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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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Don't get the new Green Arrow. The new character is a massive dickhead that I simply just can't abide unlike the original Green Arrow by guys like Neal Adams and Mike Grell.


I've been collecting the Justice League and I like it for the most part, but the last few issues the best thing has been the Shazam story. I think they will be doing an Issue 0 with something Shazam related. I like that story alot.

From a smidge of research, I had seen that Green Arrow isn't getting the best reviews, so I'll most likely leave that out. I had seen "Animal Man" is getting decent reviews, so i might check that out at some point. Plus I still fancy Earth 2.


Think I'll grab Justice League and Batman (As i think they're already out), whilst the Flash (Volume 1) is out in November.


Cheers for the help, if anybody wants to recommend anything else please do :thumbsup:

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Earth 2 really interests me as its a re-split of the golden age stuff into a separate universe again, yet it also re-tells a lot of the origins, (which is expected for Green Lantern).


My problem with it is that it feels quite dated. It isn't bad, and the slightly old-fashioned feel may appeal if you've been out of it for a while.

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My problem with it is that it feels quite dated. It isn't bad, and the slightly old-fashioned feel may appeal if you've been out of it for a while.

Whilst true, from looking into it, I believe its all semi-new origin story's and every body is in their 20's or something. It'll be interesting to say the least, although I'm unsure if it'll be something that I'll continually collect.


Would anybody recommend from pre-new 52 stuff? From what I've been reading some of the "Flash point" stuff plays a part in this new universe. Plus In keeping with the flash idea, I'd expect "Flash: Rebirth" to be something worth reading?

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Its been a while since i was last collecting comics, (Wally west was still The Flash!), And I'm looking to get back into them.


With all the new 52 stuff, does anybody have any thoughts/advice on them? After having a look around, I'll be getting the collected volumes of The Flash and maybe Earth 2 as well.


I've recently read through "The Killing Joke", "Year One" and "City of crime" (which was just fantastic) and "Faces" all from the Batman series. All where really really good, with Killing joke and Faces being my favorites.


Batman and Batwoman. Snyder's Court of Owls/Night of the Owls is mostly a hit with me but it's had a couple of misses. Snyder's best work is American Vampire then Batman: The Black Mirror. Before you read Batwoman, I recommend you read Batwoman: Elegy, a great book telling her origin.

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Whilst true, from looking into it, I believe its all semi-new origin story's and every body is in their 20's or something. It'll be interesting to say the least, although I'm unsure if it'll be something that I'll continually collect.


I meant the art and writing. It all feels a bit mid-nineties to me, and not in a good way.

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Whilst true, from looking into it, I believe its all semi-new origin story's and every body is in their 20's or something. It'll be interesting to say the least, although I'm unsure if it'll be something that I'll continually collect.


I meant the art and writing. It all feels a bit mid-nineties to me, and not in a good way.

Ah, fair enough.


Well I'll give it ago, and see what its like. :thumbsup:

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I've read American Vampire issues 1 & 2 now. Hoping to get through 3-5 at some stage today. Really like it, soglad of the recommendation. Picked up to issue 10 now too.


On the subject of DC #0's, I reqad Detective Comics last week and thought that was good, and I picked up Batman, Batman and Robin and Batgirl yesterday, but haven't read any yet.


I also have picked up all the Green lantern comics since the New 52 started, but am trying to work my way through the older stuff first, so have not had chance to read Simon Baz Green Lantern #0 yet

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Don't get the new Green Arrow. The new character is a massive dickhead that I simply just can't abide unlike the original Green Arrow by guys like Neal Adams and Mike Grell.


I've been collecting the Justice League and I like it for the most part, but the last few issues the best thing has been the Shazam story. I think they will be doing an Issue 0 with something Shazam related. I like that story alot.

From a smidge of research, I had seen that Green Arrow isn't getting the best reviews, so I'll most likely leave that out. I had seen "Animal Man" is getting decent reviews, so i might check that out at some point. Plus I still fancy Earth 2.


Think I'll grab Justice League and Batman (As i think they're already out), whilst the Flash (Volume 1) is out in November.


Cheers for the help, if anybody wants to recommend anything else please do :thumbsup:


Man I hate the new 52, I love 80s DC comics and rate them as my all time faves, so many characters I love don't even exist anymore. I read the new Justice League, didn't really like it, it was ok but they made Batman a chump. Don't bother with Animal Man, it's really weird and not very good.


I've always hated Jim Lee too, so overrated.


Sorry to be so negative but the new 52 hasn't given me anything to like yet.

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No worries, I'm looking for all views on the current new 52 stuff, as I haven't collected in over 6 years!


In checking out some reviews today, Batman is getting rave reviews on most sites. Whilst I don't think you'd really "need" to do so, does anybody recommend getting the whole series of batman stuff? (Batman, Batman & Robin, Bat Girl, Nightwing, etc). I've seen that some of the main story lines cross over into different books, and thought to get the full view of everything, you'd need to get all of them?


Flash has been getting some decent reviews, with Earth 2 and Justice League getting some good shouts as well.


Has anybody checked out Green Lantern yet? I've seen Sinestro is now a GL, and with a recent 0 issue they've got a new GL on earth also.

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In the Justice League I'm not feeling Batman's character at all, I like him to be a bit grizzled and grumpy and to be taken very seriously but in that he's the butt of Green Lantern's jokes, everyone is saying he doesn't have powers all the time and he takes off his cowl in the middle of the city at the drop of a hat, it's bullshit.


I love Green Arrow but I've heard the new version is bad, I'd definitely read the Flash and Green Lantern though, I'm not so attached to the characters so I'm more open to new interpretations.


I read one issue of Batman and it was awful.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Whilst I don't think you'd really "need" to do so, does anybody recommend getting the whole series of batman stuff? (Batman, Batman & Robin, Bat Girl, Nightwing, etc). I've seen that some of the main story lines cross over into different books, and thought to get the full view of everything, you'd need to get all of them?

I currently get Batman, Batman & Robin, Detective Comics, The Dark Knight, Batgirl, Catwoman and Nightwing. So far, only the Night of Owls storyline has crossed over, and you didn't need to pick up all the other comics, but as i picked up these anyway it helped, so I ended up picking up 1 issue each of Red Hood and the Oultaws, Birds of Prey and All Star Western just to tie them all in.


However, if you wanted to only pick up Batman, you can always just pick up the tie-in issues if you need too, although they're usually not all that important in the grand scheme of things.

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Whilst I don't think you'd really "need" to do so, does anybody recommend getting the whole series of batman stuff? (Batman, Batman & Robin, Bat Girl, Nightwing, etc). I've seen that some of the main story lines cross over into different books, and thought to get the full view of everything, you'd need to get all of them?

I currently get Batman, Batman & Robin, Detective Comics, The Dark Knight, Batgirl, Catwoman and Nightwing. So far, only the Night of Owls storyline has crossed over, and you didn't need to pick up all the other comics, but as i picked up these anyway it helped, so I ended up picking up 1 issue each of Red Hood and the Oultaws, Birds of Prey and All Star Western just to tie them all in.


However, if you wanted to only pick up Batman, you can always just pick up the tie-in issues if you need too, although they're usually not all that important in the grand scheme of things.


Just out of interest pryko, which would be your top 3 Batman titles?

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I tell you the plot to issue 1 of Green Arrow which made it even more piss poor in my opinion, but I'll do spoilers:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Oliver Queen runs the Q Core section of Queen Industries making things like the Q Pad and Q phone. There are lots of new friends who are in on the whole Green Arrow thing, but it's revealed Arrow trawls youtube to find baddies who film themselves and beats them up



Also, he apparently had run ins with other character but pissed them off by being a dick. If your character can't find a friend you don't pay then how are you supposed to get people to relate to him or even warm to him?


I've heard the new Superman stuff is pretty interesting by Grant Morrison in Action Comics.

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Whilst I don't think you'd really "need" to do so, does anybody recommend getting the whole series of batman stuff? (Batman, Batman & Robin, Bat Girl, Nightwing, etc). I've seen that some of the main story lines cross over into different books, and thought to get the full view of everything, you'd need to get all of them?

I currently get Batman, Batman & Robin, Detective Comics, The Dark Knight, Batgirl, Catwoman and Nightwing. So far, only the Night of Owls storyline has crossed over, and you didn't need to pick up all the other comics, but as i picked up these anyway it helped, so I ended up picking up 1 issue each of Red Hood and the Oultaws, Birds of Prey and All Star Western just to tie them all in.


However, if you wanted to only pick up Batman, you can always just pick up the tie-in issues if you need too, although they're usually not all that important in the grand scheme of things.


Just out of interest pryko, which would be your top 3 Batman titles?

I think Batman is a must, Batman and Robinalso because of Damian, and then personally I do enjoy Arkham Unhinged which is a weekly title related to the Arkham games

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