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MMA: Past Fight Discussion

Egg Shen

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For what it is worth my top 5 fighters of all time as of 2013 look like this


1. Anderson


2. GSP


3. Jones


4. Fedor


5. BJ


On the radar: Liddel, Hendo, F Shamrock (90's work), Aldo, Hughes and Cain.


There is something very boring and lifeless about having Fedor and Hendo in there, do not get me wrong they deserve it. But they lacked a certain showmanship and style in my view. Not as fighters, but as people. The others in my top 5, more than make up for that though, they have charisma and style in spades.


I would put in Gracie and Coleman, but unlike F1 and Boxing, there is little debate that say Royce Gracie was as good a fighter as Jon Jones is today. In boxing most think Ali was a better boxer than say Vitali is today. MMA has evolved where the fighters are just plain better, where in other sports there can still be a argument that previous generations were better.

Edited by jimufctna24
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To be honest I find the "boring and lifeless" aspect to Fedor is probably the main reason he's my all time favorite. Where you have people like Liddell, Silva, Rampage, Cro Cop, and pretty much everyone talking about how they were going to "knock (insert fighter) out," you had this chubby guy who looked like he'd just woken up going in there and just completely dominating everyone.


It's also the mystery that surrounded him which made him stand out more than everyone else. You'd see footage of him training like he's living in the 60s and the most you'd ever find out about him through his interviews is he likes art, has a pet turtle and his 'diet' consists of whatever his wife puts in front of him!


If I had to pick a top 5 they'd all come from around 2002-2006 which I still see as the golden era of MMA. In fact, no matter how much the fighters improve (like Jon Jones) I think I'm always going to be one of those guys who say "It was better in the old days".

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To be honest I find the "boring and lifeless" aspect to Fedor is probably the main reason he's my all time favorite. Where you have people like Liddell, Silva, Rampage, Cro Cop, and pretty much everyone talking about how they were going to "knock (insert fighter) out," you had this chubby guy who looked like he'd just woken up going in there and just completely dominating everyone.


It's also the mystery that surrounded him which made him stand out more than everyone else. You'd see footage of him training like he's living in the 60s and the most you'd ever find out about him through his interviews is he likes art, has a pet turtle and his 'diet' consists of whatever his wife puts in front of him!


If I had to pick a top 5 they'd all come from around 2002-2006 which I still see as the golden era of MMA. In fact, no matter how much the fighters improve (like Jon Jones) I think I'm always going to be one of those guys who say "It was better in the old days".

To be fair now you put it like that, there was a certain charm to Fedor. He was a nice guy as well. I am just a sucker for expression and charisma. Fedor had zero crossover appeal in most ways, but he did have a certain aura to him. However, it was Tito Ortiz and Liddel and their charisma that drew me like MMA, if I turned on Pride and saw Fedor I doubt I would have stuck around, its just shallow human nature really.


You are not alone on your 2002-2006 love, I would say I enjoyed 2005-2006 when I became a fan more than I do nowadays. I loved there being two companies who presented MMA differently. Chute Boxe and BTT being at the top of the sport was better than Jackson's ruling the roost for sure. MMA has lost some of its charm for sure as its become more of a sport.

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I'm not joking. I love Jon Hess and all his delusions. Him twatting Andy Anderson, the fact he does SAFTA, him claiming he was blackballed for eye gouging, saying Vitor only beat him on roids, that he'd be world champion now, that he'd beat Mir in 25 seconds. He's great. He's the kind of character I like. People like Chael Sonnen just turn me off the product, to be honest. However, some big mentalist who does THE NAVY SEAL FIGHTING TECHNIQUE is exactly the kind of thing I love.

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No love for Wandy or Shogun, Jim? Not even in the honourable mentions? I mean, Cain's great but to be considered one of the best of all-time after 12 fights, you have to be pisstakingly great like a Jon Jones in my opinion.


My top 5 would be something like:


1) Anderson Silva

2) Georges St Pierre

3) Jon Jones

4) Fedor Emelianenko

5) Wanderlei Silva


Honourable mentions for Penn, Aldo, Hughes, Liddell, Hendo, Shogun and Big Nog.


So yeah, same top 4. I rate Wandy's legacy over Penn's though. He's had the longevity, the big unbeaten run and wins over Saku x3, Rampage x2 and Hendo. Plus other good wins over Bisping, Stann, Jardine,, Arona, Mezger, Kondo who were all dangerous/on good form when he beat them.


Penn has the 2 weight champ thing in his favour but Wand won the Pride GP and had the longest winning streak in Pride history. BJ fought at higher weights, Wand fought prime Cro Cop, Hunt, Fujita etc.


It's all opinion and both are valid top 5ers, Wand's overall legacy edges it for me.

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I'm not joking. I love Jon Hess and all his delusions. Him twatting Andy Anderson, the fact he does SAFTA, him claiming he was blackballed for eye gouging, saying Vitor only beat him on roids, that he'd be world champion now, that he'd beat Mir in 25 seconds. He's great. He's the kind of character I like. People like Chael Sonnen just turn me off the product, to be honest. However, some big mentalist who does THE NAVY SEAL FIGHTING TECHNIQUE is exactly the kind of thing I love.

Are they not kinda the same? Or is your point that Hess was legit mental whereas Chael puts it on.


Wand - Yeah I would put Shogun and Wanerlai on my radar list of greats, it was becoming a long list so I left a few out.


Cain gets in on the merit that I believe he is the best Heavy we have ever seen in MMA, he has quite a resume as well.




- Brock


- Nog


- Big Foot


- Kongo


A few more and his resume should match Fedor's

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- Crazy Horse Bennet


- Joe Son


- Ryan Gracie


- Junie Browning


All complete nutters. There was some fucker who kept claiming he was the greatest lightweight on earth and Hermes Franca sparked him out for the plump sum of 1 dollar.


There is another guy who was full of bullshit who got done for murder but I forget his name.

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You know we were on about John Hess and SAFTA before?




I love the music on that.


This is the man who trained John Hess apparently;



The Mr Miyagi of SAFTA.


And here's the full new Joe Rogan podcast with Bas Rutten;

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Quite a few.


Dana White

Enson Inoue and Chuck Liddell

Chael Sonnen

Josh Barnett

Uriah Faber

Bas Rutten (2 appearances)

Tito Ortiz

Michael Schiavello (2 appearances)

Mac Danzig

James Thompson

Mayhem Miller


Sure I'm forgetting a couple as well. I wish he'd get Nick Diaz on.

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The New Generation - It ain't what it used to be


Thought I would give my two cents on what is wrong with MMA today. As I am entering old age (I am 26 in June) I have reached the point where I am a right moaning old bastard who thinks his time was better. MMA has recently had a influx of new talent that I find to hurt my enjoyment of UFC programming more than assist it. Here I will name and shame.


Jon Anik




I will start by being a bit nice and say he is very knowledgeable and seems a decent enough bloke but god he is dull. Teamed up with fellow dullard Kenny Florian he is even worse. Every time I hear his voice I think of TUF Live, which for my money is the worst product the UFC put out to us. People say he is want you want for a sport, but boxing is a sport and their broadcasters have a certain style and personality to them even the play by play guys.


Say what you will about Mike "coming up next" Goldberg but he has a great voice and is not dull. Is he as knowledgeable as Anik? Probably not, but he does not put me to sleep and at least has some style and charisma to him. He hardly is a reason you would think it is a spectacle and not a sport. Goldy does not overshadow the fighters either (Rogan is guilty of that)


I may warm to him, maybe. Or more than likely I will ignore the commentators on UFC shows until Rogan calms down or until they get someone fresh with a bit of style to them.


Frankie Edgar




Again I will list the positives, seems a decent enough guy and works very hard. A elite lightweight who gave his very best with Aldo, here is the downside. He is about as marketable as a Nokia N-Gage in 2013. He does not sell himself very well (non sexually at least) I am not expecting Chael Sonnen style promos or for him to flash a bit of his bum like Rousey, but there are other ways.


He could do no worse than see how Frank Shamrock (I know, I know, I am a Franky fanboy) used to market himself. Frank was a pretty normal guy, a but outspoken but never the less normal. Frank carried himself like a star, he convinced the public in 2007 he was elite at 185lbs. He talked a bit of trash and was a bit cocky, but he was never OTT like Chael or Nick Diaz.


When Edgar fights you never see him on the front page of Yahoo. Sure hardcore's bang on about him, but the same people who bought Lesnar/GSP/Rouey shows have either never heard of him do not care. You need to create a buzz and Edgar fails to register and bombs at the box office worse than any other UFC Champ since Tim Sylvia.


Tom Lawlor




This is a odd one and a bit of a contradiction to what I posted above about Edgar. I used to find Lawlor's antics mildly amusing but now it is a bit old. People could say "at least he is marketing himself" but is he really? He is a decent Middleweight, but I never think to myself "wow gee, I cannot wait until this weekend, I wonder what obscure wrestler Lawlor will dress as" The shockmaster may have raised a giggle from most who saw it, but I found it kinda lame.


I think he misses the point of marketing himself, Chael, Diaz and Tito all sold themselves in a very clever way. You wanted to see them fight and they were deadly serious,they could use humor, but it was based at someones expense and that was the key. Chael for whatever is said, put on a act or extended his personality to sell PPV's and get more money and it worked. Lawlor may have got himself some niche attention, but like I said there is a difference between making Sherdog posters laugh and being on the front page of Yahoo.


So anyone else fancy disagreeing for a good old debate, feel free to add more of the new bunch that grind your gears.

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