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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Did they ever explain the disappearance of Mordecai when they shipped him back to developmental or did he simply vanish with no explanation?

From what I've read (Wikipedia, Online World of Wrestling), he was put back in the developmentals with no explanation given on TV. Online World of Wrestling said the week before his gimmick was dropped, Rey Mysterio scored a win over him on Smackdown.


They also wanted him off TV quick-smart, according to Wikipedia, because he was involved in a bar-fight and he got arrested amd thrown in the pokey for a spell.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Do New Japan still regularly enforce strict weight limits for their Jr. Heavyweight division? Only I'm watching Lockdown '09 and during the 3-way for the IWGP Jr. Tag Team Championship, Tenay and West were making out that NJPW's Juniors were the equivalent of the X Division, hence why Hernandez was in the match.


I'm guessing that was typical TNA hyperbole, but had they booked LAX to win the belts, would NJPW have recognised them as champions? Ultimately it doesn't matter as LAX didn't win, but having a near 300 lb guy in the match seemed rather daft to me, suspecting that Japan still takes weight limits and stuff seriously.

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NJPW would have probably stipped Hernandez of the belt quick-smart. They went a bit "funny" after a TNA tag-team won their tag-belts. Was it "Beer Money"? They refused to acknowledge them, stripping them of the belts, then changed their minds and did claim them as their champs.

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NJPW would have probably stipped Hernandez of the belt quick-smart. They went a bit "funny" after a TNA tag-team won their tag-belts. Was it "Beer Money"? They refused to acknowledge them, stripping them of the belts, then changed their minds and did claim them as their champs.


I thought as much.


Didn't like three different TNA teams hold the IWGP Tag titles in 2009? I heard that New Japan were annoyed and didn'g recognise Beer Money as champs at first, but seemingly after a while they just allowed TNA to get on with it. I'd suspect they would have been far stricter if the Jr. Tag title was being passed around between guys who obviously exceeded the weight limit.


On a related note: where does the name International Wrestling Grand Prix originate from? Is it a governing body of some sort for NJPW?

Edited by Jimmy Rammstein
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On the Benoit tribute Raw, HHH told a story about Benoit making a young wrestler do a thousand squats. Any idea who this young wrestler was?

Muhammed Hassan i think and i also heard that the muscles in his legs started breaking down afterwards and being absorbed by his kidney's untill he was pissing what looked like Dr Pepper. Not sure how true that last part is or if it's even physically possible but still it's sounds pretty nasty.

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How did WWF explain having Tazz and JR hit eachother over the face with glass jars in August 2000, and then in December, have them commentate Rebellion together?


They put them on Jerry Springer that October and all was fine after that.

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On the Benoit tribute Raw, HHH told a story about Benoit making a young wrestler do a thousand squats. Any idea who this young wrestler was?

Muhammed Hassan i think and i also heard that the muscles in his legs started breaking down afterwards and being absorbed by his kidney's untill he was pissing what looked like Dr Pepper. Not sure how true that last part is or if it's even physically possible but still it's sounds pretty nasty.

I think it was Divari that had to do the one squillion squats. He ended up peeing blood. Ouch.

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Did we get WSX in the UK?


Yes, it was shown on MTV a few months after it was originally aired in the states. I only ever stumbled across it during the adverts of Smackdown one friday night.


Has WWE announced where the next few Wrestlemanias will be held yet? I remember hearing something about how any cities interested in hosting a Wrestlemania has until the end of February this year to put in bids for 2011-2014. I'm especially curious to know where WM30 will be held, because I'm pretty much determined to go to that one. Thought I might as well wait for a nice round number!

I'd be very surprised if WM30 wasn't at Madison Square Garden to continue the tradition of 1, 10 and 20 being held there. They made a bit of a deal at 10 and 20 that Wrestlemania was being held where it began, so it would make sense for 30 to be there too. There's no substance to this and I've not heard it from anywhere, it's just an assumption.


It would make sence, also later this year ive heard that Madison Square Garden is going through some refurbishment. I cannot imagine many drastic changes happening to the venue though.


I quite fancy the odds it will be at the new Yankee Stadium. Only a guess though, as they may consider MSG a bit small for the 30th one. Then again, it was big enough for 20, so who knows? I'd be shocked if it wasn't in New York though.


On the Benoit tribute Raw, HHH told a story about Benoit making a young wrestler do a thousand squats. Any idea who this young wrestler was?

Muhammed Hassan i think and i also heard that the muscles in his legs started breaking down afterwards and being absorbed by his kidney's untill he was pissing what looked like Dr Pepper. Not sure how true that last part is or if it's even physically possible but still it's sounds pretty nasty.


I thought it was Daivari, not Hassan?

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How did WWF explain having Tazz and JR hit eachother over the face with glass jars in August 2000, and then in December, have them commentate Rebellion together?


They didn't.


As it was only an unimportant UK PPV, WWF didn't feel the need to bring up JR and Tazz's feud. It's not like it's the first time (or last) that two bitter enemies have become working partners or even friends in the wrestling world.

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did you know that the raw before bad blood, vince said something right after the pilmans xxx files, he said "i'd be happy if we never see him again"

Edited by buba3d
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On the Benoit tribute Raw, HHH told a story about Benoit making a young wrestler do a thousand squats. Any idea who this young wrestler was?

Muhammed Hassan i think and i also heard that the muscles in his legs started breaking down afterwards and being absorbed by his kidney's untill he was pissing what looked like Dr Pepper. Not sure how true that last part is or if it's even physically possible but still it's sounds pretty nasty.

I think it was Divari that had to do the one squillion squats. He ended up peeing blood. Ouch.

It might well have been actually, i knew it was one of the two of them who had to do it.

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something quite creepy while watching raw from 1997, raw just before bad blood, vince said something right after the pilmans xxx files, he said "i'd be happy if we never see him again"


That's not a question now, is it?

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