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New Doctor Who


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I'm in between on that. I liked the episodes, but there were some naff bits, like the angel moving. And while I liked the idea of the angels turning humans into angels to survive, I thought it was waaaaay too early in the game to introduce it. That's the kind of thing you trot out after the monsters' main threat runs its course, for me.

This. This is why.


There's a tendancy to bring in convenient hyper-evolution, where a species introduces a trait to either fill a plot hole, or because it's a cool left over idea that's been sat on the notice board for a while. The Weeping Angels didn't need to be leaving their spirit in video recordings to transform humans into more Angels. They were defeated a bit shitly too.


Besides, Revelations of the Daleks, Attack of the Cybermen, Daleks in Manhatten, etc.. Do we need more of the "monsters turning humans into more monsters" angles?


I'm not even kidding, actually.


I love the chemistry between Smith and Gillan, but they've been so effective in creating a symbiotic partnership that I won't ever accept another companion without good reason.


If she's still alive and well, and they part on good terms, then I can't see the motivation for Smith's Doctor to replace her or travel with anyone else. He'd pine after her and find reasons to come back to earth. The relationship, unfortunately, needs to be severed.


I'm not sure i'll be able to handle it, but its necessary.

I like this. I'm a smidge fed up of there being a constant female companion that fancies him, even Donna was the odd couple other half. Let us have someone a bit more interesting, maybe someone non-human that the Doctor needs, but ultimately doesn't like. Or maybe a Turlough type, with a heel turn simmering under the surface.

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He's massively outgrown the Doctor and British tele. I just hope he doesn't realise.


Just in case people haven't seen it yet...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Illustrated again perfectly. I was choked up when Amy got zapped away, but the Doctor's reaction pushed a few of those tears over the edge. Smith's just incredible.


My only complaint about that episode is that I would've liked a bit of closure on the whole Statue of Liberty-is-an-angel thing. Other than that I'm hard pushed to find anything wrong with it at all. Absolutely wonderful. And the angels are scary again! Fantastic.


Finally, how much of a fucking tease was that Christmas preview? Show me more. MORE. Jesus. I love this show so much.


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He's massively outgrown the Doctor and British tele. I just hope he doesn't realise.


Just in case people haven't seen it yet...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Illustrated again perfectly. I was choked up when Amy got zapped away, but the Doctor's reaction pushed a few of those tears over the edge. Smith's just incredible.


My only complaint about that episode is that I would've liked a bit of closure on the whole Statue of Liberty-is-an-angel thing. Other than that I'm hard pushed to find anything wrong with it at all. Absolutely wonderful. And the angels are scary again! Fantastic.


Finally, how much of a fucking tease was that Christmas preview? Show me more. MORE. Jesus. I love this show so much.


[close spoiler]



Here's my one comment:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

The Doctor needs to face Rory's dad.


I'm assuming The Doctor will visit him later in the series but after everything they've said to each other i'd be disappointed if he's never mentioned again.


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Drawn image related to the spoiler in the previous post:


Click me


I don't even like Amy, but the ending made me cry. Also a lot of "Fuck you Moffatts" escaped my mouth. Gonna miss Rory, he was awesome - my first ever Doctor Who watch included him as a Roman punching the Doctor out for saying Amy wasn't important.

Edited by Nexus
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The emotional heart was wonderful. I mean there were incredibly crap bits, like nobody looking at the Statue of Liberty and the explanation for why the Doctor couldn't visit Amy and Rory wasn't exactly well done but everything else was pretty well worked.

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I've just finished and I'm bloody giddy. Greatest thing I've ever seen on television. I'm not even being facetious. It was perfect.


I didn't think I would handle this episode well.


I was right.


In fucking pieces. Matt Smith is so far beyond incredible and Karen Gillan has grown so much. Nothing has ever effected me like that. Jesus. The ending was tragic and beautiful. Perfect.


What a glorious fucking TV show.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Really enjoyed it, but I'm confused on a few points. I think I missed something.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

- Why can't the doctor go back and find them? is it because it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack? And if so why can't they just leave him a clue like River always seems to do?


- How was it that river was able to go back and give Amy a manuscript for the book and allow Amy to write the book's afterword? I thought she was gone and unreachable?


- I thought the Angels were erased from time after they were all sucked into the crack?


Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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Any concerns I had about the Angels returning have been laid to rest. That was quite possibly the best episode of Matt Smith's tenure, and about as close to perfect as you can get. The whole film noir/Bladerunner style lighting and camerawork, and the "it's what you don't see" scenes, was nothing short of brilliant, and that was a new level of angry Doctor.


One small niggle, which is what others have mentioned, but with the rest of the episode so good, I'll let that slide.

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Just saw on a few other forums that apparently the intro to the show is consistantly getting darker each week. So much so that this week episode title had white text due to how much darker the intro in the background had become.


Neat little idea. Wonder if its leading to something? Or whether people are just imagining it.

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Really enjoyed it, but I'm confused on a few points. I think I missed something.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

- Why can't the doctor go back and find them? is it because it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack? And if so why can't they just leave him a clue like River always seems to do?


- How was it that river was able to go back and give Amy a manuscript for the book and allow Amy to write the book's afterword? I thought she was gone and unreachable?


- I thought the Angels were erased from time after they were all sucked into the crack?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Fixed point in his own timeline. Same reason he can't go back to Rose, or anything else in his timeline. I'm pretty sure it was explained.


River has a vortex manipulator, it's different to the TARDIS, and also probably means that River is a part of Rory and Amy's USA timeline later.


Paradox doesn't always work completely. I imagine they got rid of most of them, but there's still some surviving.


People get far too wound up about minor details some times. Just relax and enjoy the show.



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It was a good episode, I'm a huge fan of the Angels, and my Mrs is terrified of them!


The whole happy ending / Rory bit was just fantastic bit of writing. I was thinking it might have driven the doctor to do something crazy like smash the Angel to bits, but that didn't happen. I also wondered about the last remaining Angel, (will it repopulate or something?).


A few unresolved bits n bobs but interesting to see if it gets mentioned again.


And for who mentioned it, opening titles did indeed change. I noticed that the "vortex" from the main "Doctor Who" sequence had changed from a red colour to a more darker green colour. The main Title of Doctor who had changed at the start of the series i believe, although the colour of the text had also changed this week.

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Really enjoyed it, but I'm confused on a few points. I think I missed something.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

- Why can't the doctor go back and find them? is it because it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack? And if so why can't they just leave him a clue like River always seems to do?


- How was it that river was able to go back and give Amy a manuscript for the book and allow Amy to write the book's afterword? I thought she was gone and unreachable?


- I thought the Angels were erased from time after they were all sucked into the crack?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Fixed point in his own timeline. Same reason he can't go back to Rose, or anything else in his timeline. I'm pretty sure it was explained.


River has a vortex manipulator, it's different to the TARDIS, and also probably means that River is a part of Rory and Amy's USA timeline later.


Paradox doesn't always work completely. I imagine they got rid of most of them, but there's still some surviving.



People get far too wound up about minor details some times. Just relax and enjoy the show.


I wouldn't say I get "wound up". I do enjoy the show. However I think it's fair for me to try and understand everything so that I can enjoy it all the more.

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Some of the show's plot points rely on small details, and as such it rightly attracts a greater amount of attention/pedantry.


Anyway, to add to the above:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

- He can't go back because there's too much time distortion around New York. He already messed with it a lot by planting the vase for River to establish a link that'd let him through, and if he tried it again, it would fuck shit up bigtime.


- River explicitly mentioned that her Vortex Manipulator can get to places the Tardis can't - "Like a motorbike through traffic".


- I seem to remember that it was mentioned that the Angels that got sucked into the crack were just a few of them. Even if not, Rory got sucked into a crack, and everything like that was fixed when the Doctor rebooted the universe, so presumably the Angels just popped back up wherever they were supposed to be as well.


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Some of the show's plot points rely on small details, and as such it rightly attracts a greater amount of attention/pedantry.


Anyway, to add to the above:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

- He can't go back because there's too much time distortion around New York. He already messed with it a lot by planting the vase for River to establish a link that'd let him through, and if he tried it again, it would fuck shit up bigtime.


- River explicitly mentioned that her Vortex Manipulator can get to places the Tardis can't - "Like a motorbike through traffic".


- I seem to remember that it was mentioned that the Angels that got sucked into the crack were just a few of them. Even if not, Rory got sucked into a crack, and everything like that was fixed when the Doctor rebooted the universe, so presumably the Angels just popped back up wherever they were supposed to be as well.


[close spoiler]



Cheers. A lot of that makes preatty good sense.

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