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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I'm filing that under bullshit with the Planet Hulk rumours. The fact it talks about Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (who fall under the Fox Xmen/ Mutant contract) possibly being in Avengers 2 just below it makes me think it was just Kevin Feige answering someones fan boy questions. Would be cool to see but pointless unless they had full control over all their characters, otherwise its just 4 or 5 people on each side

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Here's a Marvel update that's not a rumour, the rights to the character DareDevil have now officially gone back to Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige the head of production confirms it. No plans for him just yet as far as I'm aware. Daredevil isn't as spectacular as some but could have some ongoing stories, it would make a pretty good TV series I think, it works for Green Arrow.

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There's lots to dislike in the Ben Affleck DareDevil movie, there's lots to enjoy too though, I liked it at the cinema and I find it easy to rewatch, Michael Clarke Duncan is great as Kingpin and it's one of the few times switching a character's race made sense and didn't seem token, I also maintain that DareDevil's costume is the best movie costume ever at bridging the gap between the comic and movies, it's well designed, doesn't look silly and still looks flashy and colourful enough that it didn't seem like they were trying too hard not to be like the comic.


Elektra (the movie) is one of the worst comic adaptations ever though.

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There is plenty to dislike - and Colin Farrell is infuriatingly hit and miss as Bullseye - but on the whole I thoroughly enjoyed it every time I've watched it.

I like Affleck, I really do. Pearl Harbour aside, I think he's a grand actor with a great screen presence and there's always a cheeky everyman glint in his eyes and he's a huge fan of DD himself, so he was never going to phone it in.

With the ball back in Marvel's court though, it'll be very interesting to see where they go with the character.

Elektra was a fucking septic movie.

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Saw Iron Man, it's great and made me even more excited for the 2nd Avengers, but I'm now having to explain to Dyllan that he can't go see it next week. Not a kids film AT ALL.

It's a tad harsh at points for the under 10's, I agree, and with Shane Black at the helm it was never going to be Fantastic Four, but it's no worse for kids than Green Lantern.

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Saw Iron Man, it's great and made me even more excited for the 2nd Avengers, but I'm now having to explain to Dyllan that he can't go see it next week. Not a kids film AT ALL.

It's a tad harsh at points for the under 10's, I agree, and with Shane Black at the helm it was never going to be Fantastic Four, but it's no worse for kids than Green Lantern.

It's way too dark for a 4yr old, let alone one with autism. Shame because he was so excited to see it.

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Completely unrelated.. but that reminds me that I saw an article the other day that they have done a special autism-friendly version of the Lion King stage show and it is receiving very positive feedback. Don't know if you saw that..? I see from a quick google that there is a showing of it in London next Sunday.

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I saw Iron Man. It's a great film, but....


[big spoiler, do not reed if you haven't seen it]

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Really surprised and disappointed to see a great character like The Mandarin, Iron Man's arch nemesis, relegated to no more than a punch line. It a embarrassing. I mean, it was good for a cheap laugh and it served the story they were trying to tell but it just felt sour to me as a long time comic fan


[close spoiler]



That said, there's a lot to love about it. It's very much a Tony Stark movie and showcases both how brilliant a character he is and how perfect Downey Jr is in the role. His best turn as Tony for my money and if this is his last solo outing then it's a strong and fitting finale for him. He just has that perfect blend. Rhodey was much better utilised in this one too which I really enjoyed. Also highlights that Shane Black needs to direct more, he's awesome.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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Completely unrelated.. but that reminds me that I saw an article the other day that they have done a special autism-friendly version of the Lion King stage show and it is receiving very positive feedback. Don't know if you saw that..? I see from a quick google that there is a showing of it in London next Sunday.

Most cinemas now have Autism friendly screenings. Ours has one every month but is always on a Sunday when his father is (supposed to) have him.

He's ok in the cinema though, his first film at the cinema was The Avengers and I made sure it was in a screen that wasn't too loud and we sat right at the back. He got up a few times and walked along the back row just scoping the place out but he loved the whole experience.

But yeah as I said, he won't be seeing Iron Man 3 for a while. Even without the violence, he could get majorly freaked out at the amount of danger and peril Tony gets into. It's real to him you see :(


EDIT: Completely forgot to actually reply about the stage show. I would love to take him to a stage show, maybe next panto season the Mayflower will have something good on.

Edited by Kookoocachu
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