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I don't see what could be done about it. Labour had 13 years in power and never attempted to, which makes me think that it's basically impossible to do. How do you do it? Shoot them and take their money?

Who knows, i'm sure there are a lot of people in this thread alone who are more clever and well informed than me, but i think it's fair to say that none of us on here really know all the ins & outs and complexities involved with all these pieces of legislation. I tend to believe if there's a will there's a way and if all the information was well known by the general public at large, then there would certainly be the will. As it is, people hear soundbytes here and there, but comparatively few are really aware of the extent of it all. It's an issue which would surely be supported by rich and poor alike - most people would feel strongly about it whether they were earning

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New Labour made the situation worse, changing the rules on non-doms to get more of them. As I said before, winning an election is about convincing the business world that you are good for business and Blair and Brown sold them on the idea that they were. Part of that was going easy on billionaires. What they forget is that billionaires contribute nothing to the public coffers and the trickle-down effect doesn't work because their money is either not spent here or when it is, it moves in the circles of the rich. All they do is drive up the cost of living for the rest of us and create people like the Candy brothers, who borrow millions from oil-rich Arabs to build massively expensive seasonal apartments to sell to other Arabs. When the pretty rich are driven out of one area, they move to another, which pushes other people on and just makes London a hideously expensive place to rent or buy property. This is why Boris has been talking about a London minimum wage that is higher than the National one.

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Even without legislation changes, sections of the media could take it upon themselves to highlight it more and campaign to try to shame some of them them into paying up instead of weaselling out of it. Attach a real stigma to the act of tax avoidance. Might not be all that successful immediately but it would certainly put pressure onto them

This is the exact problem. These fuckers own the media.

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Good god that Tory whore really made a fool out of herself and her party on QT this week on the child benefit situation and as for the Lib Dems when this coalition finally comes to an end they are finished as a serious political party imo.




Also on getting people off benefits in general where the fuck are all these jobs going to come from? I mean last I checked the jobless already out number the amount of jobs on the market and thats before these cuts kick in which in turn will increase the unemployment levels.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Destination Unknown is probably the name that should be given to quite a few of these Government initiatives.



Ah Demos, that famous Labour think tank. No agenda there whatsoever especially when there is a new leader to galvanise support around. I under stand what they are saying and am prepared for the switch. Would be interesting to know if this research was done before or after the Universal Payment was mooted.



@King of Swing what makes you think that the Lib Dems are finished as a political party?

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@King of Swing what makes you think that the Lib Dems are finished as a political party?

I can't answer for KOS, but i'd think that the fact they've basically reneged on a lot of their pre-election promises and views would be the reason why.


There are many voters who gave them their vote under the impression that they would fight for what they believed in, only for the party line to change once a whiff of power came their way.

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A major story coming out of what has been dubbed Scotlands "trial of the decade" by some media outlets;


Tommy Sheridan has dismissed the QC defending him against perjury charges and will now represent himself for the remainder of the trial.


The former Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) MSP was being represented by Maggie Scott QC.


Judge Lord Bracadale has now adjourned the trial at the High Court in Glasgow until Thursday.


Mr Sheridan and his wife Gail, both 46, deny committing perjury during his successful defamation case in 2006.


The former MSP won

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Destination Unknown is probably the name that should be given to quite a few of these Government initiatives.



Ah Demos, that famous Labour think tank. No agenda there whatsoever especially when there is a new leader to galvanise support around. I under stand what they are saying and am prepared for the switch. Would be interesting to know if this research was done before or after the Universal Payment was mooted.

Demos = Common Purpose by the way. A dodgy charity that trains future leaders that I may have mentioned previously:


Common Purpose - www.cpexposed.com


From their official site, proof Common Purpose is not exclusive to Labour:


David Cameron meets emerging leaders with Common Purpose

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Demos is a famously Labour based think tank, it may have 'changed' direction a little in recent times with some Liberal and Tory appointees to ensure its survival, but historically its labour through and through.


A brief Google throws up many confirmations of links to labour


This short article from August 2010 confirms the 'old' ways and how its become a bit of a chameleonto remain at the forefront of power



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Just caught the news and let me get this straight the ConDems basically want to allow Universities to charge what they want?




Just caught the headlines and its actually a review by some guy I have never heard of so I dont know if the ConDems would actually go through with it but I would love to see the Lib Dems (who lets face it would savage such a proposial if they were not in Government) suger coat this on QT if such a propsial went through.

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