far most of the heel turns i've seen in TNA, they all end up in immortal for no apparent reason.


And Trev: I'll give you the Immortal group is stronger, (now most of the dead weight is gone) but i mainly said they should drop it because they dont really have any power anymore.


If anything they could do with a few new members, and just become an actual threat. Not sure why Bischoff/Flair/Karen Jarrett are still employed after they tried to whole taker over thing. I would of just fired them when getting the power back.

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I'm on the UK schedule, but I don't see that Roode has joined Immortal, he's just hanging round with Jeff and getting booked in the odd match with them.


Does Roode remind anyone of HHH in around 2000? His look, his bulk nowadays and the way he wrestles... it's very familiar.

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Immortal has kind of turned into "Generic Heel Faction" from what i've seen recently. Some of the members have gone altogther or turned face. They should just get rid of it.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you there, Bowyo T, my friend. Immortal has an incredibly strong group of superstars at the moment, now seeming to include the World Champion himself. It wouldn't be TNA without a massive stable dominating the show, you'd have to be stupid to disband them now!


I would be nice to have a top guy turn heel without joining Immortal though, especially one that was so against them not too long ago.

Thats the sort of thing i ment really.


So far most of the heel turns i've seen in TNA, they all end up in immortal for no apparent reason.


And Trev: I'll give you the Immortal group is stronger, (now most of the dead weight is gone) but i mainly said they should drop it because they dont really have any power anymore.


If anything they could do with a few new members, and just become an actual threat. Not sure why Bischoff/Flair/Karen Jarrett are still employed after they tried to whole taker over thing. I would of just fired them when getting the power back.


I think it's a quite deliberate move by the TNA writing staff that everyone joins Immortal, it's clearly meant to make them look incredibly powerful, that everyone (even the World Champion) is desperate to join them, like the NWO.

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To be fair in relation to the nWo stuff, they also had the boss of the company with them giving them the "Power" to do what they did. Same with immortal for a period of time, in which they ran the show. Now Carter has it back, i cant really see the storyline sense why she just wouldnt fire every single one of them for trying to take over her company.


It would be nice if they made it a more of a solid group. Have Bully ray as the "Leader", keep Steiner as the back up and gunner as the "new guy". They do need some sort of kick ass tag team, although TNA are a bit short on that side at the moment. Still dont know why Bischoff is still on screen, unless he's trying to win the company back or something, he shouldnt be there at all (Story line wise anyway). They should also do something more constructive with Flair also.


Immortal could be, and should be a great group. I personally only really see Bully Ray as a real "Heel" and a threat to boot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Final Card for Genesis this sunday/uk on wednesday


Gunner vs Rob Van Dam


The Pope vs Devon


Tag Team Championship

Samoa Joe & Magnus vs Matt Morgan & Crimson


Knockouts Championship

Mickie James vs Gail Kim


X Division Championship (four corners match)

Zema Ion vs Jesse Sorenson vs Kid Kash vs Austin Aries


Monsters Ball Match

Bully Ray vs Abyss (if Abyss loses he must rejoin Immortal)


Kurt Angle vs James Storm


TNA World Championship

Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Roode

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