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Reports suggest that she is alive but that a federal judge and a young kid are amongst those killed. A 22 year old white male has been arrested.


One of the disenfranchised, repealing DADT and granting health care to some of the most needy in society is just too much for his upper middle class ilk.

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I truly hope that this fucking child killer coward assassin cunt is a random nut and not associated to the Democrats, Tea Party or any immigration/border security issue as such could lead to revenge attacks.


What a horrible story - made even worse by the ninety nine per cent chance that it will make no difference whatsofuckingever to the gun control discussion and legislation in America.



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This is really shocking, and the hard thing to take is that apart from her gun control stance I really thought she was one of the good ones, that didn't seem like a hypocritical bullshitter, and the kind of just, honest person. Looking at the Palin Crosshair Map thing and the fact Giffords is on it. Its truly fucked up.


I looked at those youtube things, what fucking strange and scary individual.

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That Youtube site could have belonged to Keelan, couldn't it? Full of incoherent conspiracy rubbish.


I do thing (and sincerely hope) that Palin and the Tea Party are pretty dead in the water. Though it was scary just how far the extreme right can get with a bit of lipstick and some nice soundbytes.

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The Tea Party is heavily supported by the same bunch of paleoconservatives from 1994. And all the money they have comes from the same sources. It's not exactly as grassroots as they all make out. Even then, I don't think much of the Tea Party stuff is that objectionable. The annoyance is where were these people when Ron Paul was running for President?

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I don't think it's such a bad idea when unemployment is so high. There's a lot of people that will be happy for a job, regardless of whether they can be sacked slightly more easier than before. And employers will be more inclined to take a risk on employing new staff if they know they aren't going to face an utter ballache to get rid of them if things don't work out.

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