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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Are they doing some sort of angle with Earl Hebner and Madison Rayne? I had the misfortune of switching over when Xplosion was on and it was Rayne vs Brooke. Madison bumps into Earl who catches her, then he looks to the crowd for some sort of approval then just starts kissing her, then appearing to channel his inner Ric Flair he starts convulsing and strutting as if he is the Nature Boy. Utter shite.


What I will by about Rayne is she is probably the only female on the roster who could be a success in the WWE if she ever fancied jumping ship.

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It also annoys me how people can be rivals one month, and friends the next.

Wrestling is a television show with progressive characters. Wrestling isn't real life, so comparing them to how people act in real life is ridiculous. Wrestling has always been popular for the over the top characters put in a little make believe word based on realistic settings. You need to define characters, not confuse the audience and over expose someone until we finally find out what his motives are. The story is, Roode didn't want to do it but when he did it and got his rewards he said "fuck it, this feels good". Roode's tried to be the nice guy, and he never got this far by being the nice guy. This is the real Bobby Roode, according to the storylines. His thought process is, that he doesn't need James Storm. They couldn't have done this angle any better. It was simple and beautifully portrayed. If Roode came out next week after hitting Storm with a bottle acting like a babyface, he'd have looked like a complete pussy and an absolute moron, and undone the impact of the previous weeks heel turn. This angle needed 100% impact and all the chess pieces to be put in place. They got that. Cant see what else they could have done. Wrestling just needs to be simple, but well done. Not over thought.


I'm not saying come out acting Babyface - but it's entirely possible to do an Over The Top celebration and have him act like he's got the crowd on his side, when in fact he doesn't at all. Like Kurt Angle's early victories - he was that annoying, he got booed.


And with all the reality booking due to Jeff's drug problems and the Jarretts/Angle storyline that TNA are doing and have done in the past - then they should make wrestling as if it was real life. It's even more stupid to follow one rule for one storyline and then a second for another. The whole show needs to follow the same logic - whether it's "real life" or whether it's old school heroes and villains wrestling.


That said, I've only watched the highlights on Youtube just yet, so I don't know if they mentioned the Anderson/Hardy problems in the past and whether they cleared that up.

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Are they doing some sort of angle with Earl Hebner and Madison Rayne? I had the misfortune of switching over when Xplosion was on and it was Rayne vs Brooke. Madison bumps into Earl who catches her, then he looks to the crowd for some sort of approval then just starts kissing her, then appearing to channel his inner Ric Flair he starts convulsing and strutting as if he is the Nature Boy. Utter shite.


What I will by about Rayne is she is probably the only female on the roster who could be a success in the WWE if she ever fancied jumping ship.


I didn't see this one, but did see the one the other week - basically they did an angle during the match where she was pawing him and flirting with him to get him on her side, until he saw through her towards the end of the match and basically let her opponent have at her. The Hebner Flair impression sounds a laugh to be honest - probably really poorly executed, but the sort of surreal shit I enjoy seeing on a B-show that nobody watches like Xplosion. Sort of like Cole's commentary during the NXT diva season, or when Mike Tenay turned heel on all the women towards the end of WCW.

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I'm not saying come out acting Babyface - but it's entirely possible to do an Over The Top celebration and have him act like he's got the crowd on his side, when in fact he doesn't at all. Like Kurt Angle's early victories - he was that annoying, he got booed.

But Roode's had the crowd on his side. The whole point of his heel turn is that the only time he has actually gotten to the top, is without doing what the fans or even his partner says. He needs nobody. Angle's early character was so full of himself he thought the fans were agreeing with him, when in fact they weren't. Roode's character doesn't want to go that way. Angle's character was knowingly hokey. Roode's character isn't like that at all.


And with all the reality booking due to Jeff's drug problems and the Jarretts/Angle storyline that TNA are doing and have done in the past - then they should make wrestling as if it was real life. It's even more stupid to follow one rule for one storyline and then a second for another. The whole show needs to follow the same logic - whether it's "real life" or whether it's old school heroes and villains wrestling.

Its all real within the context of the storyline though. The current Jeff Hardy storyline is only dealing problems happened on a TNA PPV earlier this year. They dont bring up his jail term or that he was caught with pills in his house or anything that deep. The Hardy storyline is only real as it pertains to the world of wrestling. They aren't stepping that far out the box. The only reason they are doing it is for Hardy to regain the trust of the audience. Althought its based on real life events, its still as fake as Roode vs Storms hatred.


Neither angle is complicated or to headbanging. Thats all you want. People should be thankful of angles like this. At least is isn't the days of Sting vs Kurt Angle, where Angle set himself and Sting up to lose a tag team title, so Sting could be accused (BY ANGLE) of slapping his wife, so they could set him up to wrestle him in a match Angle didn't want to wrestle, so he had to beat up Sting's son at Football practice at 10'o clock at night when its daylight outside and Angle had to ask Kevin Nash for help, and Nash didn't want to help him but did anyway, and then he turned on Angle and Angle had to bribe him with porn and Karen tried to seduce Kev and he turned her down and Nash and Angle and Sting became a stable because of it. Them were the days ...

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Just saw the 3-11 show.


That was actually a darn good show.



A fine non-title X division match. Aries and Sorenson (or Football boy if you like) performed well while Kid Kash was amusingly over the top in blurting out his rant at Sorenson being a rookie and he being a legend. It figures that the 3 way match at the PPV will enable Aries to be the opportunist and slip out another victory, and I hope he does because I'm a big fan.



Christopher Daniels has become damn entertaining since becoming this delusional liar. I laughed out loud at his segment where he was boasting about his sound victories. Hopefully he beats Van Dam at Turning Point as this is a character that should get some credibility and RVD hasn't seemed bothered since arriving in TNA.



Robbie E and Robbie T were tremendous. Apart from the Jersey Shore guy (who was pretty crap) I thought everyone involved in the segment were entertaining. Sadly, I figure that the new Robbie pairing will do the job to the reality TV guy next week, but I hope that isn't the case and I hope something can be made out of Robbie E and Robbie T.



A fair heel turn as well, as someone noted earlier, a fine camera angle of the moment Robert Roode made the decision to go down the road he did.



I'm actually looking forward to Turning Point.

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Sting's tracksuit, Kid Kash on commentary, Kid Kash threatening to knife Sorenson post-match and the main event. Excellent stuff.


My only complaint is James Storm should have bled after the bottle hit. IMO that would have made the whole thing perfect, with Bobby Roode celebrating over his bloody unconscious mate.


Oh and it looks like Mr. Anderson has finally completed the 'couldn't give a fuck about TNA' look he currently has, now he stopped dying his hair. Please leave!

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Are they doing some sort of angle with Earl Hebner and Madison Rayne? I had the misfortune of switching over when Xplosion was on and it was Rayne vs Brooke. Madison bumps into Earl who catches her, then he looks to the crowd for some sort of approval then just starts kissing her, then appearing to channel his inner Ric Flair he starts convulsing and strutting as if he is the Nature Boy. Utter shite.


What I will by about Rayne is she is probably the only female on the roster who could be a success in the WWE if she ever fancied jumping ship.


I didn't see this one, but did see the one the other week - basically they did an angle during the match where she was pawing him and flirting with him to get him on her side, until he saw through her towards the end of the match and basically let her opponent have at her. The Hebner Flair impression sounds a laugh to be honest - probably really poorly executed, but the sort of surreal shit I enjoy seeing on a B-show that nobody watches like Xplosion. Sort of like Cole's commentary during the NXT diva season, or when Mike Tenay turned heel on all the women towards the end of WCW.

Cheers for that. In a skit Earl's Ric Flair would have been pretty funny, I think I am just a bit of an old fuddy duddy in that I like my refs to be impartial, to keep out of the action and not get involved in the matches.

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Robbie E and Robbie T were tremendous. Apart from the Jersey Shore guy (who was pretty crap) I thought everyone involved in the segment were entertaining. Sadly, I figure that the new Robbie pairing will do the job to the reality TV guy next week, but I hope that isn't the case and I hope something can be made out of Robbie E and Robbie T.


It really was ludicrous Robbie E having to sell being afraid to fight Ronnie. I wonder if TNA knew what a shortarse he was when they booked this angle - he actually looks like a big lad on Jersey Shore, but they must have some smoke and mirrors tricks going on in post-production, because the minute he walked out looking about half the size of Eric fucking Young, the illusion was ruined. A right flabby little slob he looked.

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Don't know if it was posted over the week-end but




AJ Styles said on Twitter he injured his ankle at Friday's TNA Wrestling live event in Battle Creek, Michigan.


He wrote Saturday morning, "Rolled out of bed to see how the ankle was after last night.......... Not good, crap!" Asked how bad his ankle is, he responded, "Not sure, hope I'm ready by next Sunday."

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Spoilers for 17th November


Bobby Roode in-ring promo


He talks about Fortune and how they were like the crap on the bottom of his shoe that he had to scrape away. James Storm comes out and talks some smack by the entranceway. He heads towards the ring but security steps in front of him. AJ Styles comes from the crowd and when Roode turns around they throw fisticuffs. Security breaks them apart but as per usual they can barely control them. When things settle down a little, Styles grabs a mic and he and Roode exchange words.


Sting comes out and sets the Final Resolution main event: AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode in a 30 minute Iron Man match.


When Bobby Roode is leaving the ring he rips the guardrail out of the way and gets in Dixie Carter's face. This brings AJ back out to the rescue. Roode ends up hitting Styles from behind and both Styles and Carter go down. Roode mounts Styles and dishes out an endless array of right hands. Security and the agents come out to separate them and they scold Roode for hurting Dixie Carter.


TV Title Match


Robbie E w/ Robbie T vs. Devon w/ Pope


Robbie E wins via school boy after a whole bunch of outside interference shenanigans. Terry clotheslines Pope on the outside which brings out Eric Young with a chair. Young strikes Terry in the back with the chair but to little effect. Terry gives chase and then Devon becomes distracted when his sons jump the barricade to check on Pope.


Backstage segment with James Storm and Samoa Joe


Joe denies he was the one who attacked Storm last week but they end up trading punches anyway.


Austin Aries & Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen & Brian Kendrick


There is dissension brewing between Aries & Kash. Aries ends up leaving Kash to fend for his own towards the end of the match. Sorensen picked up the pinfall victory after Kash missed a top rope moonsault and Sorensen followed it up with his outward rolling cutter.


Backstage segment


Sting has a little talk with Garrett Bischoff about his match with Gunner last week. Crimson and Matt Morgan walk into the picture talking about their match at Turning Point. Sting talks about the state of the tag team division with the Motor City Machine Guns absent and Team 3D split. Mexican America have threatened to leave because there

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i was only messing. great feud for storm anyway. next roode vs storm shouldnt be while lockdown for me.


has velvet been a victim of the change in creative? just seems odd after all the build she had to get such a short title reign. there may be interference in the gauntlet but it would be odd to take her out of the picture completly.


and Gail vs mickie if i remember right was terribly awful even by diva standards when they last wrestled


also no abyss or anderson :)


but no bully ray or steiner :angry:

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