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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Loved every second. Fast paced and hysterical. Never boring. Not just the best film I've seen this year but one of the best films I've ever seen(and I'm not one of those knobs who said that about Inception so I think I deserve a pass there).

I can't really be bothered searching for replys but out of interest what before watching Pilgram was the best?


I've been meaning to ask the question "What have been your Favourite films of the year so far" in this thread so...


Favourite Films of the Year So far? top 5's, top 10s


Link to what's been released in 2010


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Scott Pilgrim VS The World


Friend of mine once described Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang as "too smart for its own good" and I guess that's how I feel about Scott Pilgrim. I try not to judge a film by its audience but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't off-putting being surrounded by annoying loud hipster types who APPLAUDED THE FUCKING TITLE SCREEN. Anyways, judging the film on its own merits I think it's decent but a bit....meh? I think a lot of how you will feel about this film depends on your opinion of Michael Cera. If you love his cute-and-innocent schtick you'll probably love the film, but if like me it's starting to grate on you, you might get caught up thinking Scott is a bit of a knob.


Aside from that, what else is there? It's very knowing, very meta, very referential, which provides a ton of hit-and-miss gags. Good stuff includes a great Seinfeld reference, Kieran Culkin as Scott's gay roommate and fun performances from the rest of the supporting cast. Bad stuff includes the aforementioned slightly-too-smart-for-its-own-good vibe that permeates the entire running time, the slight knobbery of the title character and just a general feeling of flatness throughout.


Overall it's fun in places, eye-rolling in others and thankfully far less obnoxious than Kick-Ass. Three out of five I guess.

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Friend of mine once described Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang as "too smart for its own good"


That friend of yours is very wise.


Rewatched Total Recall the other night after a discussion on here about touted alternative versions. Great to see it again, the effects still look unbelievably bad in places, but it's still great stuff. And just how sexy was Sharon Stone back then? Good lord.

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Loved every second. Fast paced and hysterical. Never boring. Not just the best film I've seen this year but one of the best films I've ever seen(and I'm not one of those knobs who said that about Inception so I think I deserve a pass there).

I can't really be bothered searching for replys but out of interest what before watching Pilgram was the best?


I've been meaning to ask the question "What have been your Favourite films of the year so far" in this thread so...


Favourite Films of the Year So far? top 5's, top 10s


Link to what's been released in 2010


Oh 2010 has been SUCH a fucking great year for films. A rough list of the great ones below, I'll probably list them near the end of the year if that blog I planned on ever gets up and running.


Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll - Big on Ian Dury and thought the tone/style of the film was really fun.

The Princess And The Frog - Have a huge hard on for the Disney animated classics. Keith David's song is the best thing Disney have ever done.

The Crazies - Better than the original and most modern horrors.

Crazy Heart - I'm gay for Jeff Bridges and this was basically his show. It was good to see Colin Farrell get some good work too and the soundtrack was great.

Shutter Island - My second favorite (and previously first favorite) film of the year so far. Yeah the twist was predictable or whatever, blah blah blah, those who argue that tend to have missed the point a bit.

Exam - Thinks it's smarter than it is but the concept is really interesting and the build up to the end is very thrilling. Especially considering how low budget it was.

A Single Man - Hate to sound like a media student but I fucking loved the use of colour in this. You can tell the director was a former fashion designer with how beautiful it looks. Other than that great cast and very interesting lead character (if it wasn't for Bridges being owed, Firth should've got the Oscar here).

The Road - Very unusual and a difficult watch but still enjoyable. Viggo is a beast here. The ending made me get something in my eye too. Damn dusty cinema.

How To Train Your Dragon - The 3D was great (and this is coming from someone who isn't a fan) and it was a breath of fresh air compared to all the other CGI animations where they are loads of dated pop culture references and such. Just a great story with likable characters. Very ambitious ending too.

Whip It - It could be considered a chick flick but I'll be damned if I didn't love every minute of this. I don't think there is a single member of the cast I wouldn't have fucked. Also, though nothing groundbreaking, I really liked the story.

[Rec] 2 - While not on par with the original, and lets face it that would've been impossible anyway, still another case of a genuinely scary and enjoyable modern horror. I think a reason I may have liked this year for films more is that most of the horrors out have been great and, overall, the horror genre in the 2000s sucked.

Inception - Like Seven, I'm not a big Nolan fan, but even I'll give the devil his due. This was really good. Not as good as people say but still very good. Refreshing change from a lot of mainstream stuff too and could/has arguably helped originality in mainstream cinema out quite a bit.

Toy Story 3 - I'm aware I just followed a statement about originality being great by mentioning this but how could you ignore it? I think I enjoyed it more because I'm almost Andy's age so I've been sort of growing up with the story and the characters and it was just a perfect send off.

The A-Team - Loads of mindless fun, much like the Expendables, just more ridiculous.


And obviously the three films I mentioned earlier. Plus the year isn't even over yet! PLUS I have some films I still haven't watched and must go check out again. Keep in mind above is just the films I really enjoyed, there are a few more I thought positively of. There are three notable shit ones though in Percy Jackson, The Wolfman and Alice In Wonderland but compared to previous years that's nothing.


I'm also going to back Seven up (I know, right?) and concur that Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is indeed wonderful.

Edited by Green
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I'm also going to back Seven up (I know, right?) and concur that Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is indeed wonderful.


How odd. I'm going to do the same. It's one of my favourite movies ever - some of the best dialogue I've ever heard.

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I knew I was going to get gangbanged over not liking Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Arse it.


Exam - Thinks it's smarter than it is but the concept is really interesting and the build up to the end is very thrilling. Especially considering how low budget it was.


Really good film. As long as you ignore the stupid description on the box that it is like a cross between The Usual Suspects and Saw (it's very little like either) then it's great fun. Not entirely sure about ending but I really enjoyed it.

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Went to see Scott Pilgrim but the showings were packed hardly any good seats left so we settled for Toy Story 3 which was empty and I have to say it was the most enjoyable movie of the year.


Many memorable scenes but the stand out has to be when they all look at each other and hold hands, I

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady returned home from visiting my parents house with time to spare and decided, as we do, to watch a film.


"Something funny, me thinks." I said, and so she selected Anger Management from the shelf.


It had been years since I first watched this film and I remembered enjoying it the first time round. The repeat viewing was equally as enjoyable. Jack Nicholson is one of my all time favourite actors and his performance in this is great. Adam Sandler plays "the Adam Sandler role" which, if you like it, is good and there are some really hot ladies in the cast. Sometimes that's the only saving grace of a film, here it is a nice accompaniment.


3.5 stars

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...... so we settled for Toy Story 3....


The ending was perfect and right despite what fucking Harry Knowles thinks.


Personally i wouldn`t have done that ending. I would have Sold them on eBay!



:laugh: yeah Harry Knowles nearly had a heart attack cos of that ending and suggested didnt Andy know the collectible value of Woody etc and started going off about where the hell is Andy's dad.. jeez..

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Saw The Expendables last night. Fucking horrible film, even for an out and out action flick. I actually stopped paying attention at the climax of the film.


Enjoyed circa 2001 heel Austin though. I just wish he dished out a few 'Whats?' to Sly towards the end.

Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady returned home from visiting my parents house with time to spare and decided, as we do, to watch a film.


"Something funny, me thinks." I said, and so she selected Anger Management from the shelf.


It had been years since I first watched this film and I remembered enjoying it the first time round. The repeat viewing was equally as enjoyable. Jack Nicholson is one of my all time favourite actors and his performance in this is great. Adam Sandler plays "the Adam Sandler role" which, if you like it, is good and there are some really hot ladies in the cast. Sometimes that's the only saving grace of a film, here it is a nice accompaniment.


3.5 stars


As soon as I saw 'me thinks', I knew you were going to pick something terrible. :smug: Last thing I watched was Enter The Dragon. Still love it! Bruce Lee is a badass in that film. :cool:

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Oh 2010 has been SUCH a fucking great year for films. A rough list of the great ones below, I'll probably list them near the end of the year if that blog I planned on ever gets up and running.


Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

The Princess And The Frog

The Crazies

Crazy Heart

Shutter Island


A Single Man

The Road

How To Train Your Dragon

Whip It

[Rec] 2


Toy Story 3

The A-Team

Good to see someone's enjoyed the years films, the general consensus seems to be the years been a bad one.


Even though i've managed to see alot this year your list reminds me i've still got a few good things to see.


Only seen these from your list


The Princess And The Frog: Instant classic, a few of the songs could have been better but it suprised me just how good it was.

The Road: Liked more than loved, i thought it meandered a little too much and i wasn't too impressed with Smit-McPhee which for me killed the ending a little.

How To Train Your Dragon: Awesome. The best Dreamworks have ever done. The tears nearly flowed too :(

[Rec] 2: Liked it about as much as the first, the shaky cam was alittle too much this time around but it made me eager to see how they finish the story, so job done.

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