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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw two films this afternoon.


First up was Buried which was absolutely fantastic. I'd be amazed if Ryan Reynolds isn't in contention come awards season, he's literally the only thing on screen for the duration and a mixture of his performance and great storytelling means that you never get bored and are always on the edge of your seat. There's also a great gasp ending which I always love. There are a couple of little annoyances such as not really finding out for sure why he's there, but all in all one of the best films I've seen this year.


Then was Devil which was a decent enough way to spend 90 minutes, hardly a classic, but worth seeing. The customary Shayamalan twist isn't very good though, I called it early on.

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It's not a film, but over the last few months, I've been watching The Shield on DVD from the start. Its amazing. I'm up to Season 3 now and have to post this to say I'm up to the "Aceveda Sucks A Dick" episode. Fucking mental. Does this show at any point stop kicking the viewers arse? Since I havent really done any research on the Shield, I dont know whats coming next, but fuck me. Didnt expect that one.


As far as films go, I've been watching Elvira - Mistress of the Dark and Howard the Duck. Found a video with them both taped on it in the loft, and couldnt fight the temptation. Two really weird, but enjoyable films.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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It's not a film, but over the last few months, I've been watching The Shield on DVD from the start. Its amazing. I'm up to Season 3 now and have to post this to say I'm up to the "Aceveda Sucks A Dick" episode. Fucking mental. Does this show at any point stop kicking the viewers arse? Since I havent really done any research on the Shield, I dont know whats coming next, but fuck me. Didnt expect that one.


buddy, your only just getting started. Season 4 has the introduction of Monica Rawling (played perfectly by Glenn Close). I won't spoil what role she plays, but it has major implications on Vic and the Strike Team, and Season 5 (the best in my opinion) has the always awesome Forest Whitaker played John Kvanagh from Interal Affairs.


I will say though, when you get to Season 5, DO NOT WATCH the Special Feature 'Television Academy Panel' on Disc 3 as it has a MAJOR SPOILER for events on Disc 4

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As far as films go, I've been watching Elvira - Mistress of the Dark ......



"Looks at my boooobs, BOOOOOOOOOOOOBS!"


This is one of my favourite films ever!


Its excellent


Obviously it depends on how well you like Elvira as an *ahem* Actress but its a damn fine waste of 90 minutes

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So I popped to my local poundland today as usual to get my regular dose of cheap horror. Theres a new crop of horror flicks in. Some of them even look good. The Children, WAZ, Big Bad Wolf, Little Erin Merryweather and Death by Engagment all lionsgate or vertigo dvds. At least a step above the usual hardgore/film 2000 crap (which I have many and love). Poundland is gold this time of year.

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