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Egg Shen

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it's an online PPV through the actual KSW website, i imagine it'll be up to watch Sunday morning though. I'd like to see the Khalidov/Falaco show as well...first KSW show in a cage.

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why was Ronnie Garvin the guest ring announcer?




He was in an angle with Greg Valentine at the time, so he was the MC for the Valentine vs Hercules match at SummerSlam '89. And to further the feud, while introducing 'The Hammer', he said such hurtful comments as "he's the only man I've seen, with two left feet", "wears a robe with cheap rhinestone" and "he claims he weighs 240lbs, to me he looks like he's overweight by 30lbs". Of course that led to Garvin vs Valentine.


I'm thinking they could do similar. Have Tito vs Ken 4, with James Toney as ring announcer. And have him rip the piss out of both in a way only he can understand. Then have him fight the winner in the YAMMA pit. Then watch the money roll in.


Seriously, yeah, I'll watch that stuff later. I still don't buy that this Rampage vs Mo hatred is real though. I don't care what FrontRowTwat says. It's funny how he calls Wanderlei Silva all sorts on twitter, saying he's fake and stuff, yet he's seemingly been worked by two guys who had one of the hokiest pull-aparts in MMA history. If that friendly interview they did together ages ago was all an act and they really hated each other, then they're way better actors than I gave them credit for and aren't to be trusted whatever they say. They seemed genuinely buddied up to me. Despite all that, it'll probably make for a fun countdown show and I am still interested in the fight. Not as much as I would've been a few years ago but I'm still looking forward to it.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Just been watching the Luke Thomas interviews.


Rampage came off as a bit of a cock once again, I thought. Trying to give Thomas the stare. It's pathetic but I got the impression Rampage would've acted a lot worse if it wasn't for the fact Thomas towered over him. Now he'd obviously ruin Thomas in a fight, but I just get the feeling he's more comfortable doing the bully shit to people he perceives as physically inferior. Like, imagine if Helwani asked him the Zimmerman question? He'd have no doubt got in Ariel's face and all sorts.


Also, Michael Chandler said something like 'Alvarez has pulled out of two of our three fights now'. Besides this pull-out, when did Alvarez pull out before? They never had anything booked when Alvarez's big fallout with Bellator came, did they?


And watching the Bjorn Rebney interview, I've decided Rebney is the slightly camp, alternate universe version of Dan Henderson.

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Bjorn always comes across great in interviews.


Thought Rampage was fine until Thomas asked about the Zimmerman thing, seemed to catch Rampage off guard.


How fucking tall is Luke Thomas? dude's gotta be about 6'6.

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Yeah, he's a big lump. Must be around 6'5"/6'6" easy. Always reminds me of Heath Herring on a diet. With a hint of Tito in there as well.


Rampage is just weird. Sometimes he comes off great, like if he's on a talkshow or something. I guess a mood change is kind of to be expected on fight week with the tension and stuff, but it seems like he's always one wrong question away (or what he takes as a bad question) from being a massive twat. He wasn't that bad this time but he just seems like such a hard guy not to offend.


King Mo came off good as usual, I thought.


I can't wait to hear what Tito's excuse will be if he gets battered this time. He's been saying it's his best camp in years, he's injury free, he's going to ragdoll Shlemenko etc. No doubt if Shlemenko smacks him around he'll reveal some laundry list of ailments post-fight. I can't stand Tito and I really like Shlemenko so I'm hoping he wins spectacularly tomorrow night. It'd be nice to see Shlemenko get a big name win on his record.


I thought of another fight I'd kill to see that will most likely never happen - Alexander Shlemenko vs Fabio Maldonado. Fuck! Just picture that fight.

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Looking at Shlemenko's record he has be in there with Falcao and Doug Marshal, both are pretty big for 185lbs if memory serves me correctly. Marshall used to fight at 205lbs for years. Tito against Forrest was a case of the mind being willing, but the body and skills were too weak. You could never accuse Tito of being lazy, he really tries. Shlemenko should be able to finish him handily.


Tito vs Ken? Possibility, but I think Tito vs Couture is more likely. Couture is known to be able to be swayed by money. If Rampage loses I would not be shocked if they try and book Tito vs Rampage again. Spike are massive marks for Tito, Ken and Page due to past glories (Page still gives them a boost from their usual numbers). Tito will probably get another go regardless if he loses tomorrow, provided he does not finally call it quits.


On second thoughts, I think Frank will stay retired. Frank cares about MMA greatly, but I think he is too smart to comeback and get be outsized by Tito. Even a fight with Ken I would suggest is unlikely for Frank.

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Predictably, Rampage shoved Mo at the weigh in.


How did it go from this...



To this?...



Sad state of affairs. Mo's umbrella girl was very nice though, that cheered me up.

Edited by wandshogun09
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in fairness the two actually seem to be downplaying the feud in the buildup, its the press/bellator that are pushing it, and you cant really blame em, they are trying to sell tickets.


On that subject, Rebney said the promotiom has sold close to 6,000 tickets, thats not bad going is it.

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