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Time for phone upgrade

Kaz Hayashi

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Just to let you know that Apple support only extends one generation so entering into a long contract with an iPhone is just asking for disaster, considering the incredibly active community dedicated to causing damage to the phone it's best to stick with Android, which is already the superior system and only improving.


Odd that I chose a Blackberry really.



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iPhones are fucking great, and make you look like an important sexy person, where an Android makes you look like a cheap-ass.


Only slight problem with the iPhone - it's not very good at making and receiving calls :crazy:

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Cheers mo' that's a great breakdown and some quality info.


I got an iPhone (someone got an upgrade, I got their old iPhone) and obviously didn't want to turn it down, would have been silly too. That plus the fact like previously mentioned, I'm a mac boy for producing reasons, I assumed the iPhone would work really well with it. While it does, as mentioned above the phone part us actually shit, everyone who calls me complain that it's very echoed.


It's all been food for thought, thanks everyone so far!

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iPhones are fucking great, and make you look like an important sexy person, where an Android makes you look like a cheap-ass.


Only slight problem with the iPhone - it's not very good at making and receiving calls :crazy:

See, I got an iPhone 3GS last May and I've had no problem with it. No problem with calls or reception, no crashing and wiping my phone with updating firmware

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Khem - Thats the thing mate, the person i got the iPhone off was wha lass, it was generally a very cush phone, but then a year and a half in to her owning it, its stopped display the charging icon whilst plugged in and when people rang her, the ear piece randomly didnt work.


I then got the phone after her upgrade and those things have not been an issue, but for some reason, i get very bad signal in my house (even though the same sim card gets full signal if inserted in a different phone), the alarm sometimes doesn't work (the was a nightmare until i downloaded a new form of alarm). Also as mentioned, when people phone me, or phone them, 50% or so complain that its very 'echoed'.


Non of the above are the worst things ever, but they are the kind of things that if i wanted to sell me phone, i'd feel the need to alert the buyer, possibly putting them off. When i get my upgrade (hopefully this week), im not sure what to do about the iPhone.

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Anything with Android, HTC Desire HD is a great phone

My missus has the normal HTC Desire and it's really, really good. Can't imagine how good the HD is. I think it's better than the iPhone, though I've only played with iPhones belonging to friends. The better models are all abit of a much of a muchness though. Mo is right about the HTC battery life though, fucking shit.

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What in the fuck does that mean?


Ha, sorry, but that sounds as technical as the options on a modern electric razor. If you don't mind mate, can you give a brief run down on what a dual hard core mobile phone is?



Basically two processors, which theoretically means can do twice as much in the same amount of time.


Why do you need a phone to do two things twice as fast. In fact, what two things could you possibly want to do at once on a phone?

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Anything with Android, HTC Desire HD is a great phone

My missus has the normal HTC Desire and it's really, really good. Can't imagine how good the HD is. I think it's better than the iPhone, though I've only played with iPhones belonging to friends. The better models are all abit of a much of a muchness though. Mo is right about the HTC battery life though, fucking shit.


Isn't there a trick that you can do on the Desire HD that doubles the battery life?


What in the fuck does that mean?


Ha, sorry, but that sounds as technical as the options on a modern electric razor. If you don't mind mate, can you give a brief run down on what a dual hard core mobile phone is?



Basically two processors, which theoretically means can do twice as much in the same amount of time.


Why do you need a phone to do two things twice as fast. In fact, what two things could you possibly want to do at once on a phone?


Its not about doing 2 things at once is it? It's about being able to play better games and having the phone be a lot faster in it's general use.


My missus is getting an upgrade soon and she says i can have it if she can have my Iphone4. So im hoping to get the Samsung Galaxy S2 which looks amazing.


The Iphone is ok, very slick and looks lovely but i want a bigger screen.

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Its going to have to be the Desire then really from what i can see, everyone has given me some cracking info and advice, its just that the very vast majority have said the Desire is mint, this including the 7 or 8 online reviews ive read (including iphone 3 and 4) the Desire seems to always come up trumps.

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