SpiralTap Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Does anyone else have a cat that displays what you would describe as "Odd behaviour"? Â All the cats ive owned have been a little special (they take after their owner) but my current feline friend is quite the odd ball. Â Specifically this cat likes to be beaten up, not in a punch in the face kinda way but slaps on the rump, his favourite is getting me to slap him about while he scratches at his scratch post He will run to the post, hold on to it and wait for me to start hitting him before he starts scratching! Â The other odd thing that ive never seen before is he likes me pulling on his ears and sometimes holding his face in my hand, he actually puts his face or ears in my hand so i will do it and starts puring like an idiot. Â Is my cat odd or is this actually quite normal?
THELONEGUNMAN Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Specifically this cat likes to be beaten up, not in a punch in the face kinda way but slaps on the rump, his favourite is getting me to slap him about while he scratches at his scratch post  How the hell did you find that out?
SpiralTap Posted January 1, 2011 Author Posted January 1, 2011 Specifically this cat likes to be beaten up, not in a punch in the face kinda way but slaps on the rump, his favourite is getting me to slap him about while he scratches at his scratch post  How the hell did you find that out?  It was a pattern i noticed; I chase him around the flat, he runs to the scratch post, I slap him back and forth on both sides of his rump, he loves it.  Like I said ive never seen anything like it, i felt bad to begin with but he started trying to get me to chase him and when i did he did the same thing. I'd like to think that if he didnt like it he wouldnt keep doing it. I tried not slapping him when he goes to the post but then he stops and looks at me with a disapointed look on his face, I took a step towards him and sure enough paws on the post and bum in the air.
ajmcstyles Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 that is pretty strange for a cat. My two cats aint too bad. Â They wont eat out of someone hand. One of my cats, if you try to fuss her anywhere bar her lower back or her she gets extremely pissed off and will strach ya for it. They only seem to want fuss when me or the misses are in bed. They decide when mine and the misses bed time is and meow until we go to bed. They will not go to the toilet outside they come in and use there cat litter box. Oh they love to sleep in there box they get taken to the vets in. Finally one of them is claustrophobic. But like most cats who have two or more owners they love to play the game we aint been fed, ill feed them and they go to the misses and say they aint been fed.
Paid Members Tommy! Posted January 1, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 1, 2011 200 channels and nothing but cats.
carrie Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 my oldest cat likes getting scratched at the base of his tail and getting his belly rubbed but my youngest cat will rip your hand to shreds if you try to touch his belly
Paid Members Surf Digby Posted January 1, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 1, 2011 I have one cat that if you push it from the side will fall and roll, whereas the other will sidestep and remain upright. One will bite and try and draw blood, the other will just hold your finger in it's teeth and grin at you. Â Cats play by their own rules. That's why they're superior to dogs.
Paid Members Quentin Posted January 1, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 1, 2011 My cat plays fetch - but only with one toy. When we got her the missus bought her loads of cat toys and she turned her nose up to all of them except for one. It's a scrunchy foil ball that she absolutely loves. She managed to lose one and then just looked miserable for a week or so until we managed to get her a new one. The minute she heard it scrunch she came running. If you throw it she will chase it, bring it to you and sit waiting for you to throw it again. Â She also likes to climb the curtains and then tip her head upside down and look at you with a mental cat-smile.
Paid Members SiMania Posted January 1, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 1, 2011 Where's DJStevieC when you need him?
SpiralTap Posted January 1, 2011 Author Posted January 1, 2011 Just remembered another unique characteristic of the same cat, he loves being grabbed by the scruff (as long as its not to carry him around), he also has some spare by his tail and if you grab both his scruff and his spare he will go limp and fall over. Â Its probably quite common by he like to climb on my shoulders (usually to nut me in the eye) or be carried like a baby. Â He also does the holding in his teeth thing with my hand when he's getting lazy fuss, if im playing with his ears or something and I stop he puts my hand in his mouth. Also when i come out the bath he tries to dry me which also ends in him nibbling me.
Steve Justice Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 You know when you meet someone for the first time and after a few minutes you think 'what a twat'? Thats our cat in a nutshell.
Loki Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Well, they do say cats take on the personalities of their owners... Â A lot of cats like a bit of rough and tumble, play-fighting and so on. Sounds like SpiralTap's cat is just slightly more specific in that area.
SpiralTap Posted January 2, 2011 Author Posted January 2, 2011 Plus it doesnt help that he is Basement cat, tourmentor of small things and annoyer of bigger things.
Paid Members Bettencourt Posted January 2, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 2, 2011 I'm glad this topic came up. Â My cat died on the 29th. Infact we had him put down (is that the term for cats?). For most part of this year he was suffering from cancer of the kidney. So in late summer this year he had an op to get the kidney that contained the tumour removed. For a month or so he showed signs of recovery. But we noticed at the start of December he was deteriorating again. You wouldn't really notice it. He still looked pretty healty. He wasn't eating and was drinking lots, and bloods came back showing kidney failure. I say he looked healthy, he wasn't really himself though. Didn't play, nothing. Still would harrass you for the occassional rub. But mostly just took refuge under my bed and came out once in a while. Â So on the 29th the peeps took him to the vet to be put down. Â Now here's why I have posted. Â In your own personal view. Is it right we put animals down due to things like this where it's terminal? Also, how do you think this could transcend into human life with increasing requests from people who have terminal illnesses etc to endure clinical suicide? Â I just find it sad, albeit most likely in the animals best interest, that they do not have a say. Just sad.* Â *I am not a psycho who wished animals could talk. I'm not Dr. Doolittle.
Paid Members FLips Posted January 2, 2011 Paid Members Posted January 2, 2011 Unless they're in horrific pain, then I don't see the need to put them down. In your case, if the cat looked healthy, you've not described him as being in a lot of pain, and he still was looking for attention and stuff then I think he was needlessly put down. I think being put down is acceptable if death would be better than life, but in your situation that didn't sound the case.
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