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Fuck me, that was fun. Just about everything you could want in a episode of Who. I'd love to see a spin-off based around the Victorian Salurian samurai woman and her trusty woman-servant.



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Let's Kill Hitler might be the greatest name for a Dr Who episode possible.


I called the 'twist' moments before it happened so I have a very shallow sense of pride :laugh:


I suspected when we saw what Amy and Roy's baby was going to be called but I also thought that they called her that because that is just what they wanted us to think before going a completely diffident way.


As soon as she said "I haven't seen you cot in such a long time" that's when I knew

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Now we know who she is I doubt they will go the route that sometime in the future she marries The Doctor as I don't think they ever confirmed it just hinted


I don't think we'll ever know that side of the story. Remember she does know his name and there is 'Only one way that can happen'


Also we will see her again, remember she kills a 'Good man, the greatest man I ever knew'

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Now we know who she is I doubt they will go the route that sometime in the future she marries The Doctor as I don't think they ever confirmed it just hinted


I don't think we'll ever know that side of the story. Remember she does know his name and there is 'Only one way that can happen'


Also we will see her again, remember she kills a 'Good man, the greatest man I ever knew'


apologys for being silly but surely that happened in episode 1

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Also, the next episode has a swashbuckling female character called 'Jenny'. I won't, but does anyone need that spelling out...?


I'm sure if you follow the daughter path, you'll get there.

I dunno where they got the idea that she was called Jenny, actually. She was called Lorna. Very odd.


Those were two different characters. Lorna was the girl that was working for the clerics, Jenny was the Silurian's maid/girlfriend.

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Now we know who she is I doubt they will go the route that sometime in the future she marries The Doctor as I don't think they ever confirmed it just hinted


I don't think we'll ever know that side of the story. Remember she does know his name and there is 'Only one way that can happen'


Also we will see her again, remember she kills a 'Good man, the greatest man I ever knew'


I can just see some complaints if it's relieved that The Doctor ended up marrying someone he knew and perhaps helped raise since she was a baby.


And I also think when she says she killed a Good Man she was meaning she killed him in episode 1 but I also think she had no choice

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We do not know though. Its assumed its her because of the spacesuit, but I highly doubt that is who she killed. Let's remember she tells Rory in the first episode about when she first met the Doctor.


Anyway its bloody brilliant. And I've just watched Confidential and Kingston teases something else about the cot!

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We do not know though. Its assumed its her because of the spacesuit, but I highly doubt that is who she killed. Let's remember she tells Rory in the first episode about when she first met the Doctor.


Anyway its bloody brilliant. And I've just watched Confidential and Kingston teases something else about the cot!

Yeah but even now technically the 1st time she met The Doctor she was a baby and if she can and did regenerate she could of been talking about the 1st time she met him in that regeneration.

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I do hope it's not the last we see of Kingston. The chemistry between her and Smith is amazing and one of the great parts of this series. I'd looked up the spoilers (I'm a bit of a drag like that) but it still gave me chills when watching it. Brilliantly done.

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Also, the next episode has a swashbuckling female character called 'Jenny'. I won't, but does anyone need that spelling out...?


I'm sure if you follow the daughter path, you'll get there.

I dunno where they got the idea that she was called Jenny, actually. She was called Lorna. Very odd.


Those were two different characters. Lorna was the girl that was working for the clerics, Jenny was the Silurian's maid/girlfriend.

Yeah I figured about half an hour after I posted that. Didn't even click on, but in any event if anyone was more likely to be 'Doctor's Daughter' Jenny then it would've been Lorna, oddly enough.

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There were loads of individual bits about the episode that I loved but I didn't really feel it was that great an episode to be honest. I guess I'm not digging the serial feel of the series (I know) that much. And I'll be honest and say I felt the cliffhanger was completely lame. In that the cliffhanger was negated at the exact same time it was constructed and I just don't get the appeal of it. I know its Doctor Who, and the good guys always prevail, and I love the show for that but I tend not to feel much suspense about that when one of the character's essentially comes out and says "I'm here, so it'll all be fine, honestly, I'm proof of that. There's literally no reason to worry about me." I know people think Moffat's timewimeyness is clever but I'm getting tired of the "I'm from the future, I know how this will end, you know how this will end, we all know how this will end" plot. The first time I liked it but less and less so.


That and the River Song revelation seems very odd when River was amazed to meet Donna but seemed considerably less so at meeting her own mother before she was pregnant.


Like I say, there were moments I loved. Smith was awesome, Rory being bad ass was great, the darkness of the Doctor was great and I actually felt it was a good way to use the cybermen but it didn't all click with me. I'm normally willing to overlook silly or dubious things about Who as well so it seems odd that I feel this way.

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