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Must say that I almost bust a gut when I read that unelected EU Puppet Prime Minister Lucas Papademos said that there is no room for violence in Democracy following yet more violence in Greece.


I want to know when we're going to invade Greece. It's a failed state with an unelected leader imposed by hostile foreign powers.

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They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.


The demands of the leaders of the Euro zone on Greece are uttely self-defeating. Not only will it destroy a country for at least a generation if not more, it won't solve the crisis at all.

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The demands of the leaders of the Euro zone on Greece are uttely self-defeating. Not only will it destroy a country for at least a generation if not more, it won't solve the crisis at all.

Yep. And for what? To keep the Greeks using a particular currency, the consequences of which are that they have surrendered the option of using monetary policy to tackle the problems of their economy.

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They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.



Not as booming as you think. Inflation is skyrocketting, they are being sued for defaults on loans and the government is activly trying to prevent people reporting on anything that goes against their official stance.

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Interesting shit I was talking about with a friend the other day - if the republicans go with Romney, he has absolutely alienated and bored their base of nutcases, and the turnout will therefore be lower, raising the chance of the democrats taking control of the two chambers, and not having the situation they have right now, of power that they are being prevented from using. If they end up with Crazy Rick Santorum, there is no hope whatsoever of them winning, but the rank and file might secure their base in senate/congress. Therefore, the best bet for the dems might be to face the more difficult Romney challenge, knowing that it's not quite the done deal that Santorum would be, but that it would pay off better in the end.

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They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.



Not as booming as you think. Inflation is skyrocketting, they are being sued for defaults on loans and the government is activly trying to prevent people reporting on anything that goes against their official stance.


GDP growth of 9.5% in 2011. Not too shabby. Inflation IS high though. I hadn't heard about them being sued, I thought they'd actually re-started payment of defaulted loans in the last few years?

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They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.



Not as booming as you think. Inflation is skyrocketting, they are being sued for defaults on loans and the government is activly trying to prevent people reporting on anything that goes against their official stance.


GDP growth of 9.5% in 2011. Not too shabby. Inflation IS high though. I hadn't heard about them being sued, I thought they'd actually re-started payment of defaulted loans in the last few years?



Please excuse me only using the one news site for my sources here, but its easier than trawling through loads.


All these are from Mercopress.











Im not any kind of even slight expert on finances, but I have spent a lot of time studying Latin America (due to my obsession with the Falklands Islands history) and Argentina is certainly in worse straits than they admit.

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Fair play, I guess I'm just a sucka for the Peron-esque public image of the current government. I'm not the only one, various Beeb experts have mentioned the Argentina model in recent weeks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone see David Starkey on Question Time? He really is a massive cunt, isn't he?


The culture war in America, over birth control, is really heating up. Basically, Catholic-affiliated organisations didn't want to have to provide contraception as part of their healthcare coverage. Obama offered a compromise; they wouldn't have to do so directly or pay for it, but insurance companies should reach out and provide those services if sought. This week, the Blunt amendment, which would allow ANY employer to refuse to any service they have a "moral objection" to, failed in the Senate. Also, Sandra Fluke, who was barred from the original hearings on birth control and healthcare (consequently, it was an all-male panel), finally got to put her case forward for it. Rush Limbaugh called her a slut.


Rick Santorum said JFK's famous speech about the separation of church and state makes him "want to throw up" and that Obama is a snob for wanting people to go to college. Santorum also said Obama should not have apologised for the Koran burnings in Afghanistan. The guy's a serious nut job and it's very concerning that he's come this far. The GOP base has shifted so far to the right that it's scary, and it is the tail wagging the dog now.


In Tennessee, a bill has been put forward banning all talk and teaching of any sexual orientation besides heterosexuality. It’s mental how Republicans say anything that doesn’t hate or devalue gays is somehow part of a big “gay agenda” to turn all your kids into flaming homos. Given the amount of gay scandals in that Party, I think a fair amount of them are just in denial.


Iowa has approved a bill that would punish animal rights activists who go undercover to expose farm animal abuse.


After Obama blocked the Keystone XL pipeline, following large protests, there are now plans for another, shorter pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas.


Stratfor, a private intelligence firm, apparently spied on members of activist groups, including PETA and Occupy Wall Street. Ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster, Dow Chemical hired Statfor to monitor activists like the Yes Men.


Obama's signed waivers that mean he wouldn't have to apply the National Defence Authorisation Act, which he signed into law, to American citizens. This is concerning for two reasons. One; it's scaring people into voting for Obama. "You better keep me in Office. Otherwise, wait til you see what the next guy will able to do - thanks to me." Two; indefinite detention should be a huge issue, even when it doesn't involve American citizens. When Obama assassinated Al Awlaki, most of the objections to this were "qualified" with the fact that Al Awlaki was an American citizen. As Noam Chomsky says, it's as though Americans are people, others in the world are not.


The US Supreme Court heard arguments over whether corporations can be sued in US courts for human rights abuses committed overseas. The case involves nine Nigerian activists executed for protesting Royal Dutch Shell.


U.S. intelligence analysts say that there is no evidence that Iran is building a nuclear bomb.


General Electric paid 2.3% tax on their tens of billions of profit.


Japan concealed the full dangers of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. This report comes as the US wants to push for more nuclear power plants.


The death toll in Syria is now thought to have exceeded 7,000. I don't think we should intervene military or pour arms into the country - that was disastrous in Libya and the situation there is atrocious currently. Again, I'm with Chomsky on this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXDawoe2140

Edited by Vice
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What did David Starkey say this time? he really is a vile little man with an inflated opinion of his own worth.


Was it the bit where he said people don't like to be free? That bit amused me, mostly because I'd been in a Zizek (marxist thinker, just in case) lecture the other day where he suggested that people would have to sacrifice supposed ideas of freedom for there to be progress away from the failed capitalist system.

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David Starkey is a cunt but he didn't really say too much that I disagreed with there.


Zizek is right to say that we need to completely revisit our simple, often rather childlike notions of freedom if we're ever to progress from the failed capitalist system. Not sure how likely that is though. The liberal tradition is alive as propaganda, it's completely dead as a serious grown-up ideology.

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