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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I really hope this is a big rouse, noboddy expects to see a classic from sting hogan. Infact I was expecting a Bret Hart level of participation.


As stated a tag match cheapens it but may allow a longer and more main even worthy bout. Jeff Hardy is obvious for Stings partner.


If they have built this all up and then no match then what a waste of time the last few months have been. Even more so considering Hogan had to duck out of competing last year as well.


I hope he goes and leaves TNA in peace ASAP!

I hope Jeff doesn't tag with Sting. Sting looked like he wanted to stab Jeff back at Victory Road.

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Hogan's contracts up in late October/early November and all of a sudden he's doing a retirement angle? WWE has a new network (which he will be all over) and the biggest and most hyped WrestleMania of all time coming up, which history says he'll be desperate to play some kind of role in?


I think its time to come 'home'.

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Hogan's contracts up in late October/early November and all of a sudden he's doing a retirement angle? WWE has a new network (which he will be all over) and the biggest and most hyped WrestleMania of all time coming up, which history says he'll be desperate to play some kind of role in?


I think its time to come 'home'.

Lets be honest, TNA and Hogoff only worked for a few months and the product is now suffering (that's Russo and managements fault), maybe doing an another re-boot without Hogoff may bring some much needed life back to the product.


As I previously said, if Hogan has one more match in him he needs to do it at Wrestlemania and get his big retirement send off. If anybody in wrestling deserves one it's the 'Immortal' Hulk Hogan. Hopefully he convinces the Stinger to do a run with him. Come to think of it, nWo?


Bound For Glory looks dead without Hogan v Sting. It's typical TNA though, they spend nearly two years building to a match and one of the people wrestling in it contract is up and he has told them "no, brother".

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"It doesn't work for me, brother".


But fuck that. It's all about Roode v Angle for me. They need to build this properly, put all their investment into it, and put other good wrestling bouts on the card, including a decent young opponent for Sting.

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Just saw yesterday's show. I thought it was fairly good.


The segment with Fortune was good, and I enjoyed Christopher Daniels cockily smuggling in the boasts of beating AJ Styles. And Kurt Angle thickened the plot nicely with his ploy of booking Roode against all his stable mates. One or more of them turning on Roode at BFG is a possibility.


Jeff Hardy and AJ's backstage segment was also rather gripping. Hopefully they have a match, and BFG seems like the appropriate time. If we can just forget that that senseless match between them (where AJ as champion lost clean) from last year ever happened, I think they can really sell AJ vs Jeff Hardy as a match 7 years in the making. They're dream match in 2004 went to a non finish, and they haven't had a match since. Work on AJ's grievance with what Jeff Hardy did in to the mix and to me there's a program worth watching.


A Double got a brief backstage promo, which is great. With the size of the roster, it works out in everyone's favour to rotate the talent so that one week they perform and the next week they have an interview. This keeps the talent fresh and interesting.


One big downer was Crimson's pathetic interview. The guy came across as utterly dull, you know, and shows far less personality than the man who's acting as a gateway to his feud with Samoa Joe (Matt Morgan)

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Jeff Hardy and AJ's backstage segment was also rather gripping. Hopefully they have a match, and BFG seems like the appropriate time. If we can just forget that that senseless match between them (where AJ as champion lost clean) from last year ever happened, I think they can really sell AJ vs Jeff Hardy as a match 7 years in the making. They're dream match in 2004 went to a non finish, and they haven't had a match since. Work on AJ's grievance with what Jeff Hardy did in to the mix and to me there's a program worth watching.


This is what confuses me. Hardy has real hate for CM Punk for reading a scripted promo dissing him when he left WWE and got himself arrested. Now TNA do the exact same thing (but with giving Styles a script) but they cut the promo right to his face. So is hardy gonna hate Styles now too?

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Jeff Hardy and AJ's backstage segment was also rather gripping. Hopefully they have a match, and BFG seems like the appropriate time. If we can just forget that that senseless match between them (where AJ as champion lost clean) from last year ever happened, I think they can really sell AJ vs Jeff Hardy as a match 7 years in the making. They're dream match in 2004 went to a non finish, and they haven't had a match since. Work on AJ's grievance with what Jeff Hardy did in to the mix and to me there's a program worth watching.


This is what confuses me. Hardy has real hate for CM Punk for reading a scripted promo dissing him when he left WWE and got himself arrested. Now TNA do the exact same thing (but with giving Styles a script) but they cut the promo right to his face. So is hardy gonna hate Styles now too?


I think you raise an interesting point.


Off the top of my head, the differences here are that what CM Punk referenced was an outside news story. Yes, it could have spread without CM Punk publicizing it, but CM Punk would have drawn a lot of attention to it.


What happened in TNA occurred right on TNA's PPV. There's no way Jeff can sweep it under the rug and hope people won't know about what happened. Subsequently, what we saw on Impact was a consensual skit with Jeff Hardy's foreknowledge of exactly what AJ would have said. CM Punk's promo would have come as quite a shock.


In the long run, all of this is part of a redemption story line in TNA. In WWE, it was a one off put down which seemingly existed to further distance the relations between WWE and Jeff Hardy.

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Hogan's contracts up in late October/early November and all of a sudden he's doing a retirement angle? WWE has a new network (which he will be all over) and the biggest and most hyped WrestleMania of all time coming up, which history says he'll be desperate to play some kind of role in?


I think its time to come 'home'.

Lets be honest, TNA and Hogoff only worked for a few months and the product is now suffering (that's Russo and managements fault), maybe doing an another re-boot without Hogoff may bring some much needed life back to the product.


As I previously said, if Hogan has one more match in him he needs to do it at Wrestlemania and get his big retirement send off. If anybody in wrestling deserves one it's the 'Immortal' Hulk Hogan. Hopefully he convinces the Stinger to do a run with him. Come to think of it, nWo?


Bound For Glory looks dead without Hogan v Sting. It's typical TNA though, they spend nearly two years building to a match and one of the people wrestling in it contract is up and he has told them "no, brother".


Sorry but BFG looks dead without Hogan & Sting? You have Aries as X Champ defending, Angle vs Roode + a huge amount of the card to be confirmed....did you not think that Hogan vs Sting was utter rubbish 10 years ago...let alone now?


Its crap booking admittedly (if its not a work) but to say the PPV is dead is a bit unfair - in my opinion.

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On the episode of Impact Wrestling that will air on 9/29, it has been announced that it will be the end for Hulk Hogan with TNA. Just recently, it was also announced that Hogan and Eric Bischoff's contracts with TNA are expiring in October.



This news certainly effects the planned match that TNA had been building to for months of having Sting vs Hogan at Bound For Glory. The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Hogan's physical ability has been very questionable for a while after his last set of back surgeries. They are reporting that Hogan has said he "absolutely can't take any falls."

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Hulk Hogan should have given them a lot of warning about this instead of making them look like fools. As far as Bischoff goes, he told them from day one to take the company on the road, he told them to get rid of Russo, he told them many things and none of which really came to fruition so if they wont listen to what he or Hogan says then why bother bringing them into TNA in the first place? And i'm sure many people will be jumping for joy and i daresay most of the young guys in TNA will be jumping for joy but really where are they now? Back to square one. Back to nothing. They are no further forward, still doing the same ratings, still the same people writing the shows, still stuck in Orlando Florida and yeah maybe what Bischoff and Hogan wanted would have cost them a lot of money, maybe it would have put them in the red for a little bit but at least it was a step in the right direction.

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