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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I watched The Machinist last night and, although I enjoyed it and was suitably transfixed by Bale's freaky skeletal appearance, I was most excited about seeing D'Angelo Barksdale and Norman Wilson/Martin motherfuckin' Querns make small appearances. I am a slave to HBO and I regret nothing.

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I want a big torrent with all of them in because I'm too lazy to get individual episodes and we have ricockulous download speeds at the minute. Early next week should be good if the finale is Sunday.


You'd be better off getting them separately. More seeds then leechers now. Plus the big download with them all in will have more leeches then seeds.


I've just found out Reaper was cancelled. That's bullshit it was awesome.

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I've recently started The Shield but after The Wire find it incredibly unrealistic and stupid. I'll wait till I finish the first season before I make my mind up though.

I watched the first episode, but I was unimpressed.



Ahhh, kinda harsh compairing it to the Wire, Shield is a top show in it's own right, Vic Makey is a legend.



I can't wait for Fringe to come back on.

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I wasn't comparing the story to The Wire more the fact that The Shield seems to try extremely hard to be gritty, harsh and realistic but when you compare it to The Wire it just comes across as the cheesy piece of Hollywood-made fluff that it is.

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i've watched both the shield and the wire all the way through, and you can't compare the two but both are the greatest tv shows i've ever seen. some of the moments in the shied both make you laugh and cry and even though you know what vic's done you still want him to succed. Season 1 of the shield is just the foundations of the program to get how good it is you have to watch it all. knowing there's no shield to come i could't bring myself to watch the last couple of epsoides knowing it would be the end.

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Still thoroughly enjoying True Blood. Refreshingly better than Heroes.


Saying something is better than Heroes isn't really that much of a compliment. You might aswell have said "Refreshingly better than getting stabbed in the dick".


Heroes is the worst shit ever. Even the first season which so many idiots jizzed over...fucking terrible.

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I can't wait for Fringe to come back on.


This! I've missed Walter. :laugh:


Are Sky 1 showing it a day after it's aired in America like last time? It'll be upped by tomorrow/day after.


I've read that season 2 will start over here on October 4th which is about 2 weeks after the US showing (for anyone interested it starts in the US tomorrow)

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just finished watching true blood season 2 heres my thoughts and summary of the series

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


the 2nd series more than lived up to the first one if you ask me, so many things going on. jason joining the fellowship of the sun and eventually banging the ministers missus and realising they were all nutjobs after they kidnapped sookie. eric needing sookie to help him find his maker. layfette being kidnapped at the beginning and then let go only to continue selling vamp blood for eric and as we would find out the queen vamp and ofcourse the whole mary anne saga taking over everyone and nearly sacrficing sam all i can say is damm.


i actually love this series and am gutted now i have worked my way threw them and have to wait now till the next series but seriously can't wait been awhile since a program has grabbed my attention as much as this one and the anna paquain nudity only makes it that much more awesome



bring on series 3

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Must...not...read...season 2... spoilers. I'll get back to True Blood soon, my download is done.


Mid-way through season 3 of Dexter now. Still liking it but I must admit the central "hook" SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

(Ice Truck Killer in S1, Dexter's bodies surfacing in S2)

isn't nearly as intriguing as the main ongoing plot of the first two seasons. Dexter is softening up too much now as well. I know he pretty much kids himself about not having any emotions, but they've used that "if I knew how to feel ... then I'd be feeling it right now" device far too much.


Season 2 was absolutely tremendous though. Constant drama and an absolutely mental conclusion. Lila was amazing, I liked the FBI dude and Doakes was fun too (if a bit of an over-actor).


What's keeping me watching season 3 is that Rita, Deb, Masuka and Batista make for a watchable and sympathetic supporting cast which keeps things interesting when they occasionally seem short of ideas for Dexter himself. Even Rita's Kids are likeable


Also got an enormous torrent (17gig) of Batman: The Animated Series/The Adventures of Batman and Robin/The new Batman adventures. 86 episodes. Aww yeeeah.


Used to love this show and there are so many episodes I haven't seen. It's so dark and atmospheric and has some of the best voice acting I've ever seen in a cartoon. Mark Hamil's Joker is the obvious example but almost everyone is strong. Looking forward to seeing the Emmy-award winning Mr. Freeze episode.


Watched the first episode last night and quite enjoyed it. Man-Bat is the villain and he's dealt with fairly easily. I forgot just how dry Alfred is in this show. He's always portrayed that way to some extent but he is perfect in this series:


Batman drags a giant man/bat monster freak into the bat-cave. Batman's suit is torn, the beast is clearly the one that has been terrorising the city and, again, it's a giant man/bat monster freak. He slumps it down on a table and is starting to examine it when Alfred comes in:


"Two for dinner, sir?"


Beautiful, understated brilliance.


Anyone watching Lie to me? Micro-expressions, body language analysis and Tim Roth. I am intrigued.

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Anyone watching Lie to me? Micro-expressions, body language analysis and Tim Roth. I am intrigued.

Yeah, watched the whole of season one, and I think it's great. I'm not sure how long it will be great for - as the storylines are pretty intricate - but for now, I'm enjoying it. I'm also picking up a lot of tips to find out if people are bullshitting me too.


I'm also up to the final episode of House season 5, and while it's pretty gripping, the penultimate episode bored me for some reason. I hope the series finale is as awesome as season 4's.


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Chain Letters, in the series link for the last few weeks on Challenge. Two episodes a day, and a great thing to have on in the background, if you're having tea, etc. Dave Spikey is beyond horrendous at presenting it though.


Also, because I've only ever seen maybe half the episodes (and always out of order), I've started watching Scrubs from scratch, as I caught the pilot on E4 a couple of weeks back and decided it was as a good time as any. So far I'm enjoying it loads, but one thing hasn't changed from my opinions as a half-interested fan. Is JD supposed to be cast as the most dislikable twatface ever? What a whining, mugging fucking little scrote. I hate him and wish no happiness to come to his character.

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