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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Just literally watched :


The Forbidden Door (2009 Indonesian Thriller)


As recommended by a friend and wow i was just literally blown away by the film, i would seriously hunt down this title because it draws you in straight away, i wont give away any of the film but, it has one of the most twisted endings ever to a film ive seen this year easily




Did you watch this in the cinema, and if so, which one?

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I just watched Brothers, it was alright, I rate Gyllenhall, Maquire's good in it as well, the scenes with him in Afghanistan are pretty awesome to watch, Natalie Portman I don't really buy as the wife, but shes fit and it doesn't really matter anyway, I think it was more the fact she wasn't playing the stereotypical blue collar wife so it was a change but compared to the other characters I just don't know.

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Carbomb, a friend of mine managed to source me a copy of this, it is well worth hunting down, just for the sheer creepyness of the film.

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Carbomb, a friend of mine managed to source me a copy of this, it is well worth hunting down, just for the sheer creepyness of the film.


Cool, will see if I can find a copy myself. Thanks for the info.


By the way, I always loved your "Diamond Cutter in the corridor" avatar. No chance you'll bring it back?

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Just watched "A Complete History of my Sexual Failures", the self-made 2008 documentary by Chris Waitt. The premise is that, at thirtysomething, he's been dumped, and having been dumped fucking loads, he wants to interview ex girlfriends to find out why he's so luckless.


A potentially brilliant idea is thrown away almost in the first ten minutes, when you realise Chris is just a massive, massive prick. A lazy, unreliable, going nowhere shit, who would not stand a chance with any woman. The worst thing is, he interviews some of these birds that actually are willing to see him, and you realise that they loved this useless fucker, but he just let them down by being such a waster. He's a such self-pitying arsehole, when it's so incredibly obvious as to why he's never made anything last and been dumped.


And that's another thing, he's clearly not been "dumped" in the traditional sense. He's been such a narcisstic stayaway tosser, that the women have had no choice to dump him, because he's too gutless to do it himself. Honestly, it makes me feel like some sort of fucking feminist.


I think he gives the male race a bad name, he's a contrived waste of air, and he's stumbled upon a good idea that a million other "independent filmmakers" could have done a better job with. So even the viewer is let down. Do not watch, unless you fancy a lingering iritation for a few hours after.

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Went and saw Cemetery Junction on Wednesday night. Not the biggest fan of Gervais and Merchants work but it was a very entertaining, funny film with some really touching moments. 8/10.

Cemetery Junction was meh for me, 5/10. Told a story well if predictable but the acting was rather unpolished.


I probably didn't enjoy it as much as I could have done though as I watched it last Friday evening and I was the only person in the cinema watching it, left me feeling a bit unsettled for some reason...

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Star Trek


Really enjoyed this having bought it a few months ago! Haven't seen any Star Trek before but the combination of JJ Abrams, Damon Lindeloff, Zachery Quinto and Simon Pegg drew me in! Great movie, which again touches on time travel, which is my in thing at the minute and does so really well! Smiled when Nemoy showed up as really didn't expect him to!


Good action, good story and a good way to spend two hours! Highly recommended!

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Watched Harry Brown two days ago. The films been repeating scenes in my head ever since.


Would give it 7/10. It's well close to reality. :/


Gritty as hell. I went to the cinema expecting Gran Torino with an English lead, boy was I was wrong.

Edited by KJHenley
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How to train your Dragon


Another of these animation films that looks thrown together and just there to fill the easter/summer void?


Or so I thought.


It has BIG Vikings Fighting BIG Dragons!


Its great! seriously, Imagine that monster from Cloverfield, now add in Vikings who just want to kill that monster from Cloverfield, fukin A+


Animation is very solid, you can really tell the advancements in tech, one scene has the Viking leader sitting in front of an open log fire, now it wasnt the lighting that I noticed, but the fact they added in his arm hair! Real good.


Plenty of fire breathing and fighting.


Certainly worth a watch on the big screen if you ever liked fantasy films/D&D


(on a slight side note, its amazing just how much times have changed, from this movie of action packed sword and explosions to the rather tame musical numbers of Disneys Petes Dragon from just a generation ago, how the kids are growing up fast!)

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Terminator Salvation


Brief Synopsis: Christian Bale (Off of Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, That infamous secretly recorded rant) runs around being manly and gruff and stuff, with the assistance of a murderer/robot/human who got manipulated into getting Bale to Skynet/getting Bale killed or summin, all in the aid of rescuing Christian Bale's father and a miniature, mute Jamie Afro (Off of The X-Factor, 2011 HMV Bargin Bin)! Some cyborgs attack Bale, only for him to kill about 3 of them (and a Louis Tussaud inspired Plastic looking Arnie (Off of Treminator and the White House) and then destroy the whole city and then get stabbed through the heart before getting reunited with his pointlessly pregnant wife/girlfriend/mistress! Murderous Human Cyborg Fella then casts doubt on why he was sent from the past in the first place by offering Batman his really strong heart which brings back lovely memories of the Wizard of Oz! Bale survives, whilst Murderous Human Cybrog Gent is done professionally!


Good movie actually! I'd recommend it!

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Inner Senses (Leslie Cheung & Karena Lam) Great Little Creepy Ghost Film, one of his last movies before Leslie Cheung Commited Suicide

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