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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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Today, i went to the comic shop and decided to buy something new. I picked up Vertigo's Unknown Soldier: Haunted House by Joshua Dysart. As it looked interesting and was under a tenner.


What a great read. It had the similar story to Punisher Born but set in Uganda and full of real facts and real problems facing the African people (Rebels and Army 'enlisting' kids, raiding orphanges for wives,) but with the dark story of a man becoming a soldier and fighting the urges and stuff. It's a good read and makes you think.

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Dearest Comic Fans,


I have an overwhelming urge to spend my Saturday morning watching superhero cartoons and note there are a great deal to choose from. Can any kind soul recommend a good offering from Marvel or DC? Justice League, Bats, Spidey etc. Willing to give most anything a go but would prefer it to feature established characters (though not sure if they even do cartoons for the lesser characters?).


Anyone who says I'm particularly keen on something featuring Power Girl and her gravity defying chest is lying.




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In terms of Marvel the 90's X-Men & Spider-Man animated series are probably some of the best.

X-Men is consistently good, although Spidey has a lot of dodgy episodes, but it gets great towards the last season when they realise no-one but the comic book fans are watching and just go nuts satisfying the fanboys.

The 2nd series of both Fantastic Four and Iron Man are good, but avoid the first series of both, they were so bad almost everyone that worked on them were fired and replaced for the 2nd series.

Silver Surfer is quite good if you're a sci fi fan, but there was only ever one series and it ends in a cliffhanger (although I've heard the proposed script for the season 2 premier is floating around online.

Never watched Incredible Hulk, so I can't comment, but avoid Avengers: United They Stand, it's just horrible (and lacks most of the major characters due to licensing issues).

There's also the new Marvel animated films, such as Ultimate Avengers, which are definitely worth a look. They're really nicely animated for a straight-to-dvd American feature, but from what I remember the writing quality varies from film to film.

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Batman The Animated Series S1-3 are great and S4 (Gotham Knights?) is also pretty good but many changes to characters appearences break the continuity though Scarecrow looks awseome.


I may get some shit slung at me for this but I actually enjoyed the episodes of Batman Beyond I managed to watch and Return of the Joker (I think thats what it was called) was class though if you ever decide to check that out make sure it's the uncut version because the TV version was cut to shreds.

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I liked Batman Beyond. It wasn't better than batman animated but return of the joker was great. And then to tie it into the end of JLU

The Futuristic enviroment robbed the Batman name of a lot of its charm.


Also the flashback from that movie ( the uncensored version} is probably the most messed up thing to ever come out of an animated batman installment

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I only ever managed to see a few episodes of JLU and they were pretty good.


Wasn't there some silly ban enforced on certain Batman characters though because of The Batman cartoon and/or Nolan movies?

there was.And early on aquaman was scraped as a perminant member because they had a live action pilot they thought was gonna be a winner at the time. So in came hawk girl. The teen titians weren't allowed either. Although Speedy appears in one episode. Thatshow still has some of the best voice acting ever, especially Michael Rosenbaum and I loved how Batman became such a pimp

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Just haven't seen this thread in a while so I decided to try and write some of the things i've bought and read.


Got a new Punisher book called Welcome to the Bayou. Bit different from the usual fair but still good if you're into the character. though I found the one off story at the end called the Little Black Book great.


Gotten a load of Green Arrow comics. Crawling Through the Wreckage, Heading into the Light, Moving Targets and Longbow Hunters. Great comic arc but the massive gap between Heading Into the Light and Crawling through the Wreckage has irritated me to no end (there's no other GA title just one year passes). Longbow Hunters was the Mike Gruell version which is good and amazing artwork, the story is very unique and good.


Then i got GA/Green Lantern colection from the Denny O Neal years. Great stuff. Loved it.


Then I got into some Green Lantern, focusing mainly on Hal Jordan Rebirth and the Sinnestro War. Sadly, i bought the wrong Sinnestro War title and got Tales of Sinnestro Corps. It's alright but needs the main story badly. Rebirth was simply brilliant.

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There's a new comic shop opened near me so I've been popping in and buying the odd thing. The most interesting thing is "100 Bullets", which I'm really enjoying watch unfold before me. I like catching up on things years later. I also picked up the first of the Alan Moore Swamp Thing collections, as I'll be launching into Constantine at some point. So, it's all good.

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