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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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I hope UEFA does something about that dirty Lichtensteiner who tried to break Alan Hutton's leg FOUR times in the last twenty minutes. I have a feeling they won't.


Did anybody check the size of the guy they sent on to replace Frick, or as Mumzie called him, "Prick". He must have been 25 stone. If they kept on Frick, they might have actually won last night. That fat guy was useless.

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I hope UEFA does something about that dirty Lichtensteiner who tried to break Alan Hutton's leg FOUR times in the last twenty minutes. I have a feeling they won't.

It wasn't all the same guy. There was only one bad tackle too, the others were just trips but Hutton had gone in his head by that point.


That tackle was awful but I'm not a fan of retrospective punishment. All that does is weaken Liechtenstein (if that's possible) for games against Scotland's rivals.

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Back in the real world now, we're going to have improve quickly if we're going to get anything from our next two matches. If thats our best squad that could only scrape past Liechtenstein then we have no hope against Spain or the Czechs.

Come on now, do you really think the Czech Republic are going to play the way Leichtenstein did?


It'll be a more open game, with less hatchet man tactics.


Besides, going by your logic we went to Lithuania and scored a point whilst the Czechs lost to them at home last night, so were sure to win ;)


I don't think we'll get thumped in our next two games because we tend to stick in more against the bigger nations but if we get even one point out of the next 6 I'll be surprised.

Were perfectly capable of taking at least a point away against the Czech Republic, whilst we will probably not get anything in either game against Spain, even if a point at home is certainly not out of the question.


As things stand, there needs to be a serious inquest into why we didn't win this game easily.



An inquest? Why?


Surely anyone who watched the game will know why we didn't win it easily.


They set out to defend from the first minute, managed to nab a goal right after the 2nd half kicked off, and tried to break our players in half.




We won. That's all that matters.


If you can't beat Liechtenstein at home with ease, that really calls qualification into question.

So does losing at home to Lithuania, which the Czechs did last night.


Spain will top this group, so it's a fight for second.


One we are capable of winning.


If we manage to steal a point away to the Czechs next month that will see us onto 5 points, while they will be sitting on 1. They'll have a game in hand, but it's against Spain.


We'll probably not get anything from the game at home against Spain, but stranger things than the Czechs getting a point away to Liechtenstein has happened in football.


Even if they get the win, we'll still be a point better off, plus they'll have to play Spain twice and us at Hampden.


Their result against Lithuania last night has evened out the playing field again.

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Play to the whistle and thats what we did... Lucky or not we won the game at a struggle but thats what Scotland do... We don't do being favouritesn and alwatys struggle with that tag...


We move on till october and the next set of games...


Some of the tackles were shocking... Shame for wallace as he was having a pretty good game when we decided that we wanted to play down that side which the fans noticed and made some noise about it...


I would rather paul hartley in the holding midfielder role...

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Liechtenstein are no that bad. Over the last three years they haven't really taken a hiding off anyone other than Spain and Germany. Along the way they have picked up the odd win or draw here and there.


They set themselves up to be ultra defensive and unfortunately last night through a combination of a really bad attitude and a lack of width we played right into their hands.


Luckily we have got away with it and amazingly things look pretty good in the group. They would be even rosier had we got the deserved win in Lithuania.


As David said above the Czechs will play a completely different game to Liechtenstein and that will suit us. Back to Miller up front by himself and a midfield five with width (hopefully Maloney will make the next squad).


If we manage against the odds to get anything out of that game I will be more than happy. Follow that up with three decent home performances in a row and I will be over the moon.

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I sometimes wonder if you're here to just play devil's advocate, David.


We drew 0-0 against Lithuania on Friday and you were deriding the manager and the result, then we squeeze a 2-1 win against Liechtenstein and you're happy again?




EDIT: Sean Maloney had better buck his ideas up considerably before I'd be happy to even consider seeing him in a Scotland shirt again.

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I sometimes wonder if you're here to just play devil's advocate, David.


We drew 0-0 against Lithuania on Friday and you were deriding the manager and the result, then we squeeze a 2-1 win against Liechtenstein and you're happy again?




EDIT: Sean Maloney had better buck his ideas up considerably before I'd be happy to even consider seeing him in a Scotland shirt again.


Maloney has probably been our best player this season. On his current form, he is miles ahead of most of the dross in the Scotland team.


It was an appalling performance and serious questions will need to be asked of the management and players, but for myself (and most other people I think), last night was too much of a high to care at the time. Liechtenstein got exactly what they deserved after the unbelievable time wasting tactics and shocking hatchet-man tackles they were putting in towards the end of the game.


Put the 90 minutes behind us and move forward from there. Would you have rather we played shite and come out the other end with a point? We are in a very desirable position right now in terms of the group. Lithuania done us a massive favour last night and it would have been typical Scotland to draw and lose the effects of this favour. We didn't, we got the win - so hopefully fortunes are finally changing for us.

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It's a fair point, actually, and not one I'd considered; on Friday night I felt absolutely terrible when we'd dominated for 90mins and not come away with more than a point, whereas last night when that goal went in I nearly hit the roof.


I still think the game needs to be looked at, although I suppose an inquest is a bit too strong, but I definitely felt better after last night's game than I did at the end of the Lithuania one.


Regarding Maloney - it always seems to me that when he pulls on the Scotland shirt he decides it's time to play fancy buggers and tries to beat everybody. If that aspect of his game is long since gone, he'd be a valuable asset to the team. Has he been starting for Celtic this season? I've only had the chance to catch highlights on the BBC website due to my working hours.

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I sometimes wonder if you're here to just play devil's advocate, David.


We drew 0-0 against Lithuania on Friday and you were deriding the manager and the result, then we squeeze a 2-1 win against Liechtenstein and you're happy again?



I was deriding the fact that we didn't set out to win the game. We played a defensive system against a team that we have every right to try and beat.


Last night we played an attacking formation, and although they made heavy work of breaking down a mega-defensive opposition who had no problem using dirty tactics, we got the job done, didn't we?


I'm happy enough with the result, as, like you say, we don't have any devine right to beat anyone, but we do have the right to at least set out as if we believe we can win.


Which is what we did.


Bring on the Czechs and the Spanish.


I think were good enough to take something from the away game in Prague, and although i'd never expect us to take anything from the game against Spain, a point is not out of the question.


Lithuania play Spain on the same night we play the Czech Republic, and if Spain get the win as we expect, and we manage to bring home a point it'll leave things looking rather nice heading into the glamour tie;


Spain 6pts

Scotland 5pts

Lithuania 4pts

Czech Rep 1pt


As for Shaun Maloney, how anyone can look at his early season form and dismiss him from the Scotland set-up is beyond me.


We could have done with someone like him last night.

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