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Film 2010 with the UKFF


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My Top 10 is finally compiled. There are actually 11 films in it, thanks to a last minute entry. I'll link to the frankly monstrous blog entry with detailed reasoning after the list.


10 (joint) - The Town

10 (joint) - The Infidel

9 - Lebanon

8 - Inception

7 - Hunter Prey

6 - Valhalla Rising

5 - Monsters

4 - Machete

3 - Four Lions

2 - Black Swan

1 - Dogtooth.


Here's the blog, but I'm not kidding. Take a week's worth of rations if you're going to attempt it.

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Questions pour Woyzeck:


1: Monsters-related:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

1: Do you think she's definitely dead at the end?


2: Empire's review referred to "the year's funniest sex scene". Can't help but feel I missed this unless they meant the two aliens at the gas station which wasn't sex at all now was it?


3: She's like a cuter Maggie Grace dontcha think?


[close spoiler]



2: No love for The Social Network?


3: What is that image in your blog banner from? I have seen it before.

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My Top 10 is finally compiled. There are actually 11 films in it, thanks to a last minute entry. I'll link to the frankly monstrous blog entry with detailed reasoning after the list.


10 (joint) - The Town

10 (joint) - The Infidel

9 - Lebanon

8 - Inception

7 - Hunter Prey

6 - Valhalla Rising

5 - Monsters

4 - Machete

3 - Four Lions

2 - Black Swan

1 - Dogtooth.


Here's the blog, but I'm not kidding. Take a week's worth of rations if you're going to attempt it.


Fantastic. I've literally only seen one of those. That means a) you're nerdier than I am and b ) I have some films to track down.

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Questions pour Woyzeck:


I don't know what the fuck is up with the spoiler tags, so forget them.




1 - Afraid so. I mean, we can tell ourselves otherwise, but that's definitely the intention of those scenes.


2 - That's a really weird quote. Funniest? I'd guess they probably mean the alien meeting, but that wasn't remotely comedic. There's the awkward bit the morning after the guy sleeps with that other women, but hardly the funniest sex scene of the year.


3 - A less cute Maggie Grace :thumbsup:


Haven't seen Social Network yet. Shameful, really :(


The blog header is just an image I saw somewhere, can't remember where, and I don't know the story behind it. You often see the full thing floating around as a "WTF?" image on forums and whatnot.

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Edit: Never mind, you've fixed it.


I really enjoyed Monsters, and I loved the ending, even without the callback. Just the abruptness of it and how unconventional it was.


Bad Lieutenant counts for this year seeing as it was released in the UK and Ireland in 2010 right?


Get on Social Network.

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If I had to give a rough top ten, I'd say:


10. Winter's Bone

9. Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

8. Jackass 3D

7. Inception

6. How To Train Your Dragon

5. Piranha 3D

4. Shutter Island

3. Toy Story 3

2. The Social Network

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World


I've yet to see Exit Through The Gift Shop or Splice and both of those looked great. Scott Pilgrim and The Social Network could easily swap places on second viewings.

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I'm a little surprised at the love 'Scott Pilgrim' is getting. I missed it at the cinema but read the glowing reviews & sat down with great anticipation and was bitterly disappointed. I thought there were some nice touches & good visual ideas but it was like they thought one scene/set piece worked really well so they'd simply repeat it over & over. I was pretty bored by the end.

My picks, in no order -


Shutter Island


The Social Network

Toy Story 3

The Road

Four Lions

Bad Lieutenant


The Town was probably the film I felt like I missed out on the most. Top of my list to check out at the moment.

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