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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Ridiculous article. We never read this sort of mock outrage from the tabloids whenever Walter Smith calls for a referee to be "strong" before a game.


However, would we be talking about this situation if Celtic hadn't piled unnecessary pressure on the referee before the match?


Was it Neil Lennon who wrote the newspaper articles highlighting Willie Collum's daytime job as an RE teacher at a Catholic school? What exactly does that have to do with a game of football, and why are such articles written only in the build-up to this game? The media - newspapers in particular - are just as liable as Neil Lennon or anybody else for "piling pressure" on a referee.


No but it was Neil Lennon who in a press conference questioned why somebody who had never refereed an Old Firm game before was given it and also said that there would be pressure on him to perform.

Case closed against Mr Lennon there. He said there would be pressure on a referee to perform in a Glasgow derby? Such remarks merit the severest of punishments.


There's always pressure on a referee in these games, regardless of whether Neil Lennon has the temerity to point it out beforehand. And there was particular pressure heaped on Mr Collum this time around following the blundering events at Tannadice which saw an assistant referee quit after being made the scapegoat for a decision he had no part in making. Ridiculous articles about the referee's religion - which we never see before any kind of game - do nothing to help. The press only added fuel to the fire in this situation.


Neil Lennon isn't the first manager to criticise a referee. Just last season we heard Jim Gannon's remarks that refereeing decisions could cost Celtic the title. John Hughes went to town on Willie Collum a couple of seasons ago when he sent off Patrick Cregg in a game against Rangers and allowed the red card to stand, despite rescinding Sasa Papac's sending off from the same game. Walter Smith questioned the leanings of "Mr. Murray" following a Rangers goal being disallowed at, I think, Fir Park. Yet none of these men received the treatment that Neil Lennon has been getting over the last ten days.


I'm pretty sure the guy Smith talked about was called "Murphy" no? Somehow I don't see him insinuating that anybody called "Murray" must be a Celtic fan.


Also do you not think the reason Lennon is getting so much more attention is because of the threats that have been aimed at Collum?


I agree with Aidancorrigan. People need to grow the fuck up. I live in a fairly small area about 30 miles away from Glasgow and there was still three attempted murders on Sunday. Can only imagine what it must've been like in Glasgow itself.

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I'm assuming by the way you've highlighted that part of the article that you think his parents just made it up?


Not made up, but exaggerated. I'm no expert but if a baying mob were attacking your house and throwing wheelie bins at your window I'm pretty sure it would leave some sort of mark.

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I'm assuming by the way you've highlighted that part of the article that you think his parents just made it up?


Not made up, but exaggerated. I'm no expert but if a baying mob were attacking your house and throwing wheelie bins at your window I'm pretty sure it would leave some sort of mark.


That's okay then. No damage was done to the house, so everything is absolutely fine and the Stokes family are a bunch of little bitches for phoning the police. More Taig oppression and another fine example of the MOPEs, of course. As long as no one was physically harmed or no property was damaged, it's more than acceptable, if not encouraged, to walk about pissed drunk and turn up at someone's door, directing sectarian and personally threatening chants at them.

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SFA rule in favour of Dougie McDonald. He was correct but accepts failings. How the fuck does that work, how can you be correct but fail at the same time? Also, is Scotland the only country that uses a referees colleagues to investigate the referee?

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He means he feels his decision was correct, but made errors afterwards which would be a gross understatement.


The one thing that bothers me is the statement that they've released said this:


The committee reached a unanimous view that the overturning of the original decision was correct. The match referee, Dougie McDonald, was present at today
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He means he feels his decision was correct, but made errors afterwards which would be a gross understatement.


The one thing that bothers me is the statement that they've released said this:


The committee reached a unanimous view that the overturning of the original decision was correct. The match referee, Dougie McDonald, was present at today
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