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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Thought this relevant to the thread. Although it's farfetched, it seems to fit in with the recent UFO and alien related stories over the past few years and would definitely be cool if it happened.


Now, I'm no sceptic.... but that is quite clearly the ramblings of a mentally ill old man/lizard.

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I just loved this bit towards the end

Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention


Basically, 'Buy my book! What I am saying is bollocks and, if said event doesnt happen dont blame me, because its an Alien's perogative to change their minds.'


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I just loved this bit towards the end

Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention


Basically, 'Buy my book! What I am saying is bollocks and, if said event doesnt happen dont blame me, because its an Alien's perogative to change their minds.'


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Although in his defence his says "this will happen in 2010", so in theory hes saying these aliens said to him, "we''ll be arriving about october 13th, but if not its deffo 2010".


So...........at least it would give you the time to buy/read his shit lol.

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Thought this relevant to the thread. Although it's farfetched, it seems to fit in with the recent UFO and alien related stories over the past few years and would definitely be cool if it happened.


Did anyone see the news about New York today?



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Thought this relevant to the thread. Although it's farfetched, it seems to fit in with the recent UFO and alien related stories over the past few years and would definitely be cool if it happened.


Did anyone see the news about New York today?



You know, a little mass hysteria never hurt anyone...still pretty interesting though.

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may be the 14th here but its still the 13th somewhere in the world!

Although not exactly as the guy from Norad predicted, I'd say the New York ufo sighting is pretty cool. As this isn't just a singly crackpot with a camera, this is a mass sighting in broad daylight.

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Soert yourself out Steve. I was like you when I was younger... trawling AboveTopSecret and the like, thinking "Jiminy Jillikers! Aliens are going to take over the world and not only that, but the dastardly GOVERNMENT has known about it all along and actually COLLUDED with them!"


Read that sentence. It sounds silly doesn't it. The whole NWO/Alien colonisation/Reptile Warz stuff can make for some entertaining fiction but you need to remember it is just that... fiction.


Take that story you posted before, about the 13th. You read things like 'ex-NORAD supremo' or 'former government agent' and automatically think that it gives credence to the story. A little digging will either show these people have exaggerated a lot of their quaklifications/experiences or just lied outright about everything.

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The thing is, even if there were alien ships flying above various cities in the world, short of them landing, creatures emerging from them and allowing themselves to be cut open and inspected, no one is ever going to believe it anyway, are they?


Every photo is a fake & every sighting the ramblings of a lunatic apparently.


Personally I think it's more ridiculous to believe that earth is the only planet with (semi)intelligent life on it than it is to believe in "aliens".

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I'm not a hardcore sceptic, as I would hope my avatar suggests. What I was deriding were stories and predictions that center on a specific time or date. If you want to be pedantic you could go on those big conspiracy theory websites and find 20+ specific dates in the past calendar year that a whole manner of people have decided is the date for 'enlightenment'... each one has come and gone and the proponent usually drops off the face of the earth.


Obviously it would be foolish and asanine to outright declare 'Extra Terrestial life DOES NOT EXIST EVER'.

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The thing is, even if there were alien ships flying above various cities in the world, short of them landing, creatures emerging from them and allowing themselves to be cut open and inspected, no one is ever going to believe it anyway, are they?


Every photo is a fake & every sighting the ramblings of a lunatic apparently.



Go on then, David, as you're being so condescending, I'm sure you've got an airtight system for deciphering which "I just saw an alien!" sightings are legitimate. Which alien sightings and photos do you reckon are genuine? Your post makes it fairly clear that all these arrogantic skeptics have it wrong, so you must have something suggesting that not every photo/sighting is fake/lunatic ramblings. Or are you just talking wet again because not everyone goes along with lunatic shite that the likes of you, Steveo and Duane do?


Personally I think it's more ridiculous to believe that earth is the only planet with (semi)intelligent life on it than it is to believe in "aliens".

Because there's no middle ground, hey? Either Earth is all there is or every nutcase with a speck of dirt on their lens has had a close encounter. Why on earth do you say things like "I think you'll find I don't believe in any mental conspiracy bullshit" and then consistently post in support of mental conspiracy bullshit? Is it like the BNP double-bluff devil's advocate thing?

Edited by Pityinthecityofsin
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