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The Pavel Florin Supporters Club and Cricket Thread

Devon Malcolm

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I think they saw the 7 game ODI series as a "good warm-up" for the World Cup. It really wasn't though and all it served to do was tire the players out and cause some injuries. If I were out there, then yes, it sucks to have been beaten by the Irish (who were apparently 400-1 to win the game after they lost their fifth wicket) but they're tired and they've not really seen their families/loved ones since early November. We can't get knocked out of this tournament quickly enough...it's just a pity the group stage doesn't end until next Christmas. Makes me wonder why they couldn't have sent some of the Lions over to the sub-continent and told them to play and send some of the bigger names home if they want. It's a good job most of the English players didn't sell at the IPL auction otherwise they'd be out there even longer.


Seriously though, why the hell have they messed with the format again? Last time, we had the not-so-Super 8 stage which went on for weeks and weeks without being that fascinating, and now we've got the exact same thing but with all of the teams playing instead. Find a format and stick to it. And please, change your plans to only have the Test nations. We've seen that the associates can play and cause an upset or two (well, nearly...and especially if they're playing England) so let them!

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I think having played two games to Ireland's one didn't help either. However, Collingwood and Prior have both been dreadful in the past two games with the bat. Anderson, Broad and Yardy aren't pulling their weight with the ball. With half your bowling attack and the keystones of your batting order not firing, it's hardly any wonder we stumble to a tie against a beatable India and lose to a motivated Ireland. The point of central contracts is so the players play less cricket and can concentrate on being ready for occasions like this. Ireland have no money and they put together six central contracts for two years so they can have their key non-pro players ready for the World Cup. My mate's laying the blame at Ian Bell's door, saying he should be seeing innings off.

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Whats the deal with Sri Lanka and Australia then? I'm really getting into cricket but would still class myself as a bit of a n00b to be honest. They were going at it hammer and tongs from the off with the sledging and verbals, umpire warning within the first couple of overs.


I worked beside a guy for a few years who was from Sri Lanka and one of the most pleasent and polite blokes you could wish to meet. Someone mentioned Australian cricket team to him in passing and he went off on one for a good few minutes effing and blinding; nobody had seem him like that ever and were all taken aback a bit by his reaction.


He said he played youth cricket against them when he was younger and said they were ignorant and arrogant and the sledging was very, very close to crossing the line into racist abuse. Obviously that was him talking from personal experience but is there a history of problems between the two countries when it comes to cricket?

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It's long been noted that Australia have wandered into racial abuse at times, they've also been victims of heavy accusations for seemingly no reason as well.


The same token though the asian sides have hidden behind racism for years to avoid looking into the massive corruption that shadows all forms of cricket in those countries.

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The aggro's been there since the controversy around Muralitharan's action and Australian umpires calling no balls for throwing ten years or so ago that led to Sri Lanka walking of the pitch and threatening to abandon the match - it got a bit silly at times with the Sri Lanka team getting egged on tours since and the Aussie PM calling Muralitharan a chucker too.

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To be fair, Sri Lanka have used racism as a shield for Murali for years. I know a guy who reckons he chucks everything now because his arm is fucked but the ICC is so far up the Asian Cricket Council's arse and so scared of being called racist, they turn a blind eye to it and umpires are shackled because his action has been cleared.

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He is a fucking chucker though.


If Shane Warne had 10% of the work ethic Murali had, Warne and his fair action would have pissed him and his record.


Frankly, I found Murali far more suspect than James Kirtley's action.

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That teaches me to lose faith , went to tesco when south africa were 60/0

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If nothing else England's inconsistency is creating some cracking games! The combo of being World Class either Batting/Bowling and then fudging up the other half seems to equal sweaty palms for fans everywhere. That said brilliant fight back today from a near impossible position and should make qualifying easier. South Africa don't seem to like close games against us, the tests over there (I think it was two) we survived at the death being an example.

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Pietersen's out injured and Morgan is back in which is an easy call, though it does mean its probably back to Bell or Bopara opening which never really worked before.


Could really do with Panesar in the squad at the moment - the pitches are only going to get slower and start turning more, with Yardy only averaging 6 its not like the batting would get weakened that much either - also Swann seems to be hitting the ball too well to be coming in at 9 and really should be moved up to 7.

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There's no point in picking Panesar. He can't field. If we're going to take a left arm spinner who can't field we might as well have a fatty like Ian Blackwell or Samit Patel because they can bat as well. We should have taken Adil Rashid, he had a fantastic Big Bash 20/20 campaign is Australia. Or that young Danny Briggs, he looks a great prospect. Hopefully they'll pick Tredwell in the next match though, Yardy is a waste of a place.


As for Pietersen, he's done us a big favour in fucking off home as we now have a proper finisher in Morgan.

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The problem England have is needing a second spinner who could actually take wickets regularly, which is where Blackwell, Patel and Yardy fall short as they won't ever look like getting 2-3 wickets a 50 over innings, but still needing someone to bowl economically so Swann can attack from the other end. Rashid would get wickets, but they'd be expensive - the ideal situation would be him upping his batting so he could bat in the top 6, so he could still be called on to try and break partnerships for 5-6 overs an innings.


Monty's fielding isn't great, but I could only think of Keedy who could possibly do the same job and his fielding and batting isn't that much better.

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