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Lol if it was designated green belt after the scrapyard was gone, then it was designated green belt while the travellers were living on it. That means they bought the land, tried to get planning permission, and the council then designated it green belt.


Again, incorrect as I understand it.


The travellers WERE given planning permission, in the 70s, for 40 families to build on the site adjacent to what was then a scrapyard.


Then in the 90s the whole area was zoned as Green Belt and the scrapyard owner, denied a licence to continue the scrapyard business, and unable to sell the land to developers sold it to the gypsies who then built all over it and only THEN applied for planning permission, which of course was rejected as the land was zoned as green belt.


Look, I'm not saying that the green belt/planning laws are perfect: they definitely need an overhaul. But you keep getting the facts of the case wrong to support your belief that the travellers are hard done by. It completely undermines what you're saying.

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Well equally you have to accept now that greenbelt is regularly built on, but yeah I hadn't heard that bit about the license being denied then him selling it because he couldn't continue with his business, got a link to back that up?



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Well equally you have to accept now that greenbelt is regularly built on, but yeah I hadn't heard that bit about the license being denied then him selling it because he couldn't continue with his business, got a link to back that up?




That doesn't say he was denied due to it being greenbelt land, just that he was denied the license.

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Jesus Christ man, you're being thick. I never said it was, and really it doesn't matter what the reason was for the scrapyard's licence not being renewed (although it was probably due to the changes in planning law at that time). The POINT is that when it was sold to the gypsies it was ALREADY under the green belt restrictions. There's a video of him saying the only people he could sell to were the travellers as nobody wanted to buy land next to that site, as it goes.


Perhaps you "need a little more understanding on the issue involved" ;)

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Lol, yeah I misread your post there. But the link didn't say it was on green belt land when they bought it either, unless it did and I missed it. Happy to fess up if that's the case.

Either way, it's entirely up to the council whether they allow building or don't, regardless of whether it's green belt, they're not allowing it, and let's be honest

It does look like they'll get moved on, and turn up at ground they don't own somewhere and start the same shit all over again. So I still don't entirely see their getting moved on as having any benefits, the

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Introduction To The British Constitution Group


This is the growing group whose meetings I go along to. Groups of people around the country coming together who basically have decided they've had enough of how useless our parliamentarians are, by not doing what's best for the nation and it's people.


Rogers Hayes is the same guy who at the Birkenhead Court in March demanded the judge who was not on his oath be arrested for acting unlawfully. I heard him talk in Bournemouth on Thursday about alternative governance, the lawful bank and setting as separate currency, as well as having proper common law courts.


Anyway check it out for yourselves.

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Thought it was that manic depressive lawyer from scrubs till i heard him speak


Stop paying your taxes Duane, you know it makes sense :laugh:


Id vote for anjam chaudhury before i voted for this waster, the only surprising thing is that there is no paypal donate button on their website so the gulliable can contribute to the cause :rolleyes:

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Introduction To The British Constitution Group


This is the growing group whose meetings I go along to. Groups of people around the country coming together who basically have decided they've had enough of how useless our parliamentarians are, by not doing what's best for the nation and it's people.


Rogers Hayes is the same guy who at the Birkenhead Court in March demanded the judge who was not on his oath be arrested for acting unlawfully. I heard him talk in Bournemouth on Thursday about alternative governance, the lawful bank and setting as separate currency, as well as having proper common law courts.


Anyway check it out for yourselves.


Didn't you post this before, and someone pointed out they've fundamentally misunderstood the political system in the UK? I'm sure it was these guys. We all had a good laugh about them IIRC.

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Will be watching this...


British soldiers in Afghanistan shown 'war snuff movies'


Camp Bastion's 'Kill TV nights' are intended to update troops on mission's progress, says MoD


By Kunal Dutta


Sunday, 25 September 2011


Disturbing footage of Apache attack helicopters killing people in Afghanistan is being shown to frontline British soldiers in "Kill TV nights" designed to boost morale, a television documentary will reveal.


The discovery of the practice comes in the wake of the damning verdict of the Baha Mousa inquiry into the conduct of some in the military. It casts fresh questions over the conduct of soldiers deployed abroad and has provoked a furious response from peace campaigners.


Andrew Burgin from Stop the War last night described it as the "ultimate degradation of British troops", comparing it to the desensitisation to death of US soldiers in the final stages of the Vietnam War.


The footage, seen by The Independent on Sunday, shows ground troops at the British headquarters in Helmand province, Camp Bastion, gathered for a get-together said to be called "Kill TV night".


Described as an effort to boost morale among soldiers, it shows an Apache helicopter commander admitting possible errors of judgement and warning colleagues not to disclose what they have seen. "This is not for discussion with anybody else; keep it quiet about what you see up here," he says in the film. "It's not because we've done anything wrong. But we might have done."


Last night, the MoD confirmed the speaker to be Warrant Officer Class 2 Andy Farmer, who is based with the Apache squadron in Wattisham, Suffolk.


Much of the footage is along the lines of the now infamous video of a US Apache helicopter strike on civilians in Baghdad in 2007, first released on WikiLeaks last year. In one clip an Afghan woman is targeted after a radio dialogue between pilots refers to her as a "snake with tits".


Another clip from a recent "Kill TV" night shows the cross-hair of an Apache helicopter taking aim at an insurgent. WOII Farmer gives a running commentary: "OK, so he's walking along... then thinks... I'm gonna go off and get my 70 vessel [sic] virgins 'cause daylight's coming quite quick."


As the missile hits the target and kills the person, he says "Goodnight princess", adding "this is where you see he's actually had the clothes ripped off him by the blast".


He defends the decision to celebrate the deaths of Afghans. "People look at it and say you know... young lads are laughing at the enemy being killed," he says. "Well, I don't know if the Taliban do something similar but I'm sure they rejoice when they kill one of us."


When asked by the interviewer in the film what he thinks goes through the head of a Taliban fighter when they see an Apache coming, WOII Farmer replies: "Hopefully a 30mm bullet".


Later in the film, he is defiant about the moral consequences of war: "We're out there do to a job. We're not there to tickle the Taliban, we're out there to hurt them because they have no qualms about hurting us.


"Of the engagements that I've taken part in... I have absolutely no dramas with it. None at all. I don't really care whether they think it's a fair fight. If they're [the Taliban] gonna pick up a weapon and take us on, then best of luck to them."


But peace campaigners have a different view. Mr Burgin said: "The fact that British soldiers are reduced to watching what are effectively snuff movies shows the complete failure of the project in Afghanistan. It's nothing to do with democracy, but a failure of war that is trickling down and resulting in a mental degradation among ground troops.


"Afghanistan is a dreadful situation and it is no better than it was a decade ago."


The controversy is believed to have prompted a rethink of the way in which the MoD will limit access to soldiers by documentary makers in the future, according to senior sources.


Last night an MoD spokesman denied any wrongdoing. "Regular briefings occur within the Joint Helicopter Force to all their deployed personnel to provide an update on the operations that they have supported," he said. "This in some cases shows footage taken from the Apache."


The footage is included in a three-part series, 'Fighting on the Frontline', that starts on Channel 4 tonight



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Yes, I believe Duane inadvertently revealed that one of the people that runs it thought that Britain had a written constitution.

Regardless of what your impressions are of the BC Group the main thing is the group is taking positive action when we have been let down by the parliamentarians, who clearly do not have the best interests of the nation.


The BC Group is holding 2 conventions, one in Stoke On Trent and another 2 weeks later in London. It's a growing movement with people joining up from the police, ex-armed services and former politicians.


Convention details - www.ukcolumn.org/

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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