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Now Val Venis is getting involved!

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"Talentless" is a bit strong.


Ludicrous half-deranged self-aggrandizing egotistical delusional semi-relevant self-parody, perhaps, but "talentless" is a smidge harsh.


EDIT - so Matt has exposed via the internet that they are working the fans - to the very fans that might attend said indy shows and get somewhat into the match, because they think it's got a slight real-life back story to it.



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EDIT - so Matt has exposed via the internet that they are working the fans - to the very fans that might attend said indy shows and get somewhat into the match, because they think it's got a slight real-life back story to it.



He's a loose cannon, remember. He's pulled a fast one. A work within a work that we think is a shoot, aimed at the internet audience ALWAYS work dont they?

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EDIT - so Matt has exposed via the internet that they are working the fans - to the very fans that might attend said indy shows and get somewhat into the match, because they think it's got a slight real-life back story to it.



He's saying that he doesn't want any part of it. He's trying to expose Val as a Honky Tonk Man type character, I think.


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I am not the biggest fan of ethier Hardy brother, I enjoy Jeff as a Heel in TNA even it now seems to be running out of steam. I have never really enjoyed anything Val Venis has done, I hear he has the work rate of a bull but he still bores me.


The rant sounded even more desperate than the weird ones Matt Hardy did.

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Interesting to me is why whilst driving down a highway he thought, "this will be a perfect time to film a video slagging off those hardy boys" I can only deduce it's because if he did it in his house his wife or kids would walk in and tell him to sit down and then call him a silly sod.

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I've never been amazed by Venis but he's been solid; I wish I could say the same about Hardy. Having never watched Hardy online I decided to give it a view and it was cringeworthy - Call it a day please? :\

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Been a big fan of both for years but if it is a work from Val to try then its a strange one. Not sure one wrestler saying online that he doesn't rate another wrestler's ability on a video he filmed whilst driving would really make me want to see them wrestle. I mean its not exactly Randy Savage getting jealous thinking his supposed best mate is trying to hit on his woman, The Rock swerving us and poor old Mankind by joining the Corporation or Barry Windham turning heel on Lex Luger and siding with the Horsemen in terms of giving me a reason to care about a match.


I reckon a match between these two a few years back (with a proper reason to care) would have been great and could still be pretty good although neither look as good as they once did.

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It could've main evented any episode of Heat in the country!


Cheers for that, made me chuckle thinking of Monsoon who would announce, ludicrously, during the Survivor Series that any random combination of for example Tito Santana and Honky Tonk Man was a "main event anywhere in the entire world."


The main eventers of 1989! Hulk Hogan! Ultimate Warrior! Randy Savage! Tito Santana.

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I reckon a match between these two a few years back (with a proper reason to care) would have been great and could still be pretty good although neither look as good as they once did.

It could've main evented any episode of Heat in the country!


It could indeed, Monsoon. And it would have been a good match.

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