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Great Khali involved in a shooting


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Have to say, I don't see how this'd be Khali's fault, nor do I think he'd be stupid enough to be behind something like that. He's got mega-star status in India, he's earning a sack of cash from WWE, he's got a gorgeous wife, and he's set for life after he retires from wrestling, with both the money he's earned and the opportunities for film and TV appearances in India and other countries.


That bodyguard need firing and prosecuting.

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He's so big, that WWE shows in India had all things Khali related edited to show him in good light. Its one of the main reasons WWE turned him face. He's a massive star in his native country.


Also, wasn't there something about them bringing back his translator so that he could cut face promos in Hindi/Punjabi, and then have Runjin translate them as heel promos? Great idea if true.


Wow, and people thought Jericho didnt handle crowds well.


"Go back to Pakistan"

"I'm from India you idiot"


I had more of a


"Go back to Kerala!"

"I'm from Punjab, you bhen-chod!"

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